Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Acquired Aplastic Anemia (93829) Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia (93830) Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93831) Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Congenital aplastic anaemia (17918) Indication added 489(489) --> DrugBank --> Amino acid catabolism disorder (93832) Indication added 489(489) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Functional Diarrhea (93833) Indication already there - updated type and reference 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93595) Indication added 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal stoma leak (93834) Indication added 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93835) Indication already there - updated type and reference 305(305) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93595) Indication added 308(308) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93595) Indication added 308(308) --> DrugBank --> Acute exacerbations of functional diarrhea (93836) Indication added 299(299) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Rash (93837) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93838) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93763) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Fungal Infections (93839) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis (18351) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93840) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93841) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93842) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Candidal cystitis (93843) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endophthalmitis (93844) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Fungal osteoarticular infections (93845) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Ocular aspergillosis (93846) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Refractory aspergillosis (93847) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Coccidioidomycosis (93848) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cryptococcosis (93849) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus spp. (93850) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Conidiobolus spp. (93851) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by sporotrichosis spp. (93852) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Histoplasmosis (93853) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (93854) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe North American blastomycosis (93855) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Systemic candidiasis (93856) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium difficile infection recurrence (93858) Indication already there - updated type and reference 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93859) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93835) Indication added 5980(5980) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) (93860) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated mycobacterium avium complex infection (16325) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Flu caused by Influenza (93861) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Menière''s Disease (16331) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium kansasii infection (93862) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium marinum infection (93863) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93864) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93865) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93866) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia urinary tract infection (93867) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella bacteraemia (93868) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (93869) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93870) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Dientamoeba fragilis infection (93871) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic coma (93872) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Acute Intestinal amebiasis (93873) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Intestinal amebiasis (19004) Indication added 284(284) --> DrugBank --> External ear infection NOS (93874) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93875) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93877) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93878) Indication already there - updated type and reference 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93879) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93880) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93881) Indication added 277(277) --> DrugBank --> Fungal Keratitis (93882) Indication added 277(277) --> DrugBank --> Fungal blepharitis (93883) Indication added 277(277) --> DrugBank --> Fungal conjunctivitis (93884) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) (93860) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Enterocolitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93885) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93886) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93887) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Dermatitis (30359) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Fungal infection of nail (93888) Indication already there - updated type and reference 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication already there - updated type and reference 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication already there - updated type and reference 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Vaginal yeast infection (93889) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous candidiasis infection (93890) Indication added 323(323) --> DrugBank --> Mild Ulcerative Colitis (93891) Indication added 323(323) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Ulcerative colitis (93892) Indication added 322(322) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication added 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93894) Indication already there - updated type and reference 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Proctosigmoiditis (18202) Indication added 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication added 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Proctitis (93895) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93894) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chronic or unspecified (93896) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Proctitis (17747) Indication already there - updated type and reference 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Severe Ulcerative Colitis (93897) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Mild Ulcerative Colitis (93891) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Ulcerative colitis (93892) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93898) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Vernal (93899) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93900) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93901) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93902) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Urticaria Pigmentosa (93903) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93904) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93905) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93906) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93898) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93907) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93908) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagitis, Eosinophilic (93909) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93910) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Mild Crohn’s Disease (93911) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Crohn’s Disease (93912) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93913) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93914) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93684) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93915) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93917) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93918) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93919) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93920) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93831) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93921) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93922) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93894) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93923) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93924) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93926) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93927) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93928) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93929) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93930) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93931) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93932) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93933) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93934) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93901) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93935) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93936) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93937) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93938) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93939) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93940) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93941) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93902) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93607) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93942) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93943) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93944) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93946) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93947) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93948) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93949) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93950) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93951) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93952) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93953) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93954) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93955) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93870) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93956) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93957) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93958) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93959) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93960) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93961) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93962) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93904) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93898) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93963) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93901) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93902) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent nasal polyps (93964) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93684) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93905) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93915) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93965) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93898) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93918) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93919) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93920) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93921) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93894) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93923) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93877) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93924) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93926) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93929) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93930) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93966) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93931) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93933) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93934) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93938) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93941) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93967) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93943) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93946) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93948) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93949) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93950) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93951) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93968) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93952) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93969) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93955) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93957) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93960) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93961) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93970) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93962) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93684) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93971) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93972) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93919) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93920) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93831) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93877) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93973) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93926) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93974) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93966) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93975) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93931) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93932) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93933) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93934) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93976) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93977) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93938) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93978) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93939) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93979) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93941) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93607) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93980) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93943) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93946) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93947) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93948) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93981) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93982) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93952) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93983) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93954) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93955) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93870) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93984) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93985) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93986) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93987) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93988) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93961) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93989) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93914) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93684) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93990) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Aggressive Lymphoma (93991) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93905) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93915) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93965) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93917) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93898) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93918) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93919) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93920) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93831) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93921) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93894) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93923) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated tuberculosis (18445) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93924) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Giant Cells Arteritis (93992) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Graves Ophthalmopathy (93993) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis, Autoimmune (93994) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93926) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93927) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93929) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93930) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93966) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93931) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (93995) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93932) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93933) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93934) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pain caused by Herpes zoster (93996) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93936) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93938) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Fibrosis (16400) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93939) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93941) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93967) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93942) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93943) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Takayasu''s Disease (93997) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Thyroiditis (17485) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Thyrotoxicosis (18328) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93946) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93948) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93949) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93950) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (93998) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93951) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93952) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Tuberculosis (93999) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93954) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93955) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93870) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93957) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Solid organ rejection (94000) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93960) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93961) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93989) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93970) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93962) Indication added 203(203) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93741) Indication added 197(197) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 197(197) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (94001) Indication added 201(201) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia, weight loss, AIDS (94002) Indication added 201(201) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93741) Indication added 202(202) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Nausea and vomiting (94003) Indication already there - updated type and reference 193(193) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93741) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Cholestatic pruritus (94004) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (94001) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Uremic Pruritus (93590) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (94005) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Radiation induced nausea and vomiting (94006) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hyperemesis gravidarum (94007) Indication added 195(195) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (94001) Indication added 195(195) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (94005) Indication added 196(196) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (94001) Indication added 196(196) --> DrugBank --> Delayed chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (94008) Indication added 196(196) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (94005) Indication added 332(332) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (94009) Indication added 6128(6128) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (94009) Indication added 334(334) --> DrugBank --> Exogenous Obesity (94010) Indication