Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Acquired Aplastic Anemia (93522) Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia (93523) Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 486(486) --> DrugBank --> Congenital aplastic anaemia (17918) Indication added 489(489) --> DrugBank --> Amino acid catabolism disorder (93525) Indication added 489(489) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Functional Diarrhea (93526) Indication added 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93527) Indication added 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal stoma leak (93528) Indication added 307(307) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication added 305(305) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93527) Indication added 308(308) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93527) Indication added 308(308) --> DrugBank --> Acute exacerbations of functional diarrhea (93530) Indication added 299(299) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Rash (93531) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93533) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Fungal Infections (93534) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis (18351) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93535) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93536) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93537) Indication already there - updated type and reference 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Candidal cystitis (93538) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endophthalmitis (93539) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Fungal osteoarticular infections (93540) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Ocular aspergillosis (93541) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Refractory aspergillosis (93542) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Coccidioidomycosis (93543) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cryptococcosis (93544) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus spp. (93545) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Conidiobolus spp. (93546) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by sporotrichosis spp. (93547) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Histoplasmosis (93548) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (93549) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe North American blastomycosis (93550) Indication added 281(281) --> DrugBank --> Severe Systemic candidiasis (93551) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium difficile infection recurrence (93553) Indication already there - updated type and reference 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 285(285) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication added 5980(5980) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) (93555) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated mycobacterium avium complex infection (16325) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Flu caused by Influenza (93556) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Menière''s Disease (16331) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium kansasii infection (93557) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium marinum infection (93558) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 278(278) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia urinary tract infection (93562) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella bacteraemia (93563) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (93564) Indication added 279(279) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Dientamoeba fragilis infection (93566) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic coma (93567) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Acute Intestinal amebiasis (93568) Indication added 280(280) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Intestinal amebiasis (19004) Indication added 284(284) --> DrugBank --> External ear infection NOS (93569) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication already there - updated type and reference 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93575) Indication added 275(275) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93576) Indication added 277(277) --> DrugBank --> Fungal Keratitis (93577) Indication added 277(277) --> DrugBank --> Fungal blepharitis (93578) Indication added 277(277) --> DrugBank --> Fungal conjunctivitis (93579) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) (93555) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Enterocolitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93580) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93581) Indication added 283(283) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Dermatitis (30359) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Fungal infection of nail (93583) Indication already there - updated type and reference 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication already there - updated type and reference 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication already there - updated type and reference 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Vaginal yeast infection (93584) Indication added 291(291) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous candidiasis infection (93585) Indication added 323(323) --> DrugBank --> Mild Ulcerative Colitis (93586) Indication added 323(323) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Ulcerative colitis (93587) Indication added 322(322) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication already there - updated type and reference 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Proctosigmoiditis (18202) Indication added 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 321(321) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Proctitis (93590) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chronic or unspecified (93591) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Proctitis (17747) Indication already there - updated type and reference 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Severe Ulcerative Colitis (93592) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Mild Ulcerative Colitis (93586) Indication added 320(320) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Ulcerative colitis (93587) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Vernal (93594) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 319(319) --> DrugBank --> Urticaria Pigmentosa (93598) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagitis, Eosinophilic (93604) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93605) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Mild Crohn’s Disease (93606) Indication added 317(317) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Crohn’s Disease (93607) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication already there - updated type and reference 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 312(312) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 318(318) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent nasal polyps (93661) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication already there - updated type and reference 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93665) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93666) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 313(313) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93673) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication already there - updated type and reference 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93681) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93682) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93683) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93684) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93685) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 315(315) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Aggressive Lymphoma (93688) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated tuberculosis (18445) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Giant Cells Arteritis (93689) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Graves Ophthalmopathy (93690) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis, Autoimmune (93691) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (93692) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pain caused by Herpes zoster (93693) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Fibrosis (16400) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Takayasu''s Disease (93694) Indication already there - updated type and reference 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Thyroiditis (17485) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Thyrotoxicosis (18328) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (93695) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Tuberculosis (93696) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Solid organ rejection (93697) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 314(314) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 203(203) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 197(197) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 197(197) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 201(201) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia, weight loss, AIDS (93700) Indication added 201(201) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 202(202) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Nausea and vomiting (93701) Indication added 193(193) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Cholestatic pruritus (93702) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Uremic Pruritus (93703) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (93704) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Radiation induced nausea and vomiting (93705) Indication added 192(192) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hyperemesis gravidarum (93706) Indication added 195(195) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 195(195) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (93704) Indication added 196(196) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 196(196) --> DrugBank --> Delayed chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (93707) Indication added 196(196) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (93704) Indication added 332(332) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 6128(6128) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 334(334) --> DrugBank --> Exogenous Obesity (93709) Indication added 343(343) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 207(207) --> DrugBank --> Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) (93710) Indication added 207(207) --> DrugBank --> Gallstone formation (93711) Indication added 206(206) --> DrugBank --> Radiolucent Cholesterol gallstones (93712) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Catheter site calcification caused by appatite (93713) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Catheter site calcification caused by struvite (93714) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 351(351) --> DrugBank --> Renal Stones (93716) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 52(52) --> DrugBank --> Sour stomach (17415) Indication added 39(39) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 39(39) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (93717) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93718) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcer Disease (93721) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (93722) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Mastocytosis (16978) Indication already there - updated type and reference 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 63(63) --> DrugBank --> Benign gastric ulcers (93723) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication already there - updated type and reference 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Esophagitis (93725) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (93727) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcer Disease (93721) Indication added 65(65) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (93722) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Gastritis (16668) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93718) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (93722) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Acute Duodenal Ulcers (93728) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Acute benign gastric ulcers (93729) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretory conditions (93730) Indication added 64(64) --> DrugBank --> Multiple endocrine adenomas (93731) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (93727) Indication already there - updated type and reference 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretion gastric (93732) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Active Duodenal ulcer (93733) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Active Gastric ulcer (93734) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Benign gastric ulcers (93723) Indication added 62(62) --> DrugBank --> Maintenance therapy Duodenal ulcer (93735) Indication added 86(86) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 86(86) --> DrugBank --> Mucositis (93736) Indication added 86(86) --> DrugBank --> Active Duodenal ulcer (93733) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Incomplete Abortion (93737) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Missed Abortion (38076) Indication added 72(72) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Hemorrhage (93738) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (93717) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (93727) Indication already there - updated type and reference 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of NSAID gastric ulceration (93739) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Stress Ulcers (93722) Indication already there - updated type and reference 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Maintenance of healing Erosive esophagitis (93740) Indication added 78(78) --> DrugBank --> Postendoscopy Bleeding (93741) Indication added 75(75) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (93717) Indication added 75(75) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (93727) Indication already there - updated type and reference 75(75) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (93727) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Bleed (93742) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcer Disease (93721) Indication added 76(76) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretory conditions (93730) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication already there - updated type and reference 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93718) Indication already there - updated type and reference 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Non-erosive Reflux Disease (NERD) (93743) Indication already there - updated type and reference 77(77) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal Ulcer (16617) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (93717) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (93718) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Mastocytosis (16978) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (16621) Indication added 74(74) --> DrugBank --> Multiple endocrine adenomas (93731) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Erosive Esophagitis(EE) (93717) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Healed erosive esophagitis (93744) Indication added 5894(5894) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic non-erosive gastroesphageal reflux disease (93745) Indication added 222(222) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 265(265) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication already there - updated type and reference 252(252) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 252(252) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 257(257) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (93747) Indication added 257(257) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 257(257) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication added 248(248) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 248(248) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Convulsions (93749) Indication already there - updated type and reference 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Hypomagnesaemia (18618) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (93750) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Barium poisoning (93751) Indication added 250(250) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (93752) Indication added 5633(5633) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (17867) Indication added 5633(5633) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 5633(5633) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Induced Constipation (OIC) (93753) Indication added 6027(6027) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (17867) Indication added 6027(6027) --> DrugBank --> Constipation Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome (93754) Indication added 6674(6674) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (17867) Indication added 6674(6674) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Induced Constipation (OIC) (93753) Indication added 6674(6674) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Chronic idiopathic constipation (93755) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Amblyopia (93756) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Atrioventricular Block (16590) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Bradycardia (16267) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Bronchial Spasm (93757) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Crying (17763) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Detrusor Hyperreflexia (17881) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Excessive bronchial secretion (93758) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Hypertonic uterine contraction (93759) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Hypertonicity of the small intestine (93760) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning by parasympathomimetics (cholinergics) (93762) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by mushrooms (93763) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by organophosphate anticholinesterase nerve agents (93764) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by organophosphorus pesticides (93765) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Pylorospasm (18591) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Rhinorrhea (93766) Indication already there - updated type and reference 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Sinus Bradycardia (17010) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Spasms (93767) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate (93768) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Hypermobility of the colon (93769) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Laughing (93770) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic side effects (93771) Indication added 155(155) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Biliary Colic (17765) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Colic (41577) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Cystitis (16455) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Diverticulitis (18360) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Heart Block (93772) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction (93773) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction (93774) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatitis (16602) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by anticholinesterases (93775) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Pylorospasm (18591) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Renal Colic (18354) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Spastic bladder (93776) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Tracheo-bronchial secretion excess (93777) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Acute Enterocolitis (18361) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Gastric secretions (93779) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Hypermotility disorders of the lower urinary tract (93780) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dysentery (93781) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Pharyngeal secretions (93782) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Salivary secretions (93783) Indication added 156(156) --> DrugBank --> Spastic colitis (93784) Indication added 137(137) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome (93785) Indication added 106(106) --> DrugBank --> Functional bowel syndrome (93786) Indication added 106(106) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 121(121) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 114(114) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Airway Obstruction (93787) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Arrythmias (93788) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretion gastric (93732) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Increased bronchial secretion (93789) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by neostigmine (93790) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by pyridostigmine (93791) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Neurocardiogenic Syncope (93792) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Salivary hypersecretion (17009) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, severe Salivary hypersecretion (93793) Indication added 111(111) --> DrugBank --> Pharyngeal secretions (93782) Indication already there - updated type and reference 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Gastroparesis (16674) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Gastroparesis (29676) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Hiccups (18550) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Reflux, Gastroesophageal (93795) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Gastric bezoar (93796) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (93704) Indication added 186(186) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of radiation therapy induced nausea and vomiting (93797) Indication already there - updated type and reference 188(188) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Gastroparesis (16674) Indication added 188(188) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Symptoms (93798) Indication added 188(188) --> DrugBank --> Upper gastrointestinal motility disorders (93799) Indication added 400(400) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 401(401) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 380(380) --> DrugBank --> Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (93800) Indication already there - updated type and reference 380(380) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5484(5484) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5483(5483) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5807(5807) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5839(5839) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5838(5838) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 408(408) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 409(409) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 5638(5638) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (93801) Indication added 5638(5638) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6135(6135) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 407(407) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5897(5897) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 5877(5877) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 5877(5877) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 383(383) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Insipidus (16863) Indication already there - updated type and reference 383(383) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 386(386) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 382(382) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (93802) Indication added 382(382) --> DrugBank --> Glycemic Control (93803) Indication already there - updated type and reference 382(382) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 388(388) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 393(393) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 390(390) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 384(384) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 404(404) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication already there - updated type and reference 405(405) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (93802) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (93805) Indication added 357(357) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (93806) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (93801) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (93802) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (93806) Indication already there - updated type and reference 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 358(358) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemia during critical illness (93807) Indication added 359(359) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (93801) Indication added 359(359) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 359(359) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemia during critical illness (93807) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (93802) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (93805) Indication added 369(369) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (93806) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (93801) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (93802) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (93806) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 370(370) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemia during critical illness (93807) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) (93802) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (93805) Indication added 364(364) --> DrugBank --> Ketoacidosis, Diabetic (93806) Indication added 375(375) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 375(375) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (93805) Indication already there - updated type and reference 375(375) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 376(376) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (93801) Indication added 376(376) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemic tetany (18710) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (93808) Indication added 446(446) --> DrugBank --> Calcium channel blocker overdose (93809) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 443(443) --> DrugBank --> Sour stomach (17415) Indication added 475(475) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 475(475) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Convulsions (93749) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Hypomagnesaemia (18618) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (93750) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Barium poisoning (93751) Indication added 467(467) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (93752) Indication added 454(454) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalaemia (16700) Indication added 497(497) --> DrugBank --> Cystinosis, Nephropathic (93810) Indication added 497(497) --> DrugBank --> Corneal cystine crystal accumulation (93811) Indication added 499(499) --> DrugBank --> Homocystinuria (16086) Indication already there - updated type and reference 498(498) --> DrugBank --> Hyperammonaemia (15839) Indication added 508(508) --> DrugBank --> Mucopolysaccharidosis II (93812) Indication added 506(506) --> DrugBank --> Pompe''s Disease (93813) Indication added 5808(5808) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (93814) Indication added 5808(5808) --> DrugBank --> Type 3 Gaucher disease (93815) Indication added 507(507) --> DrugBank --> Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (93816) Indication added 501(501) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (93814) Indication added 501(501) --> DrugBank --> Type 3 Gaucher disease (93815) Indication added 504(504) --> DrugBank --> Type 1 Mucopolysaccharidosis (93817) Indication added 503(503) --> DrugBank --> Fabry''s Disease (93818) Indication added 5731(5731) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (93814) Indication added 505(505) --> DrugBank --> Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (18772) Indication added 511(511) --> DrugBank --> Deficiencies in enzymes of the urea cycle (93819) Indication added 514(514) --> DrugBank --> Gaucher''s Disease Type 1 (93814) Indication added 5898(5898) --> DrugBank --> Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) (93820) Indication added 6030(6030) --> DrugBank --> Deficiencies in enzymes of the urea cycle (93819) Indication added 512(512) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary tyrosinemia type-1 (93821) Indication added 515(515) --> DrugBank --> Phenylketonuria (PKU) (93822) Indication added 515(515) --> DrugBank --> Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiencies (93823) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93533) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Fungal Infections (93534) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis (18351) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93535) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93536) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93537) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Candidal cystitis (93538) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endophthalmitis (93539) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Fungal osteoarticular infections (93540) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Ocular aspergillosis (93541) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Refractory aspergillosis (93542) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Coccidioidomycosis (93543) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cryptococcosis (93544) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus spp. (93545) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Conidiobolus spp. (93546) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by sporotrichosis spp. (93547) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Histoplasmosis (93548) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (93549) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe North American blastomycosis (93550) Indication added 9(9) --> DrugBank --> Severe Systemic candidiasis (93551) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Infections (93826) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93581) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal Amebiasis (93828) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Nongonococcal urethritis (93831) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Periodontitis (17621) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne Vulgaris (93833) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Shigella (93834) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (93836) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 27(27) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Acne vulgaris (93837) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Abscess, Intra-Abdominal (93838) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Amebiasis (93839) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) (93840) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Balantidiasis (19015) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Brain abscess (16627) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) (93842) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis, Bacterial (93843) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Endometritis (17393) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Endomyometritis (17702) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Infection parasitic (93844) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Lung Abscess (17636) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Periodontitis (17621) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Pouchitis (30130) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Rosaceas (93848) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia bacterial anaerobic (93849) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication already there - updated type and reference 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Tubo-ovarian abscess (17660) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Asymptomatic Trichomoniasis (93850) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic abscess (93851) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Sinusitis (93852) Indication added 22(22) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Trichomoniasis (93853) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Acinetobacter infection (93854) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Entamoebic histolytica infection (93855) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia infections (93856) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Bacteroides (93857) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella Infections (93858) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection (93859) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Ornithosis (93860) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (93863) Indication added 18(18) --> DrugBank --> Clostridia infections (93864) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Anal chlamydia infection (93865) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infections (93866) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Urethritis (93867) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial cervicitis (93868) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Infections (93826) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal Amebiasis (93828) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing fever caused by Borrelia recurrentis (93871) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Tick-borne fever (93872) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis (93873) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Typhus Fever (93874) Indication added 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (93875) Indication already there - updated type and reference 26(26) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93575) Indication added 13(13) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93576) Indication added 15(15) --> DrugBank --> Fungal Keratitis (93577) Indication added 15(15) --> DrugBank --> Fungal blepharitis (93578) Indication added 15(15) --> DrugBank --> Fungal conjunctivitis (93579) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication already there - updated type and reference 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 29(29) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93665) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93666) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 30(30) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Chapped skin (93883) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Diaper rashj (93884) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiomas (93885) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Inflammation of Mouth (93886) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication already there - updated type and reference 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Multiple sclerosis (93890) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumour of the ganglia (93891) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Severe Erythema multiforme (93892) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 28(28) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive to topical ocular inflammation (93893) Indication added 5879(5879) --> DrugBank --> Skin Ulcers (93894) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (93895) Indication already there - updated type and reference 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (93896) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Adenomas (93898) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Cancers (93899) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (93902) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Contraction (93903) Indication already there - updated type and reference 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (93904) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Preeclampsia (93905) Indication already there - updated type and reference 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Spondyloarthropathies (93907) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Tension Headache (16869) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) (93909) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Acute Inflammation (93910) Indication added 34(34) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (93914) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (93917) Indication added 32(32) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (93918) Indication added 435(435) --> DrugBank --> Anemia, Pernicious (93919) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (93920) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication already there - updated type and reference 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Osteodystrophy (16901) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 420(420) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin D Resistant Rickets (93922) Indication added 419(419) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (93920) Indication added 419(419) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 419(419) --> DrugBank --> Osteodystrophy (16901) Indication added 422(422) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (93920) Indication added 417(417) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin D Resistant Rickets (93922) Indication added 417(417) --> DrugBank --> Parathyroid deficiency (93923) Indication added 655(655) --> DrugBank --> Anemias (93924) Indication added 647(647) --> DrugBank --> Anemia, Pernicious (93919) Indication added 647(647) --> DrugBank --> Cyanide Poisoning (93925) Indication added 647(647) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin B12 Deficiency (18277) Indication added 645(645) --> DrugBank --> Anemia, Pernicious (93919) Indication added 645(645) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin B12 Deficiency (18277) Indication already there - updated type and reference 578(578) --> DrugBank --> Haemorrhage (17132) Indication added 578(578) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary Angioedema (16434) Indication added 578(578) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heavy menstrual bleeding (93926) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Bleeding caused by thrombocytopenia (93927) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Bleeding of the oral (93928) Indication already there - updated type and reference 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Haemorrhage (17132) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhage (93929) Indication added 577(577) --> DrugBank --> Secondary subarachnoid hemorrhage (93930) Indication added 600(600) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary factor IX deficiency (22151) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (93914) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (93917) Indication added 594(594) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (93918) Indication added 5875(5875) --> DrugBank --> Chronic immune thrombocytopenia (93931) Indication added 5875(5875) --> DrugBank --> Refractory immune thrombocytopenia (93932) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) (93933) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Thrombocytopenias (93934) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Aplastic anemia (93935) Indication added 5874(5874) --> DrugBank --> Refractory immune thrombocytopenia (93932) Indication added 584(584) --> DrugBank --> Hypoprothrombinemias (93936) Indication added 584(584) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (93937) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (93938) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Deep vein thrombosis recurrent (93939) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent pulmonary embolism (93941) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 5639(5639) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (93942) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (93938) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Deep vein thrombosis recurrent (93939) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent pulmonary embolism (93941) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 5969(5969) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (93942) Indication added 573(573) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (93895) Indication added 573(573) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication added 570(570) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Deep Venous Thrombosis (93943) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Deep vein thrombosis recurrent (93939) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent pulmonary embolism (93941) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 5485(5485) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (93942) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) (93944) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (93945) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Acute massive pulmonary embolism (93946) Indication added 557(557) --> DrugBank --> Central venous access device thrombosis (93947) Indication added 562(562) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (93945) Indication added 562(562) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Mortality (93948) Indication added 562(562) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 566(566) --> DrugBank --> ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (93950) Indication added 528(528) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (93895) Indication added 528(528) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (93938) Indication added 528(528) --> DrugBank --> ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (93951) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (93938) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary embolism, Deep vein thrombosis (93952) Indication added 533(533) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (93953) Indication already there - updated type and reference 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (93938) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Unstable Angina (UA) (93954) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (93953) Indication added 529(529) --> DrugBank --> Non-q wave myocardial infarction (93955) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Consumption coagulopathy (93956) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) (93957) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Interstitial Cystitis (93958) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (93950) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (93959) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Unstable Angina (UA) (93954) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (93953) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Embolization (93960) Indication added 525(525) --> DrugBank --> Peripheral arterial embolism (93961) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis caused by Major Abdominal Surgery (93962) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis caused by Orthopedic Surgery (93963) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis caused by Thoracic Surgery (93964) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Cardiac surgery, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome (93965) Indication added 532(532) --> DrugBank --> Non-hemorrhagic stroke (93966) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (93938) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism (93967) Indication added 527(527) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (93953) Indication added 574(574) --> DrugBank --> Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (93968) Indication added 545(545) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) (93969) Indication added 5809(5809) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 5809(5809) --> DrugBank --> Stent Thrombosis (93970) Indication added 541(541) --> DrugBank --> Stent Thrombosis (93970) Indication added 541(541) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 547(547) --> DrugBank --> NYHA class III Pulmonary arterial hypertension (93971) Indication added 547(547) --> DrugBank --> NYHA class IV Pulmonary arterial hypertension (93972) Indication added 548(548) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication added 550(550) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (93895) Indication added 550(550) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis (17479) Indication added 5867(5867) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (93895) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (93945) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 540(540) --> DrugBank --> Atherothrombotic events (93973) Indication added 551(551) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (93895) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (93896) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Adenomas (93898) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Cancers (93899) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (93902) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Contraction (93903) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (93904) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Preeclampsia (93905) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Spondyloarthropathies (93907) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Tension Headache (16869) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) (93909) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Acute Inflammation (93910) Indication added 542(542) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 6679(6679) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication already there - updated type and reference 543(543) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Artery Disease (15955) Indication added 543(543) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Thromboembolism (93974) Indication added 543(543) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5457(5457) --> DrugBank --> Intermittent Claudication (17180) Indication added 6678(6678) --> DrugBank --> Post procedural myocardial infarction (93975) Indication added 6678(6678) --> DrugBank --> Stent Thrombosis (93970) Indication added 6678(6678) --> DrugBank --> Repeat coronary revascularization (93976) Indication added 554(554) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Functional Class II-IV Pulmonary arterial hypertension (93977) Indication added 554(554) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Functional Class III Pulmonary arterial hypertension (93978) Indication added 554(554) --> DrugBank --> WHO functional class II-III Pulmonary arterial hypertension (93979) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (93942) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (93959) Indication added 4389(4389) --> DrugBank --> Transient ischemia attacks (93980) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Occlusions (93981) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (93942) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (93959) Indication added 520(520) --> DrugBank --> Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) (93909) Indication added 694(694) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalaemia (16700) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Barbiturate intoxication (93982) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication already there - updated type and reference 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Acidosis (17123) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Methyl alcohol poisoning (93984) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (93985) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Salicylate poisoning (93986) Indication added 695(695) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea (93987) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemic tetany (18710) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (93808) Indication added 700(700) --> DrugBank --> Calcium channel blocker overdose (93809) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Convulsions (93749) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Hypomagnesaemia (18618) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (93750) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Barium poisoning (93751) Indication added 698(698) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (93752) Indication added 697(697) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Alkalosis (16592) Indication added 697(697) --> DrugBank --> Hypochloremic state (93988) Indication added 672(672) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (93747) Indication added 672(672) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 672(672) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93575) Indication added 682(682) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93576) Indication added 692(692) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (93747) Indication added 692(692) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 692(692) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Barbiturate intoxication (93982) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Acidosis (17123) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Methyl alcohol poisoning (93984) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (93985) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Salicylate poisoning (93986) Indication added 687(687) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea (93987) Indication added 5891(5891) --> DrugBank --> Angioedema caused by ACE inhibitors (93989) Indication added 5891(5891) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary angioedema breakthrough attack (93990) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Follicular Lymphoma (FL) (93992) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse (DLBCL) (93993) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (93994) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Follicular Lymphoma (93995) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Non-progressive Follicular Lymphoma (93996) Indication added 717(717) --> DrugBank --> Stable Follicular Lymphoma (93997) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1162(1162) --> DrugBank --> Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (16147) Indication added 1165(1165) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Uncontrolled Hypertension (17704) Indication added 1159(1159) --> DrugBank --> Nondiabetic nephropathy (93999) Indication added 1158(1158) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 1158(1158) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1158(1158) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1158(1158) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic left ventricular ejection fraction ? 35% Chronic heart failure (94000) Indication added 1155(1155) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (93945) Indication added 1155(1155) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 1155(1155) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 1155(1155) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1155(1155) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1155(1155) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1154(1154) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1154(1154) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1154(1154) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Congestive Heart Failure (94001) Indication added 1154(1154) --> DrugBank --> Asymptomatic Left ventricular dysfunction (94002) Indication added 1160(1160) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 1160(1160) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1160(1160) --> DrugBank --> Mild Essential Hypertension (94003) Indication added 1160(1160) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Essential Hypertension (94004) Indication added 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> Hypertension,Essential (94005) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Class I Congestive heart failure (94006) Indication added 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class II) (94007) Indication added 1156(1156) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class III) (94008) Indication added 1161(1161) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1161(1161) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1161(1161) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1157(1157) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1157(1157) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) (94009) Indication added 1157(1157) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1157(1157) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1157(1157) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 1157(1157) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 1157(1157) --> DrugBank --> High risk cardiovascular event (94010) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Aldosteronism (94011) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Anatomic renal artery stenosis (94012) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Non ST Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome (94013) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Raynaud''s Phenomenon (16853) Indication added 1153(1153) --> DrugBank --> Ejection fraction of 40% or less Left ventricular dysfunction (94014) Indication added 1185(1185) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1185(1185) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1185(1185) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1185(1185) --> DrugBank --> Marfan Syndrome (94015) Indication added 1185(1185) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 1192(1192) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1192(1192) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1192(1192) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hypertension (94016) Indication added 1192(1192) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Hypertension (94017) Indication added 1188(1188) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1188(1188) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1186(1186) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 1186(1186) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1186(1186) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 5906(5906) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1191(1191) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 1191(1191) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1191(1191) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1191(1191) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1190(1190) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1190(1190) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1190(1190) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class II) (94007) Indication added 1190(1190) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class III) (94008) Indication added 1190(1190) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class IV) (94018) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> Hospitalization (94019) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> Mortality (94020) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class II) (94007) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class III) (94008) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class IV) (94018) Indication added 1187(1187) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic left ventricular ejection fraction ? 35% Chronic heart failure (94000) Indication added 1202(1202) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 865(865) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 865(865) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication added 865(865) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 865(865) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) (94023) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Hot Flushes (94024) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Opiate withdrawal symptoms (94025) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Oppositional Defiant Disorder (23912) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Sialorrhea caused by clozapine (94028) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic diarrhea (94029) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Methadone withdrawal (94030) Indication added 864(864) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cancer pain (94031) Indication added 853(853) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 853(853) --> DrugBank --> Psychotic state (94032) Indication added 870(870) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hypertension (94016) Indication added 870(870) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Hypertension (94017) Indication added 870(870) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Malignant hypertension (94033) Indication added 874(874) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) (94034) Indication added 874(874) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 874(874) --> DrugBank --> Ureteric calculus (94035) Indication added 871(871) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 871(871) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 871(871) --> DrugBank --> Raynaud''s Phenomenon (16853) Indication added 871(871) --> DrugBank --> Night-mares, Sleep disturbance (94037) Indication added 885(885) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 885(885) --> DrugBank --> Hypertension,Essential (94005) Indication already there - updated type and reference 885(885) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 885(885) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hypertension (94016) Indication added 889(889) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 889(889) --> DrugBank --> Haemorrhage (17132) Indication added 889(889) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 888(888) --> DrugBank --> Androgenetic Alopecia (16509) Indication added 888(888) --> DrugBank --> Severe, symptomatic Hypertension (94038) Indication added 883(883) --> DrugBank --> Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia (94039) Indication added 895(895) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Functional Class II-IV Pulmonary arterial hypertension (93977) Indication added 6299(6299) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (16301) Indication added 6299(6299) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) (93969) Indication added 6142(6142) --> DrugBank --> WHO Group 1 Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94040) Indication added 896(896) --> DrugBank --> WHO Group 1 Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94040) Indication added 892(892) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 1099(1099) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1099(1099) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1099(1099) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive Emergency (18367) Indication added 1099(1099) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 1099(1099) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 1099(1099) --> DrugBank --> Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (94042) Indication added 1100(1100) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1100(1100) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1100(1100) --> DrugBank --> LVEF ?40% Left ventricular dysfunction (94043) Indication added 1100(1100) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Class I or II heart failure (94044) Indication added 1100(1100) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 1100(1100) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class III) (94008) Indication added 1100(1100) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class IV) (94018) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1076(1076) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 1076(1076) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage prophylaxis (94046) Indication added 1076(1076) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1076(1076) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1076(1076) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 1076(1076) --> DrugBank --> Thyrotoxicosis (18328) Indication added 1078(1078) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Akathisia caused by antipsychotic use (94047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Mortality (93948) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage prophylaxis (94046) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiomas (93885) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (18504) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (27913) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Performance Anxiety (94048) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Supraventricular Arrhythmias (94049) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Tachyarrhythmia caused by Digitalis intoxication (94050) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Tachyarrhythmia caused by catecholamine excess (94051) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Thyroid Crisis (94052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Thyrotoxicosis (18328) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Tremor caused by lithium (94053) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Tremor, Essential (94054) Indication added 1073(1073) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) (94055) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1072(1072) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 1072(1072) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 1072(1072) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1072(1072) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1075(1075) --> DrugBank --> Atrial Flutter (16146) Indication added 1075(1075) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 1075(1075) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 1074(1074) --> DrugBank --> Anginal Pain (94056) Indication added 1074(1074) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 1074(1074) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 1074(1074) --> DrugBank --> Migrainous Headache (94058) Indication added 1074(1074) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 1093(1093) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 1093(1093) --> DrugBank --> Tachycardia, Supraventricular (94059) Indication added 1093(1093) --> DrugBank --> Intraoperative Hypertension (94060) Indication added 1093(1093) --> DrugBank --> Intraoperative Tachycardia (94061) Indication added 1093(1093) --> DrugBank --> Noncompensatory Sinus tachycardia (94062) Indication added 1093(1093) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Hypertension (94063) Indication added 1093(1093) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Tachycardia (94064) Indication added 1089(1089) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 1089(1089) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1096(1096) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Nephropathies (93998) Indication added 1096(1096) --> DrugBank --> Diabetics (94065) Indication added 1096(1096) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1096(1096) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> Premature Ventricular Contractions (94066) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> Supraventricular Arrhythmias (94049) Indication added 1091(1091) --> DrugBank --> Perioperative arrhythmia (94067) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome(AWS) (94068) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hypertension (17093) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Secondary prevention Myocardial infarction (94069) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Vascular Headaches (94070) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias (94071) Indication added 1087(1087) --> DrugBank --> Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (94072) Indication added 1088(1088) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1088(1088) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1088(1088) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1086(1086) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 1086(1086) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1086(1086) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1086(1086) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 1086(1086) --> DrugBank --> Acute hemodynamically stable Myocardial infarction (94074) Indication added 1086(1086) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class II) (94007) Indication added 1086(1086) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class III) (94008) Indication added 1147(1147) --> DrugBank --> Anal Fissures (94075) Indication added 1147(1147) --> DrugBank --> Anginal Pain (94056) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1147(1147) --> DrugBank --> Atrial Flutter (16146) Indication added 1147(1147) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1147(1147) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1147(1147) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1147(1147) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Angina, Prinzmetal''s (94076) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Atrial Flutter (16146) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (16382) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Secondary prevention MI (94077) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Unstable Angina (UA) (93954) Indication added 1144(1144) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 1127(1127) --> DrugBank --> Angina, Prinzmetal''s (94076) Indication added 1127(1127) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1127(1127) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Artery Disease (15955) Indication added 1127(1127) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1127(1127) --> DrugBank --> Vasospastic Angina (94079) Indication added 1127(1127) --> DrugBank --> Ejection fraction >40% Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease (94080) Indication added 1129(1129) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1128(1128) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1132(1132) --> DrugBank --> Hunt and Hess Grades I-V Subarachnoid hemorrhage (94081) Indication added 1133(1133) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 5734(5734) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive Emergency (18367) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Premature Labour (16898) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Edemas (94082) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) (94083) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Raynaud''s Phenomenon (16853) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Ureteral Calculus (94084) Indication added 1131(1131) --> DrugBank --> Vasospastic Angina (94079) Indication added 1130(1130) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 1130(1130) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1130(1130) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1130(1130) --> DrugBank --> Blood pressure >185/110 mm Hg arterial hypertension (94085) Indication added 741(741) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 740(740) --> DrugBank --> Supraventricular Arrhythmias (94049) Indication added 740(740) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) (94055) Indication added 740(740) --> DrugBank --> Life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (94086) Indication added 740(740) --> DrugBank --> Pre-excited atrial fibrillation (94087) Indication added 739(739) --> DrugBank --> Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter (16404) Indication added 739(739) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum (94088) Indication added 739(739) --> DrugBank --> Pseudobulbar affect (23790) Indication added 739(739) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 749(749) --> DrugBank --> Severe Ventricular tachycardia (94089) Indication added 749(749) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 748(748) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 748(748) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 752(752) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 752(752) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PAF) (94090) Indication already there - updated type and reference 752(752) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 752(752) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) (94055) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (94091) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Severe Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (94092) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Severe Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (94093) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Severe Supraventricular Tachycardias (94094) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Severe Sustained ventricular tachycardia (94095) Indication added 753(753) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 5811(5811) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 759(759) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Atrial flutter (94096) Indication added 759(759) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic, recurrent Atrial Fibrillation (94097) Indication added 760(760) --> DrugBank --> Atrial Flutter (16146) Indication added 760(760) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 756(756) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 756(756) --> DrugBank --> Tachycardia, Supraventricular (94059) Indication added 756(756) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Ventricular fibrillation (17436) Indication added 756(756) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent hemodynamically unstable Ventricular tachycardia (94098) Indication added 5732(5732) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication already there - updated type and reference 728(728) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Atrial Fibrillation (17500) Indication added 728(728) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Class I or II heart failure (94044) Indication added 728(728) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class III) (94008) Indication added 769(769) --> DrugBank --> Cardiac Decompensation (94099) Indication added 769(769) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Artery Disease (15955) Indication added 768(768) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 768(768) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 768(768) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication already there - updated type and reference 768(768) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 768(768) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Cardiogenic (94101) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Adams-Stokes Syndrome (18563) Indication already there - updated type and reference 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication already there - updated type and reference 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Cardiac Arrest (17090) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Heart Block (93772) Indication already there - updated type and reference 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Hypoperfusion (18667) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Cardiogenic (94101) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Septic (94102) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Bradycardia (94103) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Syncope (16823) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (93750) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (93808) Indication added 764(764) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 779(779) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Orthostatic Hypotension (94104) Indication added 5836(5836) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 5836(5836) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 5836(5836) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension (94105) Indication added 781(781) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Hypertension (16356) Indication added 781(781) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hypertension (94016) Indication added 766(766) --> DrugBank --> Arrythmias (93788) Indication added 766(766) --> DrugBank --> Circulatory collapse and shock (94106) Indication added 766(766) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 766(766) --> DrugBank --> Hypotension caused by Trauma, endotoxic septicemia, Open-heart Surgery, Renal Failure, chronic cardiac decompensation, Myocardial Infarction (94107) Indication added 766(766) --> DrugBank --> Mental confusion (94108) Indication added 766(766) --> DrugBank --> Urine flow decreased caused by Trauma, endotoxic septicemia, Open-heart Surgery, Renal Failure, chronic cardiac decompensation, Myocardial Infarction (94109) Indication added 766(766) --> DrugBank --> Decreased cardiac output caused by Trauma, endotoxic septicemia, Open-heart Surgery, Renal Failure, chronic cardiac decompensation, Myocardial Infarction (94110) Indication added 765(765) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 765(765) --> DrugBank --> Neurogenic shock (94111) Indication added 765(765) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Septic (94102) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (93914) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (93917) Indication added 785(785) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (93918) Indication added 789(789) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Cystic Fibrosis (CF) (94112) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Menstrual Cramps (94113) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain NOS (94118) Indication added 849(849) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication already there - updated type and reference 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication already there - updated type and reference 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 838(838) --> DrugBank --> Tendinitis (94119) Indication added 851(851) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Angina (94120) Indication already there - updated type and reference 844(844) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 844(844) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) (93969) Indication added 844(844) --> DrugBank --> SVT (94121) Indication added 844(844) --> DrugBank --> Tachycardia, Supraventricular (94059) Indication added 836(836) --> DrugBank --> Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (94122) Indication added 836(836) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication added 836(836) --> DrugBank --> Raynaud''s Phenomenon (16853) Indication already there - updated type and reference 802(802) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication already there - updated type and reference 799(799) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication already there - updated type and reference 799(799) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Artery Disease (15955) Indication added 799(799) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 799(799) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) (94123) Indication already there - updated type and reference 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Angina attack (94124) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Anal Fissures (94125) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage prophylaxis (94046) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Perioperative Hypertension (94126) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Procedural hypertension (94127) Indication added 795(795) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal spastic disorders (94128) Indication added 831(831) --> DrugBank --> Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) (94123) Indication already there - updated type and reference 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Ascites (16586) Indication added 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) (94129) Indication added 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 964(964) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 964(964) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 965(965) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 967(967) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 967(967) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 967(967) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 949(949) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 949(949) --> DrugBank --> Mild Hypertension (94131) Indication added 949(949) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Hypertension (94017) Indication added 952(952) --> DrugBank --> Body Fluid Retention (94132) Indication added 952(952) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 952(952) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Nephrolithiasis (94133) Indication added 925(925) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 925(925) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 922(922) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 929(929) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 929(929) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Acidosis, Renal Tubular (94134) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Calcium Nephrolithiasis (94135) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Cirrhosis of the Liver (94136) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Insipidus (16863) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Hypertension,Essential (94005) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalemia caused by diuretics (94137) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Premenstrual tension with edema (94138) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Sodium retention (94139) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 924(924) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of preeclampsia (94140) Indication added 5626(5626) --> DrugBank --> Euvolemic Hyponatremia (94141) Indication added 5626(5626) --> DrugBank --> Hypervolemic Hyponatremia (94142) Indication added 5645(5645) --> DrugBank --> Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease ?ADPKD) (94143) Indication added 5645(5645) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic euvolemic Hyponatremia (94144) Indication added 5645(5645) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic hypervolemic Hyponatremia (94145) Indication added 977(977) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 977(977) --> DrugBank --> LVEF <40% Congestive heart failure (94146) Indication added 977(977) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class II) (94007) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication already there - updated type and reference 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Ascites (16586) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication already there - updated type and reference 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Hirsutism (16169) Indication already there - updated type and reference 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalaemia (16700) Indication already there - updated type and reference 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Primary Hyperaldosteronism (16703) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class III) (94008) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (NYHA Class IV) (94018) Indication added 974(974) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (94147) Indication added 979(979) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 979(979) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication already there - updated type and reference 979(979) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Edema (17997) Indication added 978(978) --> DrugBank --> Ascites (16586) Indication added 978(978) --> DrugBank --> Calcium Nephrolithiasis (94135) Indication added 978(978) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 978(978) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 978(978) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalaemia (16700) Indication added 978(978) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Alkalosis (16592) Indication added 978(978) --> DrugBank --> Polyuria (16588) Indication added 1224(1224) --> DrugBank --> Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (16487) Indication added 1224(1224) --> DrugBank --> Hyperlipidemias (94148) Indication added 1224(1224) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 1221(1221) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerosis (16913) Indication added 1221(1221) --> DrugBank --> Dyslipidemia (Fredrickson Type ?a) (94149) Indication added 1221(1221) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 1222(1222) --> DrugBank --> Dyslipidemia (Fredrickson Type ?a) (94149) Indication added 1215(1215) --> DrugBank --> Dyslipidemia (Fredrickson Type ?a) (94149) Indication added 1215(1215) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 1215(1215) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fredrickson Type IV Hypertriglyceridemia (94152) Indication added 1215(1215) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fredrickson Type V Hypertriglyceridemia (94153) Indication added 1214(1214) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) (94154) Indication added 1214(1214) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson classification type IV Hyperlipidemia (94155) Indication added 1214(1214) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson classification type V Hyperlipidemia (94156) Indication added 1212(1212) --> DrugBank --> Dyslipidemia (Fredrickson Type ?a) (94149) Indication added 1212(1212) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson classification type IV Hyperlipidemia (94155) Indication added 1212(1212) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson classification type V Hyperlipidemia (94156) Indication added 1212(1212) --> DrugBank --> Type IIb hyperlipoproteinaemia (94157) Indication added 1210(1210) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipidemia (94158) Indication added 1210(1210) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Anginal Pain (94056) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (93896) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Dysbetalipoproteinemia (94159) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson Type III lipidemia (17923) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipidemia (94158) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (16487) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Cholesterol Level (94160) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (94161) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Hospitalization (94019) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Hypertriglyceridemias (94162) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Non-familial hypercholesterolemia (94163) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Serum triglycerides increased (94164) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Heterozygous familial hyperlipidemia (94165) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Non-familial hyperlipidemia (94166) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Non-fatal myocardial infarction (94167) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Revascularization procedures (94168) Indication added 1207(1207) --> DrugBank --> Revascularization process (94169) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1206(1206) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerosis (16913) Indication added 1206(1206) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases (94170) Indication added 1206(1206) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (93896) Indication added 1206(1206) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) (94154) Indication added 1206(1206) --> DrugBank --> Dyslipidemia (Fredrickson Type ?a) (94149) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1206(1206) --> DrugBank --> Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (16487) Indication added 1206(1206) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerosis (16913) Indication added 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases (94170) Indication added 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (93896) Indication added 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Dysbetalipoproteinemia (94159) Indication added 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipidemia (94158) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (16487) Indication added 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (94161) Indication added 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Hypertriglyceridemias (94162) Indication added 1209(1209) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 1204(1204) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) (94154) Indication added 1204(1204) --> DrugBank --> Dyslipidemias (94171) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1204(1204) --> DrugBank --> Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (16487) Indication added 1204(1204) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Cholesterol Level (94160) Indication added 1204(1204) --> DrugBank --> Primary prevention Coronary artery disease (94172) Indication added 1204(1204) --> DrugBank --> Primary prevention Myocardial infarction (94173) Indication added 1204(1204) --> DrugBank --> Primary prevention Unstable angina (94174) Indication added 1203(1203) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1203(1203) --> DrugBank --> Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (16487) Indication added 1203(1203) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Cholesterol Level (94160) Indication added 1203(1203) --> DrugBank --> Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (94161) Indication added 1203(1203) --> DrugBank --> History of coronary heart disease cardiovascular event (94175) Indication added 1203(1203) --> DrugBank --> History of stroke or other cerebrovacular disease cardiovascular event (94176) Indication added 1203(1203) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 1205(1205) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases (94170) Indication added 1205(1205) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Outcomes (94177) Indication added 1205(1205) --> DrugBank --> Hyperlipidemias (94148) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1205(1205) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 1205(1205) --> DrugBank --> Secondary prevention cardiovascular event (94178) Indication added 1205(1205) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 1226(1226) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerosis (16913) Indication added 1226(1226) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipidemia (94158) Indication added 1226(1226) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 1226(1226) --> DrugBank --> Pellagra (94179) Indication added 1226(1226) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 1226(1226) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hyperlipidemia (94180) Indication added 5987(5987) --> DrugBank --> Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (94161) Indication added 5908(5908) --> DrugBank --> Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (94161) Indication added 1239(1239) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipidemia (94158) Indication added 1239(1239) --> DrugBank --> Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (94161) Indication added 1239(1239) --> DrugBank --> Homozygous Sitosterolemia (94181) Indication added 1239(1239) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 1005(1005) --> DrugBank --> Mental activity decreased (94182) Indication added 995(995) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 995(995) --> DrugBank --> Necrosis caused by Administration site extravasation, Norepinephrine (94183) Indication added 995(995) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 997(997) --> DrugBank --> Atherosclerosis (16913) Indication added 997(997) --> DrugBank --> Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipidemia (94158) Indication added 997(997) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 997(997) --> DrugBank --> Pellagra (94179) Indication added 997(997) --> DrugBank --> Mixed hypercholesterolemia (94151) Indication added 997(997) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hyperlipidemia (94180) Indication added 1012(1012) --> DrugBank --> Micturition Disorder (94184) Indication added 1012(1012) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 1012(1012) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Retention (16763) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1003(1003) --> DrugBank --> Intermittent Claudication (17180) Indication added 1003(1003) --> DrugBank --> Venous Leg Ulcer (VLU) (94185) Indication added 1003(1003) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1032(1032) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1034(1034) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1034(1034) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1034(1034) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93665) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93666) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 1027(1027) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1033(1033) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1033(1033) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1033(1033) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 1033(1033) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis of the scalp (94186) Indication added 1033(1033) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp (94187) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1033(1033) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1033(1033) --> DrugBank --> Chronic eczematous otitis externa (94188) Indication added 1030(1030) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 1030(1030) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93673) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93681) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93682) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93683) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93684) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93685) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1029(1029) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Chapped skin (93883) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Diaper rashj (93884) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiomas (93885) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Inflammation of Mouth (93886) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Acute Multiple sclerosis (93890) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumour of the ganglia (93891) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Severe Erythema multiforme (93892) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 5813(5813) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive to topical ocular inflammation (93893) Indication added 1035(1035) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 1035(1035) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Mouth Ulcers (94189) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Premature Ejaculation (23821) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Sunburn (16773) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Teething pain (94190) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Tooth Pain (94192) Indication added 1037(1037) --> DrugBank --> Pruritic dermatosis (94193) Indication added 1310(1310) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 1310(1310) --> DrugBank --> Coronary Artery Disease (15955) Indication added 1310(1310) --> DrugBank --> Heart Failure, Unspecified (27981) Indication added 1310(1310) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) (94123) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Angina Pectoris (15851) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Angina attack (94124) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Anal Fissures (94125) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage prophylaxis (94046) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Perioperative Hypertension (94126) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Procedural hypertension (94127) Indication added 1309(1309) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal spastic disorders (94128) Indication added 6670(6670) --> DrugBank --> Anal Fissures (94075) Indication added 6670(6670) --> DrugBank --> Anginal Pain (94056) Indication added 6670(6670) --> DrugBank --> Atrial Flutter (16146) Indication added 6670(6670) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris (94041) Indication added 6670(6670) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 6670(6670) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 6670(6670) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 1054(1054) --> DrugBank --> Incompetent accessory saphenous veins (94194) Indication added 1054(1054) --> DrugBank --> Incompetent great saphenous veins (94195) Indication added 1054(1054) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated veins 1 to 3 mm in diameter reticular veins (94196) Indication added 1054(1054) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated veins <1 mm in diameter Spider Veins (94197) Indication added 1054(1054) --> DrugBank --> Varicosities of the great saphenous vein (94198) Indication added 1057(1057) --> DrugBank --> Irritation lips (94199) Indication added 1057(1057) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 1057(1057) --> DrugBank --> Throat irritation (18651) Indication added 1056(1056) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Varicose vein (94200) Indication added 1053(1053) --> DrugBank --> Varices, Esophageal (94201) Indication added 1555(1555) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1555(1555) --> DrugBank --> Neuroblastomas (94202) Indication added 1555(1555) --> DrugBank --> Sezary Syndrome (94203) Indication added 1555(1555) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Acne vulgaris (94204) Indication added 1555(1555) --> DrugBank --> Severe, recalcitrant Acne conglobata (94205) Indication added 1546(1546) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1546(1546) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6685(6685) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6685(6685) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6685(6685) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 6685(6685) --> DrugBank --> Superficial ocular infections (94206) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1530(1530) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1528(1528) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 1528(1528) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1529(1529) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1552(1552) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 1552(1552) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory lesions caused by rosacea (94207) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Hansen''s Disease (94208) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Lupus erythematosus systemic (94209) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus Vulgaris (PV) (94210) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pneumocystis pneumonia (94211) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Mild Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis (94212) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pneumocystis pneumonia (94213) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis (94214) Indication added 5765(5765) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (94215) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1537(1537) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 1537(1537) --> DrugBank --> Acne vulgaris of the back (94216) Indication added 1537(1537) --> DrugBank --> Acne vulgaris of the chest (94217) Indication added 1537(1537) --> DrugBank --> Acne vulgaris of the face (94218) Indication added 1365(1365) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1365(1365) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium difficile infection recurrence (93553) Indication added 1365(1365) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 1365(1365) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 1365(1365) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1363(1363) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo (15905) Indication added 1363(1363) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo caused by Staphylococccus aureus (94219) Indication added 1363(1363) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo caused by streptococcus pyogenes (94220) Indication added 1363(1363) --> DrugBank --> Secondary infection Skin infection (94221) Indication added 1363(1363) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcus aurea colonization of the nasal passage (94222) Indication added 5490(5490) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcal impetigo (94223) Indication added 5490(5490) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal impetigo (94224) Indication added 1358(1358) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1358(1358) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1360(1360) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 1360(1360) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 1360(1360) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 1360(1360) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 1360(1360) --> DrugBank --> Infection in minor cuts, scrapes, or burns (94226) Indication added 1360(1360) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory ocular disease (94227) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Sepsis (16450) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Endophthalmitis (18534) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Infective pulmonary exacerbation of cystic fibrosis (94229) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Neonatal Sepsis (94231) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infection Bacterial (94232) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Severe Bacterial Infections (94235) Indication added 1366(1366) --> DrugBank --> Severe Urinary tract infection (94236) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Acinetobacter infection (93854) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Entamoebic histolytica infection (93855) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia infections (93856) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Bacteroides (93857) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella Infections (93858) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection (93859) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Ornithosis (93860) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (93863) Indication added 1356(1356) --> DrugBank --> Clostridia infections (93864) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection (16557) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) (93842) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia (94237) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Gram-negative infections Bacterial Infections (94238) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by Campylobacter fetus (94239) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing fever caused by Borrelia recurrentis (93871) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsia Infections (94240) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> SIADH (94241) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne Vulgaris (93833) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) (94242) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 1353(1353) --> DrugBank --> Acute Intestinal amebiasis (93568) Indication added 1383(1383) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratoses of the face (94243) Indication added 1383(1383) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratoses of the scalp (94244) Indication added 1383(1383) --> DrugBank --> Condylomata Acuminata (94245) Indication added 1383(1383) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Simplex Infection (94246) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1383(1383) --> DrugBank --> Molluscum Contagiosum (17853) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1383(1383) --> DrugBank --> Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma (16909) Indication added 1384(1384) --> DrugBank --> Cold Sore (94247) Indication added 1377(1377) --> DrugBank --> External Genital Warts (94248) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1377(1377) --> DrugBank --> Perianal Warts (15889) Indication added 5985(5985) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratosis (AK) (94249) Indication added 1369(1369) --> DrugBank --> Second Degree Burns (94250) Indication added 1369(1369) --> DrugBank --> Third Degree Burns (94251) Indication added 1367(1367) --> DrugBank --> Wound Sepsis (17545) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Onychomycosis (16731) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Sporotrichosis (17686) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Capitis (18582) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1297(1297) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1296(1296) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Capitis (18582) Indication added 1296(1296) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1296(1296) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1296(1296) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1296(1296) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Unguium (20106) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1296(1296) --> DrugBank --> Tinea barbae (18583) Indication added 1251(1251) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Capitis (18582) Indication added 1251(1251) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1251(1251) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1251(1251) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1251(1251) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Unguium (20106) Indication added 1251(1251) --> DrugBank --> Tinea barbae (18583) Indication added 1246(1246) --> DrugBank --> Fungal Keratitis (93577) Indication added 1246(1246) --> DrugBank --> Fungal blepharitis (93578) Indication added 1246(1246) --> DrugBank --> Fungal conjunctivitis (93579) Indication added 1259(1259) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (16521) Indication added 1261(1261) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1261(1261) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1261(1261) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1261(1261) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Candida intertrigo (94252) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Candida pneumonia (94253) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Candidemia (15817) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Itching (94255) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93535) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Peritoneal candidiasis (94256) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia cryptococcal (94257) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Vaginal Candidiasis (94258) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis infection (94259) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Candidiasis (94260) Indication added 1267(1267) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract candidiasis (94261) Indication added 1263(1263) --> DrugBank --> Fungal infection of the dermal (94262) Indication added 1263(1263) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1263(1263) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1263(1263) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1263(1263) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1266(1266) --> DrugBank --> Interdigital Tinea Pedis (94263) Indication added 1289(1289) --> DrugBank --> Dermatophytosis (94264) Indication added 1289(1289) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1289(1289) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1289(1289) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1289(1289) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1278(1278) --> DrugBank --> Muscle_spasm (94265) Indication added 1293(1293) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1293(1293) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1293(1293) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1294(1294) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1294(1294) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1294(1294) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1294(1294) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Cryptococcal infections (94266) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endocarditis (94267) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93536) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Candidiasis (94268) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract infection fungal (94269) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 1292(1292) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Candida Infections (94270) Indication added 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratosis (AK) (94249) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Corns (16875) Indication added 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkeratosis (16876) Indication added 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Molluscum Contagiosum (17853) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Plantar Warts (18744) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis (16231) Indication added 1283(1283) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 1284(1284) --> DrugBank --> Dandruff (16897) Indication added 1284(1284) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1284(1284) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp (94187) Indication added 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Mild Onychomycosis (94272) Indication added 1285(1285) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Onychomycosis (94273) Indication added 1331(1331) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 1331(1331) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 1331(1331) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Ani (30399) Indication added 1331(1331) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 6682(6682) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 6682(6682) --> DrugBank --> Red eye (94274) Indication added 1324(1324) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 1324(1324) --> DrugBank --> Angioedema (16953) Indication added 1324(1324) --> DrugBank --> Urticarias (94275) Indication added 1324(1324) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 1348(1348) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Vitiligo (94276) Indication added 1348(1348) --> DrugBank --> Refractory peripheral cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (94277) Indication added 1348(1348) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1351(1351) --> DrugBank --> Keratinization disorders (94278) Indication added 1351(1351) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1342(1342) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication added 1342(1342) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 1343(1343) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (93920) Indication added 1343(1343) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 1343(1343) --> DrugBank --> Osteodystrophy (16901) Indication added 1343(1343) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 1343(1343) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin D Resistant Rickets (93922) Indication added 1345(1345) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 1345(1345) --> DrugBank --> Benign facial lentigines (94279) Indication added 1345(1345) --> DrugBank --> Facial fine wrinkling (94280) Indication added 1345(1345) --> DrugBank --> Facial hyperpigmentation (94281) Indication added 1345(1345) --> DrugBank --> Facial hypopigmentation (94282) Indication added 1345(1345) --> DrugBank --> Mild Acne vulgaris (94283) Indication added 1345(1345) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Acne vulgaris (93837) Indication added 1479(1479) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 1473(1473) --> DrugBank --> Irritation lips (94199) Indication added 1473(1473) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 1473(1473) --> DrugBank --> Throat irritation (18651) Indication added 1474(1474) --> DrugBank --> Dental Cavity (94285) Indication added 1474(1474) --> DrugBank --> Dental Plaque (94286) Indication added 1474(1474) --> DrugBank --> Gingival Inflammation (94287) Indication added 1471(1471) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1456(1456) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1455(1455) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 1455(1455) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1459(1459) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 1459(1459) --> DrugBank --> Corticosteroid-responsive Dermatosis (94288) Indication added 1460(1460) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1460(1460) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 1460(1460) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1460(1460) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1460(1460) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 1460(1460) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93605) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1451(1451) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1401(1401) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1400(1400) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1396(1396) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1396(1396) --> DrugBank --> Mild Atopic dermatitis (94289) Indication added 1396(1396) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Atopic dermatitis (94290) Indication added 1394(1394) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 1394(1394) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1398(1398) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1421(1421) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 1421(1421) --> DrugBank --> Pain of the eye (94291) Indication added 1421(1421) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1409(1409) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagitis, Eosinophilic (93604) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93605) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Mild Crohn’s Disease (93606) Indication added 1411(1411) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Crohn’s Disease (93607) Indication added 1417(1417) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1417(1417) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1417(1417) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 1417(1417) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1417(1417) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1417(1417) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 1417(1417) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent nasal polyps (93661) Indication added 1405(1405) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 1405(1405) --> DrugBank --> Corticosteroid-responsive Dermatosis (94288) Indication added 1410(1410) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1410(1410) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1410(1410) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 1413(1413) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1413(1413) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 1422(1422) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 1422(1422) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 1412(1412) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1420(1420) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1424(1424) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1388(1388) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1386(1386) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1521(1521) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 1514(1514) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 1514(1514) --> DrugBank --> Mild Atopic dermatitis (94289) Indication added 1514(1514) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dermatitis caused by Staphylococcus aureusis (94293) Indication added 1514(1514) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Atopic dermatitis (94290) Indication added 1514(1514) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Dermatitis caused by Staphylococcus aureusis (94294) Indication added 1518(1518) --> DrugBank --> Dental Cavity (94285) Indication added 1518(1518) --> DrugBank --> Dental Plaque (94286) Indication added 1518(1518) --> DrugBank --> Gingival Inflammation (94287) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Acute Crusting Rhinitis (94295) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Abrasions (94296) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Stye (94298) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative keratitis (16745) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Acute rhino-sinusitis (94299) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 1513(1513) --> DrugBank --> Nasal carriage of staphylococci (94300) Indication added 5892(5892) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Eczema of the hand (94301) Indication added 5892(5892) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous lesions (94302) Indication added 5892(5892) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Eczema of the hand (94303) Indication added 5892(5892) --> DrugBank --> Severe Eczema of the hand (94304) Indication added 1578(1578) --> DrugBank --> Vitiligo (17807) Indication added 1578(1578) --> DrugBank --> Intertriginous psoriasis (94305) Indication added 1578(1578) --> DrugBank --> Mild Atopic dermatitis (94289) Indication added 1578(1578) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Atopic dermatitis (94290) Indication added 1578(1578) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Atopic dermatitis (94306) Indication added 1580(1580) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1580(1580) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Vernal (93594) Indication added 1580(1580) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 1580(1580) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 1580(1580) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1580(1580) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1580(1580) --> DrugBank --> Urticaria Pigmentosa (93598) Indication added 1560(1560) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 1575(1575) --> DrugBank --> Dandruff (16897) Indication added 1575(1575) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratosis (AK) (94249) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Knee Osteoarthritis (Knee OA) (94307) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Operation site inflammation (94309) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Photophobia (17379) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Acute Musculoskeletal injury (94310) Indication added 1581(1581) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Ascaris lumbricoides infection (94311) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous larva migrans (18004) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Demodicidosis (94312) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Gnathostomiasis (20340) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Mansonella ozzardi infection (94313) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Mansonella streptocerca infection (94314) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagostomiasis (94315) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Onchocerciasis (16964) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Pediculosis Capitis (18740) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Rosaceas (93848) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Scabies (16965) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Trichuriasis (18001) Indication added 6686(6686) --> DrugBank --> Wuchereria bancroftii infection (94316) Indication added 6150(6150) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 6150(6150) --> DrugBank --> Chronic rosacea (94317) Indication added 1579(1579) --> DrugBank --> Meningoencephalitic stage Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection (94318) Indication added 1308(1308) --> DrugBank --> Skin Ulcers (93894) Indication added 1314(1314) --> DrugBank --> Dupuytren’s Contracture (94319) Indication added 1314(1314) --> DrugBank --> Peyronie’s disease (94320) Indication added 1314(1314) --> DrugBank --> Necrotic tissue (94321) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93533) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Fungal Infections (93534) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis (18351) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93535) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93536) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93537) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Candidal cystitis (93538) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endophthalmitis (93539) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Fungal osteoarticular infections (93540) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Ocular aspergillosis (93541) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Refractory aspergillosis (93542) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Coccidioidomycosis (93543) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cryptococcosis (93544) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus spp. (93545) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Conidiobolus spp. (93546) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by sporotrichosis spp. (93547) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Histoplasmosis (93548) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (93549) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe North American blastomycosis (93550) Indication added 1586(1586) --> DrugBank --> Severe Systemic candidiasis (93551) Indication added 1588(1588) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1588(1588) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1585(1585) --> DrugBank --> Fungal Keratitis (93577) Indication added 1585(1585) --> DrugBank --> Fungal blepharitis (93578) Indication added 1585(1585) --> DrugBank --> Fungal conjunctivitis (93579) Indication added 1614(1614) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (16521) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Blastomycosis (17684) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Candiduria (18038) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Chromomycosis (94322) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Dandruff (16897) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Oral Candida (94323) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Paracoccidioidomycosis (94324) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis infection (94259) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Recalcitrant cutaneous dermatophyte infection (94325) Indication added 1615(1615) --> DrugBank --> Severe cutaneous dermatophyte infection (94326) Indication added 1621(1621) --> DrugBank --> Fungal infection of the dermal (94262) Indication added 1621(1621) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1621(1621) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1621(1621) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1621(1621) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1619(1619) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (16521) Indication added 6711(6711) --> DrugBank --> Interdigital Tinea Pedis (94263) Indication added 1604(1604) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Externa (94327) Indication added 1604(1604) --> DrugBank --> External ear infection NOS (93569) Indication added 1604(1604) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 1631(1631) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp (94187) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Mild Onychomycosis (94272) Indication added 1632(1632) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Onychomycosis (94273) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1624(1624) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (16521) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Cystic Fibrosis (CF) (94112) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Menstrual Cramps (94113) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain NOS (94118) Indication added 1658(1658) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer caused by naproxen (94330) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Tendinitis (94119) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1659(1659) --> DrugBank --> Toothache (16656) Indication added 1653(1653) --> DrugBank --> Acromegaly (16599) Indication added 1653(1653) --> DrugBank --> Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (18471) Indication added 1653(1653) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 1653(1653) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 1653(1653) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic hyperprolactinemic disorder (94332) Indication added 1655(1655) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic hyperprolactinemic disorder (94332) Indication added 1652(1652) --> DrugBank --> Severe COPD exacerbation (94333) Indication added 1652(1652) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (93752) Indication added 1639(1639) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhage (93929) Indication added 1639(1639) --> DrugBank --> Vasospastic Angina (94079) Indication added 1637(1637) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Hemorrhage (93738) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1637(1637) --> DrugBank --> Uterine Atony (18232) Indication added 1637(1637) --> DrugBank --> Uterine subinvolution (94334) Indication added 1644(1644) --> DrugBank --> Refractory postpartum uterine hemorrhage (94335) Indication added 1642(1642) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (94336) Indication added 5492(5492) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 5492(5492) --> DrugBank --> Incomplete Abortion (93737) Indication added 5492(5492) --> DrugBank --> Missed Abortion (38076) Indication added 5492(5492) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Hemorrhage (93738) Indication added 1694(1694) --> DrugBank --> Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism (94337) Indication added 1694(1694) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (94338) Indication added 1694(1694) --> DrugBank --> Puberty, Delayed (94339) Indication added 1694(1694) --> DrugBank --> Inoperable, metastatic Breast cancer (94340) Indication added 1693(1693) --> DrugBank --> Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism (94337) Indication added 