added 343(343) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (94009) Indication added 207(207) --> DrugBank --> Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) (94011) Indication added 207(207) --> DrugBank --> Gallstone formation (94012) Indication added 206(206) --> DrugBank --> Radiolucent Cholesterol gallstones (94013) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Catheter site calcification caused by appatite (94014) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Catheter site calcification caused by struvite (94015) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (94016) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Renal Stones (94017) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Sour stomach (17415) Indication added 39(39) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 39(39) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (94018) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93568) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (94019) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (94020) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcer Disease (94021) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (94022) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Mastocytosis (16978) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Benign gastric ulcers (94023) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication already there - updated type and reference 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Esophagitis (94025) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (94026) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (94027) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcer Disease (94021) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (94022) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Gastritis (16668) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93568) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (94022) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Acute Duodenal Ulcers (94028) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Acute benign gastric ulcers (94029) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretory conditions (94030) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Multiple endocrine adenomas (94031) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (94027) Indication already there - updated type and reference 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretion gastric (94032) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Active Duodenal ulcer (94033) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Active Gastric ulcer (94034) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Benign gastric ulcers (94023) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Maintenance therapy Duodenal ulcer (94035) Indication added 86(86) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (94026) Indication added 86(86) --> DrugBank --> Mucositis (94036) Indication added 86(86) --> DrugBank --> Active Duodenal ulcer (94033) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (94026) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Incomplete Abortion (94037) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Missed Abortion (38076) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Hemorrhage (94038) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (94018) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (94027) Indication already there - updated type and reference 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of NSAID gastric ulceration (94039) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (94022) Indication already there - updated type and reference 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Maintenance of healing Erosive esophagitis (94040) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Postendoscopy Bleeding (94041) Indication added 75(75) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (94018) Indication added 75(75) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (94027) Indication already there - updated type and reference 75(75) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (94027) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Bleed (94042) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcer Disease (94021) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretory conditions (94030) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication already there - updated type and reference 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (94026) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93568) Indication already there - updated type and reference 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Non-erosive Reflux Disease (NERD) (94043) Indication already there - updated type and reference 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (94018) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (94026) Indication already there - updated type and reference 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93568) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Mastocytosis (16978) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Multiple endocrine adenomas (94031) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (94018) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Healed erosive esophagitis (94044) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic non-erosive gastroesphageal reflux disease (94045) Indication added 222(222) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (94046) Indication added 265(265) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (94046) Indication already there - updated type and reference 252(252) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 252(252) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (94046) Indication added 257(257) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (94047) Indication added 257(257) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication added 257(257) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (94048) Indication added 248(248) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 248(248) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Convulsions (94049) Indication already there - updated type and reference 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Hypomagnesaemia (18618) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (94046) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (94050) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Barium poisoning (94051) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (94052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5633(5633) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (17867) Indication added 5633(5633) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (94046) Indication added 5633(5633) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Induced Constipation (OIC) (94053) Indication added 6027(6027) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (17867) Indication added 6027(6027) --> DrugBank --> Constipation Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome (94054) Indication added 6674(6674) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (17867) Indication added 6674(6674) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Induced Constipation (OIC) (94053) Indication added 6674(6674) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Chronic idiopathic constipation (94055) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Amblyopia (94056) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Atrioventricular Block (16590) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Bradycardia (16267) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Bronchial Spasm (94057) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Crying (17763) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Detrusor Hyperreflexia (17881) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Excessive bronchial secretion (94058) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Hypertonic uterine contraction (94059) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Hypertonicity of the small intestine (94060) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (94061) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning by parasympathomimetics (cholinergics) (94062) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by mushrooms (94063) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by organophosphate anticholinesterase nerve agents (94064) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by organophosphorus pesticides (94065) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Pylorospasm (18591) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Rhinorrhea (94066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Sinus Bradycardia (17010) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Spasms (94067) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate (94068) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Hypermobility of the colon (94069) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Laughing (94070) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic side effects (94071) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93870) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Biliary Colic (17765) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Colic (41577) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Cystitis (16455) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Diverticulitis (18360) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Heart Block (93737) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93859) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction (94072) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction (94073) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatitis (16602) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (94061) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by anticholinesterases (94074) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Pylorospasm (18591) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Renal Colic (18354) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Spastic bladder (94075) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Tracheo-bronchial secretion excess (94076) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Acute Enterocolitis (18361) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (94077) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Gastric secretions (94078) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Hypermotility disorders of the lower urinary tract (94079) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dysentery (94080) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Pharyngeal secretions (94081) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Salivary secretions (94082) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Spastic