1693(1693) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (94338) Indication added 1693(1693) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 1693(1693) --> DrugBank --> Puberty, Delayed (94339) Indication added 1692(1692) --> DrugBank --> Gonadotrophin releasing hormone deficiency (94342) Indication added 1692(1692) --> DrugBank --> Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism (94337) Indication added 1692(1692) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (94338) Indication added 1692(1692) --> DrugBank --> Pituitary gonadotropin hypofunction (94343) Indication added 1692(1692) --> DrugBank --> Puberty, Delayed (94339) Indication added 1692(1692) --> DrugBank --> Testicular failure (94344) Indication added 1692(1692) --> DrugBank --> Inoperable, metastatic Breast cancer (94340) Indication added 1735(1735) --> DrugBank --> Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism (94337) Indication added 1735(1735) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (94338) Indication added 1735(1735) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 1735(1735) --> DrugBank --> Puberty, Delayed (94339) Indication added 1711(1711) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 1704(1704) --> DrugBank --> Atrophic Vaginitis (94345) Indication added 1704(1704) --> DrugBank --> Atrophy of vulva (17612) Indication added 1704(1704) --> DrugBank --> Estrogen Deficiency (94346) Indication added 1704(1704) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Neuropathic (94347) Indication added 1704(1704) --> DrugBank --> Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) (94348) Indication added 1704(1704) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 1704(1704) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 1698(1698) --> DrugBank --> Atrophic Vaginitis (94345) Indication added 1698(1698) --> DrugBank --> Estrogen Deficiency (94346) Indication added 1698(1698) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 1698(1698) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 1698(1698) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 1698(1698) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 1698(1698) --> DrugBank --> Advanced androgen dependent Prostate cancer (94352) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Hirsutism (16169) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (16550) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne Vulgaris (93833) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Acne vulgaris (93837) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Moderate vasomotor symptoms (94355) Indication added 1697(1697) --> DrugBank --> Severe vasomotor symptoms (94356) Indication added 1701(1701) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 1770(1770) --> DrugBank --> Hypogonadism (17447) Indication added 1770(1770) --> DrugBank --> Infertilities (94357) Indication added 1767(1767) --> DrugBank --> Infertilities (94357) Indication added 1773(1773) --> DrugBank --> Ovulatory Dysfunction (94358) Indication added 5744(5744) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Uterine Fibroids (94359) Indication added 5744(5744) --> DrugBank --> Severe Uterine Fibroids (94360) Indication added 5837(5837) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 5837(5837) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 5837(5837) --> DrugBank --> Moderate vasomotor symptoms (94355) Indication added 5837(5837) --> DrugBank --> Severe vasomotor symptoms (94356) Indication added 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis related pain (94361) Indication added 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Estrogen Deficiency (94346) Indication added 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Amenorrhea (37974) Indication added 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 1683(1683) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 1685(1685) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 1685(1685) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 1685(1685) --> DrugBank --> Moderate vasomotor symptoms (94355) Indication added 1685(1685) --> DrugBank --> Severe vasomotor symptoms (94356) Indication added 1777(1777) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1777(1777) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 1777(1777) --> DrugBank --> Fibrocystic Disease of Breast (94362) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1777(1777) --> DrugBank --> Hereditary Angioedema (16434) Indication added 1777(1777) --> DrugBank --> Refractory immune thrombocytopenia (93932) Indication added 1779(1779) --> DrugBank --> Hyperglycemias (93805) Indication added 6153(6153) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Uterine Fibroids (94359) Indication added 6153(6153) --> DrugBank --> Severe Uterine Fibroids (94360) Indication added 6154(6154) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Dyspareunia (94363) Indication added 6154(6154) --> DrugBank --> Severe Dyspareunia (94364) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1780(1780) --> DrugBank --> Breast Cancer Invasive Nos (16916) Indication added 1780(1780) --> DrugBank --> Osteoporosis caused by glucocorticoid (94365) Indication added 1780(1780) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 6217(6217) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 6217(6217) --> DrugBank --> Moderate vasomotor symptoms (94355) Indication added 6217(6217) --> DrugBank --> Severe vasomotor symptoms (94356) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis related pain (94361) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Estrogen Deficiency (94346) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Amenorrhea (37974) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 1726(1726) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 1730(1730) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 1730(1730) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 1730(1730) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 1730(1730) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 1730(1730) --> DrugBank --> Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (22836) Indication added 1717(1717) --> DrugBank --> Amenorrhea (94366) Indication added 1717(1717) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 1717(1717) --> DrugBank --> Endometrial hyperplasia caused by conjugated estrogen (94367) Indication added 1717(1717) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Syndrome (16338) Indication added 1717(1717) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Amenorrhea (37974) Indication added 1717(1717) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent spontaneous preterm birth (94368) Indication added 1812(1812) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 1812(1812) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) (94034) Indication added 1812(1812) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Outlet Obstruction (94369) Indication added 1812(1812) --> DrugBank --> Ureteral Calculus (94084) Indication added 6062(6062) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 1811(1811) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 1813(1813) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 1813(1813) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 1813(1813) --> DrugBank --> Ureteral Calculus (94084) Indication added 1814(1814) --> DrugBank --> Androgenetic Alopecia (16509) Indication added 1814(1814) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 1814(1814) --> DrugBank --> Hirsutism (16169) Indication added 1815(1815) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 1815(1815) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (94370) Indication added 1782(1782) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 1782(1782) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 1782(1782) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemic tetany (18710) Indication added 1782(1782) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (93808) Indication added 1782(1782) --> DrugBank --> Calcium channel blocker overdose (93809) Indication added 1781(1781) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Alkalosis (16592) Indication added 1781(1781) --> DrugBank --> Hypochloremic state (93988) Indication added 1789(1789) --> DrugBank --> Overactive Bladder (37605) Indication added 1786(1786) --> DrugBank --> Detrusor Hyperreflexia (17881) Indication added 1786(1786) --> DrugBank --> Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction (93773) Indication added 1786(1786) --> DrugBank --> Overactive Bladder (37605) Indication added 1791(1791) --> DrugBank --> Overactive Bladder (37605) Indication added 5958(5958) --> DrugBank --> Overactive Bladder (37605) Indication added 1784(1784) --> DrugBank --> Cystitis (16455) Indication added 1784(1784) --> DrugBank --> Prostatitis (16579) Indication added 1784(1784) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 1784(1784) --> DrugBank --> Urethrotrigonitis (94371) Indication added 1784(1784) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1784(1784) --> DrugBank --> Urethrocystitis (94372) Indication added 5493(5493) --> DrugBank --> Overactive Bladder (37605) Indication added 1792(1792) --> DrugBank --> Overactive Bladder (37605) Indication added 1790(1790) --> DrugBank --> Overactive Bladder (37605) Indication added 1801(1801) --> DrugBank --> Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (94122) Indication added 1799(1799) --> DrugBank --> Mobility decreased (94373) Indication added 1795(1795) --> DrugBank --> Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (94122) Indication added 1795(1795) --> DrugBank --> NYHA Functional Class II-III Pulmonary arterial hypertension (94374) Indication added 6688(6688) --> DrugBank --> Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (94122) Indication added 1793(1793) --> DrugBank --> Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (94122) Indication added 1793(1793) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication added 1793(1793) --> DrugBank --> Raynaud''s Phenomenon (16853) Indication added 1800(1800) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 1800(1800) --> DrugBank --> Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (94122) Indication added 1800(1800) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) (93969) Indication added 1805(1805) --> DrugBank --> Chronic urea-splitting urinary infection (94375) Indication added 1810(1810) --> DrugBank --> Interstitial Cystitis (93958) Indication added 1806(1806) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1887(1887) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 423(423) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (93920) Indication added 6712(6712) --> DrugBank --> Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary (93920) Indication added 1882(1882) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 1882(1882) --> DrugBank --> Parathyroid deficiency (93923) Indication added 1881(1881) --> DrugBank --> Osteoporosis caused by glucocorticoid (94365) Indication added 1881(1881) --> DrugBank --> Primary Osteoporosis (94376) Indication added 1881(1881) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1852(1852) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1848(1848) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1858(1858) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 1858(1858) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93665) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93666) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 1855(1855) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93673) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93681) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93682) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93683) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93684) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93685) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1847(1847) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Chapped skin (93883) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Diaper rashj (93884) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiomas (93885) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Inflammation of Mouth (93886) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Acute Multiple sclerosis (93890) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumour of the ganglia (93891) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Severe Erythema multiforme (93892) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1854(1854) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive to topical ocular inflammation (93893) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1850(1850) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Aggressive Lymphoma (93688) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated tuberculosis (18445) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Giant Cells Arteritis (93689) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Graves Ophthalmopathy (93690) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis, Autoimmune (93691) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (93692) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Pain caused by Herpes zoster (93693) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Fibrosis (16400) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Takayasu''s Disease (93694) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Thyroiditis (17485) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Thyrotoxicosis (18328) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (93695) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Tuberculosis (93696) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Solid organ rejection (93697) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 1853(1853) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1845(1845) --> DrugBank --> Addison''s Disease (17924) Indication added 1845(1845) --> DrugBank --> Orthostatic Intolerance (94377) Indication added 1845(1845) --> DrugBank --> Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) (94378) Indication added 1845(1845) --> DrugBank --> Salt wasting form Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (94379) Indication added 1879(1879) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hypoglycemia (94380) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic Fever (94381) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal Insufficiency (16268) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Panhypopituitarism (18802) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Periarteritis nodosa (94382) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Scleroderma (16128) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Still''s Disease (17167) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Acquired hemolytic jaundice (94383) Indication added 1820(1820) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Erythema multiforme (17055) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Infantile Spasms (IS) (94384) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 1819(1819) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 1826(1826) --> DrugBank --> Acromegaly (16599) Indication added 5913(5913) --> DrugBank --> Lipodystrophies (94385) Indication added 1824(1824) --> DrugBank --> Primary Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Deficiency (94386) Indication added 1822(1822) --> DrugBank --> Adult Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency (94387) Indication added 1822(1822) --> DrugBank --> Cachexia (17522) Indication added 1822(1822) --> DrugBank --> Growth Failure (94388) Indication added 1822(1822) --> DrugBank --> Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) (93820) Indication added 1822(1822) --> DrugBank --> Short Stature (94389) Indication added 1822(1822) --> DrugBank --> Childhood onset Growth hormone deficiency (94390) Indication added 1821(1821) --> DrugBank --> Thyroid Cancers (94391) Indication added 1821(1821) --> DrugBank --> Thyroid tissue remnants (94392) Indication added 1837(1837) --> DrugBank --> Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) (94393) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1837(1837) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 1841(1841) --> DrugBank --> Acromegaly (16599) Indication added 1841(1841) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable, locally advanced enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (94394) Indication added 1841(1841) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable, locally advanced gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (94395) Indication added 1841(1841) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable, metastatic enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (94396) Indication added 1841(1841) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable, metastatic gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (94397) Indication added 1840(1840) --> DrugBank --> Acromegaly (16599) Indication added 1840(1840) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Carcinoid Tumors (94398) Indication added 1840(1840) --> DrugBank --> Profuse watery diarrhea (94399) Indication added 5914(5914) --> DrugBank --> Acromegaly (16599) Indication added 5914(5914) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Disease (94400) Indication added 1835(1835) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Hemorrhage (93738) Indication added 1835(1835) --> DrugBank --> Uterine Atony (18232) Indication added 1834(1834) --> DrugBank --> Abortion induced incomplete (94401) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1834(1834) --> DrugBank --> Inevitable abortion (18478) Indication added 1834(1834) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Bleeding (94402) Indication added 1828(1828) --> DrugBank --> Central Diabetes Insipidus (16866) Indication added 1828(1828) --> DrugBank --> Haemorrhage (17132) Indication added 1828(1828) --> DrugBank --> Nocturia (17606) Indication added 1828(1828) --> DrugBank --> Polydipsia (16865) Indication added 1828(1828) --> DrugBank --> Polyuria (16588) Indication added 1828(1828) --> DrugBank --> Primary Nocturnal Enuresis (16867) Indication added 1827(1827) --> DrugBank --> Acute Circulatory Failure (94403) Indication added 1874(1874) --> DrugBank --> Graves'' Disease (94404) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1874(1874) --> DrugBank --> Hyperthyroidism (16503) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1874(1874) --> DrugBank --> Toxic multinodular goiter (18665) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1871(1871) --> DrugBank --> Hyperthyroidism (16503) Indication added 1871(1871) --> DrugBank --> Thyrotoxic crisis (94405) Indication added 1871(1871) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Cystic fibrosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection (94406) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Eye infection bacterial (18270) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia gram-negative (94407) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Complicated Urinary Tract Infection (94408) Indication added 2048(2048) --> DrugBank --> Steroid-responsive inflammation (94409) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Sepsis (16450) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Endophthalmitis (18534) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Infective pulmonary exacerbation of cystic fibrosis (94229) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Neonatal Sepsis (94231) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infection Bacterial (94232) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Severe Bacterial Infections (94235) Indication added 2052(2052) --> DrugBank --> Severe Urinary tract infection (94236) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial corneal ulcer (94410) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial dacryocystitis (94411) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94412) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis infected (17441) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Ecthyma (18207) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Eczematous dermatitis infected (94413) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Folliculitis (18092) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Furunculosis (17438) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Gram-negative enteric bacilli neonatal sepsis (94414) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo contagious (94415) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Keratitis bacterial (16755) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Meibomianitis (16751) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Pustular Psoriasis (18577) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Pustular