colitis (94083) Indication added 137(137) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome (94084) Indication already there - updated type and reference 106(106) --> DrugBank --> Functional bowel syndrome (93667) Indication added 106(106) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93859) Indication added 121(121) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (94061) Indication added 114(114) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (94061) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Airway Obstruction (94085) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Arrythmias (94086) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93907) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretion gastric (94032) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Increased bronchial secretion (94087) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by neostigmine (94088) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by pyridostigmine (94089) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Neurocardiogenic Syncope (94090) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (94061) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Salivary hypersecretion (17009) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, severe Salivary hypersecretion (94091) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Pharyngeal secretions (94081) Indication already there - updated type and reference 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Gastroparesis (16674) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Gastroparesis (29676) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Hiccups (18550) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (94092) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (94001) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Reflux, Gastroesophageal (94093) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Gastric bezoar (94094) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (94005) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of radiation therapy induced nausea and vomiting (94095) Indication already there - updated type and reference 188(188) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Gastroparesis (16674) Indication added 188(188) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Symptoms (94096) Indication added 188(188) --> DrugBank --> Upper gastrointestinal motility disorders (94097) Indication added 400(400) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 401(401) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 380(380) --> DrugBank --> Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (94098) Indication already there - updated type and reference 380(380) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5484(5484) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5483(5483) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5807(5807) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5839(5839) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5838(5838) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 408(408) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 409(409) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 5638(5638) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (94099) Indication added 5638(5638) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6135(6135) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 407(407) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5897(5897) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 5877(5877) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (94009) Indication added 5877(5877) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 383(383) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Insipidus (16863) Indication already there - updated type and reference 383(383) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 386(386) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 382(382) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (94100) Indication added 382(382) --> DrugBank --> Glycemic Control (94101) Indication already there - updated type and reference 382(382) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 388(388) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 393(393) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 390(390) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 384(384) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 404(404) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 405(405) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (94102) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (94100) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (94103) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (94104) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (94102) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (94099) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (94100) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (94104) Indication already there - updated type and reference 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemia during critical illness (94105) Indication added 359(359) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (94099) Indication added 359(359) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 359(359) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemia during critical illness (94105) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (94102) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (94100) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (94103) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (94104) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (94102) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (94099) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (94100) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (94104) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemia during critical illness (94105) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (94102) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (94100) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (94103) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (94104) Indication added 375(375) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (94102) Indication added 375(375) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (94103) Indication already there - updated type and reference 375(375) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 376(376) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (94099) Indication added 376(376) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemic tetany (18710) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (94106) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Calcium channel blocker overdose (94107) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Sour stomach (17415) Indication added 475(475) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 475(475) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Convulsions (94049) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Hypomagnesaemia (18618) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (94046) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (94050) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Barium poisoning (94051) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (94052) Indication added 454(454) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalaemia (16700) Indication added 497(497) --> DrugBank --> Cystinosis, Nephropathic (94108) Indication added 497(497) --> DrugBank --> Corneal cystine crystal accumulation (94109) Indication added 499(499) --> DrugBank --> Homocystinuria (16086) Indication already there - updated type and reference 498(498) --> DrugBank --> Hyperammonaemia (15839) Indication added 508(508) --> DrugBank --> Mucopolysaccharidosis II (94110) Indication added 506(506) --> DrugBank --> Pompe''s Disease (94111) Indication added 5808(5808) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (94112) Indication added 5808(5808) --> DrugBank --> Type 3 Gaucher disease (94113) Indication added 507(507) --> DrugBank --> Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (94114) Indication added 501(501) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (94112) Indication added 501(501) --> DrugBank --> Type 3 Gaucher disease (94113) Indication added 504(504) --> DrugBank --> Type 1 Mucopolysaccharidosis (94115) Indication added 503(503) --> DrugBank --> Fabry''s Disease (94116) Indication added 5731(5731) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (94112) Indication added 505(505) --> DrugBank --> Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (18772) Indication added 511(511) --> DrugBank --> Deficiencies in enzymes of the urea cycle (94117) Indication added 514(514) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (94112) Indication added 5898(5898) --> DrugBank --> Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) (94118) Indication added 6030(6030) --> DrugBank --> Deficiencies in enzymes of the urea cycle (94117) Indication added 512(512) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary tyrosinemia type-1 (94119) Indication added 515(515) --> DrugBank --> Phenylketonuria (PKU) (94120) Indication added 515(515) --> DrugBank --> Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiencies (94121) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93838) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93763) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Fungal Infections (93839) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis (18351) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93840) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93841) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93842) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Candidal cystitis (93843) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endophthalmitis (93844) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Fungal osteoarticular infections (93845) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Ocular aspergillosis (93846) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Refractory aspergillosis (93847) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Coccidioidomycosis (93848) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cryptococcosis (93849) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus spp. (93850) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Conidiobolus spp. (93851) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by sporotrichosis spp. (93852) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Histoplasmosis (93853) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (93854) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe North American blastomycosis (93855) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Systemic candidiasis (93856) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (94122) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (94123) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Infections (94124) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (94125) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93886) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal Amebiasis (93623) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (94126) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (94127) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Nongonococcal urethritis (94128) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Periodontitis (17621) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (94129) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne Vulgaris (94130) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Shigella (94131) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (94132) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93864) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (94133) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93865) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Acne vulgaris (94134) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Abscess, Intra-Abdominal (94135) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Amebiasis (94136) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) (94137) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Balantidiasis (19015) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (94138) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Brain abscess (16627) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) (94139) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis, Bacterial (94140) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Endometritis (17393) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Endomyometritis (17702) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Infection parasitic (94141) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (94142) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Lung Abscess (17636) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Periodontitis (17621) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (94143) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (94144) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Pouchitis (30130) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Rosaceas (94145) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia bacterial anaerobic (94146) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (94132) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Tubo-ovarian abscess (17660) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Asymptomatic Trichomoniasis (94147) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic abscess (94148) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Sinusitis (94149) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Trichomoniasis (94150) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Acinetobacter infection (94151) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (94024) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (94122) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (94123) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (94125) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Entamoebic histolytica infection (94152) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia infections (94153) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Bacteroides (94154) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella Infections (94155) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (94126) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (94142) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (94127) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection (94156) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Ornithosis (94157) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (94158) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (94132) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (94159) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93864) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93865) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (94160) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Clostridia infections (94161) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Anal chlamydia infection (94162) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infections (94163) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Urethritis (94164) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial cervicitis (94165) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Infections (94124) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (94166) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal Amebiasis (93623) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (94126) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (94127) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (94167) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing fever caused by Borrelia recurrentis (94168) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (94129) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (94158) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Tick-borne fever (94169) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis (94170) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93864) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Typhus Fever (94171) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (94172) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93875) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93877) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93878) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93879) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93880) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93881) Indication added 15(15) --> DrugBank --> Fungal Keratitis (93882) Indication added 15(15) --> DrugBank --> Fungal blepharitis (93883) Indication added 15(15) --> DrugBank --> Fungal conjunctivitis (93884) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93913) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93684) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93971) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (94173) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93972) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93965) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93898) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93918) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93919) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93920) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93831) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93921) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93923) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (94174) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93973) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93924) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93929) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (94175) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93974) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93930) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93975) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (94176) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93931) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93933) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93934) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93901) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93937) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93979) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93941) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93902) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93967) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93943) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93946) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (94177) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93948) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93981) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93982) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93951) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93952) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93983) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93955) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93957) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93962) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93684) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93905) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93915) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93965) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93898) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93918) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93919) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93920) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93921) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93894) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93923) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93877) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93924) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93926) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93929) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93930) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93966) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93931) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93933) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93934) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93938) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93941) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93967) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93943) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93946) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93948) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93949) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93950) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93951) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93968) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93952) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93969) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93955) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93957) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93960) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93961) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93970) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93962) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93684) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93905) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93972) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93916) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93918) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (94178) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93919) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (94179) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Chapped skin (94180) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93920) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93831) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93894) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93923) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Diaper rashj (94181) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93973) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiomas (94182) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Inflammation of Mouth (94183) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (94184) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93974) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93966) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93975) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93931) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93933) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93934) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (94185) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93938) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93978) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93939) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93753) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93893) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93949) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Multiple sclerosis (94186) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93950) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumour of the ganglia (94187) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93952) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93983) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93954) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93955) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93870) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Severe Erythema multiforme (94188) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93961) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive to topical ocular inflammation (94189) Indication added 5879(5879) --> DrugBank --> Skin Ulcers (94190) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (94191) Indication already there - updated type and reference 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (94192) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Adenomas (94194) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Cancers (94195) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (94196) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (94197) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (94016) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (94175) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (94184) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (94092) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (94198) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Contraction (94199) Indication already there - updated type and reference 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (94200) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Preeclampsia (94201) Indication already there - updated type and reference 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (94202) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Spondyloarthropathies (94203) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Tension Headache (16869) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) (94205) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Acute Inflammation (94206) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (94207) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (94208) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (94209) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (94210) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93908) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (94211) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93607) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (94212) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (94213) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (94214) Indication added 435(435) --> DrugBank --> Anemia, Pernicious (94215) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (94216) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication already there - updated type and reference 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Osteodystrophy (16901) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (94217) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin D Resistant Rickets (94218) Indication added 419(419) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (94216) Indication added 419(419) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 419(419) --> DrugBank --> Osteodystrophy (16901) Indication added 422(422) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (94216) Indication added 417(417) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin D Resistant Rickets (94218) Indication added 417(417) --> DrugBank --> Parathyroid deficiency (94219) Indication added 655(655) --> DrugBank --> Anemias (94220) Indication added 647(647) --> DrugBank --> Anemia, Pernicious (94215) Indication added 647(647) --> DrugBank --> Cyanide Poisoning (94221) Indication already there - updated type and reference 647(647) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin B12 Deficiency (18277) Indication added 645(645) --> DrugBank --> Anemia, Pernicious (94215) Indication added 645(645) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin B12 Deficiency (18277) Indication already there - updated type and reference 578(578) --> DrugBank --> Haemorrhage (17132) Indication added 578(578) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary Angioedema (16434) Indication added 578(578) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heavy menstrual bleeding (94222) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Bleeding caused by thrombocytopenia (94223) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Bleeding of the oral (94224) Indication already there - updated type and reference 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Haemorrhage (17132) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhage (94225) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Secondary subarachnoid hemorrhage (94226) Indication added 600(600) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary factor IX deficiency (22151) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (94208) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (94209) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (94210) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93908) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (94211) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93607) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (94212) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (94213) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (94214) Indication added 5875(5875) --> DrugBank --> Chronic immune thrombocytopenia (94227) Indication added 5875(5875) --> DrugBank --> Refractory immune thrombocytopenia (94228) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) (94229) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Thrombocytopenias (94230) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Aplastic anemia (94231) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Refractory immune thrombocytopenia (94228) Indication added 584(584) --> DrugBank --> Hypoprothrombinemias (94232) Indication added 584(584) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (94233) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (94234) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Deep vein thrombosis recurrent (94235) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (94236) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent pulmonary embolism (94237) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (94238) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (94234) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Deep vein thrombosis recurrent (94235) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (94236) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent pulmonary embolism (94237) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (94238) Indication added 573(573) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (94191) Indication added 573(573) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication already there - updated type and reference 570(570) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Deep Venous Thrombosis (94239) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Deep vein thrombosis recurrent (94235) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (94236) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent pulmonary embolism (94237) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (94238) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) (94240) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (94241) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Acute massive pulmonary embolism (94242) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Central venous access device thrombosis (94243) Indication added 562(562) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (94241) Indication added 562(562) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Mortality (94244) Indication added 562(562) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (94245) Indication added 566(566) --> DrugBank --> ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (94246) Indication added 528(528) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (94191) Indication added 528(528) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (94234) Indication added 528(528) --> DrugBank --> ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (94247) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (94234) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary embolism, Deep vein thrombosis (94248) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (94249) Indication already there - updated type and reference 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (94234) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (94236) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Unstable Angina (UA) (94250) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (94249) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Non-q wave myocardial infarction (94251) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Consumption coagulopathy (94252) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) (94253) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Interstitial Cystitis (93726) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (94236) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (94246) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (94254) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Unstable Angina (UA) (94250) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (94249) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Embolization (94255) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Peripheral arterial embolism (94256) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis caused by Major Abdominal Surgery (94257) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis caused by Orthopedic Surgery (94258) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis caused by Thoracic Surgery (94259) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Cardiac surgery, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome (94260) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Non-hemorrhagic stroke (94261) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (94234) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism (94262) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (94249) Indication added 574(574) --> DrugBank --> Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (94263) Indication added 545(545) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) (94264) Indication added 5809(5809) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication added 5809(5809) --> DrugBank --> Stent Thrombosis (94265) Indication added 541(541) --> DrugBank --> Stent Thrombosis (94265) Indication added 541(541) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication added 547(547) --> DrugBank --> NYHA class III Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94266) Indication added 547(547) --> DrugBank --> NYHA class IV Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94267) Indication added 548(548) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication added 550(550) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (94191) Indication added 550(550) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication added 5867(5867) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (94191) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (94241) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Atherothrombotic events (94268) Indication added 551(551) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (94191) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (94192) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Adenomas (94194) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Cancers (94195) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (94196) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (94197) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (94016) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (94175) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (94184) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (94092) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (94198) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Contraction (94199) Indication already there - updated type and reference 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (94200) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Preeclampsia (94201) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (94202) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Spondyloarthropathies (94203) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93945) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Tension Headache (16869) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) (94205) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Acute Inflammation (94206) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (94207) Indication added 6679(6679) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (94193) Indication already there - updated type and reference 543(543) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Artery Disease (15955) Indication added 543(543) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Thromboembolism (94269) Indication added 543(543) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5457(5457) --> DrugBank --> Intermittent Claudication (17180) Indication added 6678(6678) --> DrugBank --> Post procedural myocardial infarction (94270) Indication added 6678(6678) --> DrugBank --> Stent Thrombosis (94265) Indication added 6678(6678) --> DrugBank --> Repeat coronary revascularization (94271) Indication added 554(554) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Functional Class II-IV Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94272) Indication added 554(554) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Functional Class III Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94273) Indication added 554(554) --> DrugBank --> WHO functional class II-III Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94274) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (94236) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (94204) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (94238) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (94254) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Transient ischemia attacks (94275) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Occlusions (94276) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (94236) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (94238) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (94254) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) (94205) Indication added 694(694) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalaemia (16700) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Barbiturate intoxication (94277) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication already there - updated type and reference 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Acidosis (17123) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (94278) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Methyl alcohol poisoning (94279) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (94280) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Salicylate poisoning (94281) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea (94282) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemic tetany (18710) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (94106) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Calcium channel blocker overdose (94107) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Convulsions (94049) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Hypomagnesaemia (18618) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (94046) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (94050) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Barium poisoning (94051) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (94052) Indication added 697(697) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Alkalosis (16592) Indication added 697(697) --> DrugBank --> Hypochloremic state (94283) Indication added 672(672) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (94047) Indication added 672(672) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication added 672(672) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (94048) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93875) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93857) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93876) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93877) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93878) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93879) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93880) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93881) Indication added 692(692) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (94047) Indication added 692(692) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93925) Indication added 692(692) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (94048) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Barbiturate intoxication (94277) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication already there - updated type and reference 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Acidosis (17123) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (94278) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Methyl alcohol poisoning (94279) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (94280) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Salicylate poisoning (94281) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea (94282) Indication added 5891(5891) --> DrugBank --> Angioedema caused by ACE inhibitors (94284) Indication added 5891(5891) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary angioedema breakthrough attack (94285) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (94286) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Follicular Lymphoma (FL) (94287) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse (DLBCL) (94288) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (94289) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Follicular Lymphoma (94290) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Non-progressive Follicular Lymphoma (94291) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Stable Follicular Lymphoma (94292) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (94293) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (94019) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (16147) Indication added 1165(1165) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (94019) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (94293) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (94019) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Uncontrolled Hypertension (17704) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Nondiabetic nephropathy (94294) Indication added 1158(1158) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (94245) Indication added 1158(1158) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (94293) Indication added 1158(1158) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (94019) SQL Query (INSERT INTO Dictionary(Context, DictionaryDesc) SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Indication', 'Symptomatic left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 35% Chronic heart failure %s') AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT ID FROM Dictionary WHERE Context = 'Indication' and DictionaryDesc = 'Symptomatic left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 35% Chronic heart failure %s' ) LIMIT 1) failed due to Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='.