acne (94416) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma Gangrenosum (18574) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia gram-negative (94407) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Sycosis barbae (18579) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Respiratory tract infection bacterial (94417) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary tract infection bacterial (94418) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Severe Endocarditis enterococcal (94419) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Severe Infection Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94420) Indication added 2049(2049) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 2050(2050) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Acinetobacter species (94421) Indication added 2050(2050) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by E. coli (94422) Indication added 2050(2050) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Enterobacter aerogenes (94423) Indication added 2050(2050) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Klebsiella Pneumoniae (94424) Indication added 2050(2050) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Proteus species (94425) Indication added 2050(2050) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Serratia marcescens (94426) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93575) Indication added 2051(2051) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93576) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated mycobacterium avium complex infection (16325) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Flu caused by Influenza (93556) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Menière''s Disease (16331) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium kansasii infection (93557) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium marinum infection (93558) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 2046(2046) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1902(1902) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1902(1902) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Appendicitis (94427) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (94429) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis (16790) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Endometritis (94430) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Surgical Site Infections (94431) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94432) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Pyelonephritis (94433) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Complicated intra-abdominal bacterial infections (94434) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Bacterial Infections (94435) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Community acquired pneumonia (94436) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Nosocomial pneumonia (94437) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Severe Bacterial Infections (94235) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Severe Nosocomial pneumonia (94438) Indication added 1942(1942) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 1939(1939) --> DrugBank --> Catheter Related Infections (94440) Indication added 1939(1939) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1939(1939) --> DrugBank --> Infections caused by penicillinase-producing staphylococci (94442) Indication added 1939(1939) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections (94443) Indication added 1939(1939) --> DrugBank --> Surgical Site Infections (94431) Indication added 5567(5567) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1937(1937) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1937(1937) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 1937(1937) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication added 1937(1937) --> DrugBank --> Osteomyelitis (16465) Indication added 1937(1937) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 1936(1936) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo (15905) Indication added 1936(1936) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 1936(1936) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93581) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Clostridial Infection (18673) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Diphtheria (15984) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria gonorrhoeae arthritis (94444) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Pasteurella infections (94445) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pneumonia (94446) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Rheumatic fever (94447) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Rat bite fever (94448) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pneumococcal infection (94449) Indication added 1925(1925) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis, Bacterial (93843) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Erythema Chronicum Migrans (94450) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Gingivitis, Necrotizing Ulcerative (94451) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Scarlet Fever (18220) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Mild Otitis media (94454) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Mild bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (94455) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Otitis media (94456) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Moderate bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (94457) Indication added 1926(1926) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Rheumatic fever (94447) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Bronchiectasis (16452) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal ulcer caused by helicobacter pylori (94458) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Erysipeloid (18680) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Infective Endocarditis (94459) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Neuroborreliosis (94460) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Sinusitis (16857) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gonorrhea (94461) Indication added 1908(1908) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94462) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Infections (94463) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Genitourinary tract infection (94464) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by eikenella corrodens (94465) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella (94466) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella Typhi Infection (94467) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Shigella (93834) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Subcutaneous bacterial infection (94468) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1905(1905) --> DrugBank --> Perinatal group B streptococcus (94469) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Appendicitis (94427) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (94429) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis (16790) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum Endometritis (94430) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Surgical Site Infections (94431) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Bacterial Infections (94435) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Community acquired pneumonia (94436) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Nosocomial pneumonia (94437) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Bacterial Infections (94235) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Nosocomial pneumonia (94438) Indication added 1916(1916) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 1912(1912) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract infection caused by E. coli (94470) Indication added 1912(1912) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract infection caused by enterobacteria (94471) Indication added 1912(1912) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract infection caused by klebsiella (94472) Indication added 1912(1912) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract infection caused by proteus (94473) Indication added 2043(2043) --> DrugBank --> Severe Bacterial Infections (94235) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Abscess, Intra-Abdominal (93838) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Babesiosis (18363) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) (93840) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Colitis (17941) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Endometritis (17393) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Infective Endocarditis (94459) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Lung Abscess (17636) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> MRSA Infection (94474) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Osteomyelitis (16465) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic cellulitis (94476) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis (16790) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Bacterial (94477) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis (94478) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonitis (94479) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis (94480) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Tubo-ovarian abscess (17660) Indication added 2042(2042) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial rhinosinusitis (94481) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis (17344) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal ulcer caused by helicobacter pylori (94458) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Infective Endocarditis (94459) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Disease (18121) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterial Infection (16320) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 2035(2035) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media caused by Haemophilus Influenzae (94483) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum (94484) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Gastroparesis (29676) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal amebiasis caused by entamoeba histolytica (94485) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Legionella Pneumophila Infections (94486) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia neonatorum (gonococcal) (94487) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Primary Syphilis (17724) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcal Skin Infections (94488) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (93836) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (93875) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory papular lesions (94489) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Predominant skin comedones, papules and pustules (94490) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Pustular lesions (94491) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections caused by streptococcus pyogenes (94492) Indication added 2028(2028) --> DrugBank --> Superficial ocular infections (94206) Indication added 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Cervicitis (16480) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (94429) Indication added 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2036(2036) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 2029(2029) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2041(2041) --> DrugBank --> Mild community-acquired pneumonia (94493) Indication added 2041(2041) --> DrugBank --> Moderate community-acquired pneumonia (94494) Indication added 6202(6202) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 6203(6203) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6203(6203) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 5496(5496) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 5496(5496) --> DrugBank --> Ventilator-associated Bacterial Pneumonia (94495) Indication added 5496(5496) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infection (94496) Indication added 5496(5496) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 2088(2088) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) (93555) Indication added 2088(2088) --> DrugBank --> Enterocolitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93580) Indication added 2088(2088) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93581) Indication added 2088(2088) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 2094(2094) --> DrugBank --> Amebiasis (93839) Indication added 2094(2094) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) (93840) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2094(2094) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 2094(2094) --> DrugBank --> Nongonococcal urethritis (93831) Indication added 2094(2094) --> DrugBank --> Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) (94497) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2094(2094) --> DrugBank --> Trichomoniasis (17889) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Abscess, Intra-Abdominal (93838) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Amebiasis (93839) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) (93840) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Balantidiasis (19015) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Brain abscess (16627) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) (93842) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis, Bacterial (93843) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Endometritis (17393) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Endomyometritis (17702) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Infection parasitic (93844) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Lung Abscess (17636) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Periodontitis (17621) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Pouchitis (30130) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Rosaceas (93848) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia bacterial anaerobic (93849) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Tubo-ovarian abscess (17660) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Asymptomatic Trichomoniasis (93850) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic abscess (93851) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Sinusitis (93852) Indication added 2093(2093) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Trichomoniasis (93853) Indication added 2096(2096) --> DrugBank --> Acute Cystitis (17369) Indication added 2096(2096) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 2105(2105) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2105(2105) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2105(2105) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2105(2105) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections (94498) Indication added 2105(2105) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 2106(2106) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 2106(2106) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2106(2106) --> DrugBank --> Right-sided Infective pericarditis (94499) Indication added 6693(6693) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 6693(6693) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 6693(6693) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 6693(6693) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 6693(6693) --> DrugBank --> Infection in minor cuts, scrapes, or burns (94226) Indication added 6693(6693) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory ocular disease (94227) Indication added 2098(2098) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections (94500) Indication added 2098(2098) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Enterococcal urinary tract infection (94501) Indication added 2098(2098) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Escherichia urinary tract infection (94502) Indication added 2091(2091) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2091(2091) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 2091(2091) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia urinary tract infection (93562) Indication added 2091(2091) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella bacteraemia (93563) Indication added 2091(2091) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (93564) Indication added 2091(2091) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 2090(2090) --> DrugBank --> External ear infection NOS (93569) Indication added 2092(2092) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 2092(2092) --> DrugBank --> Mild Atopic dermatitis (94289) Indication added 2092(2092) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dermatitis caused by Staphylococcus aureusis (94293) Indication added 2092(2092) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Atopic dermatitis (94290) Indication added 2092(2092) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Dermatitis caused by Staphylococcus aureusis (94294) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Endomyometritis (17702) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> GYNAECOLOGICAL INFECTION (94503) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Infections (94504) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Pyelonephritis (16469) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Septic Abortion (94505) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Surgical Site Infections (94431) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Severe Intra-abdominal Infections (94506) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Severe Urinary tract infection (94236) Indication added 1994(1994) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 5864(5864) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 5864(5864) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (94507) Indication added 5864(5864) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections (94500) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5864(5864) --> DrugBank --> Pyelonephritis (16469) Indication added 5864(5864) --> DrugBank --> Catheter related bloodstream infections (94508) Indication added 1993(1993) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1993(1993) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (94507) Indication added 1993(1993) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 1993(1993) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary tract infection bacterial (94418) Indication added 1993(1993) --> DrugBank --> Complicated skin infection bacterial (94509) Indication added 1949(1949) --> DrugBank --> Bone Infection (94510) Indication added 1949(1949) --> DrugBank --> Genitourinary tract infection (94464) Indication added 1949(1949) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 1949(1949) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 1949(1949) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1949(1949) --> DrugBank --> Acute Prostatitis (16578) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94511) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Biliary tract infection bacterial (94512) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Epididymitis (17969) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Genital infection (16789) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Infective Endocarditis (94459) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Prostatitis (16579) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infection Bacterial (94232) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Surgical Site Infections (94431) Indication added 1952(1952) --> DrugBank --> Catheter related bloodstream infections (94508) Indication added 1953(1953) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1953(1953) --> DrugBank --> Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft (94513) Indication added 1953(1953) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1953(1953) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1953(1953) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1953(1953) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (94507) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections (94500) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenia, Febrile (94514) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Pyelonephritis (16469) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pneumonia (94446) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (94515) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pneumonia (94516) Indication added 1990(1990) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> GYNAECOLOGICAL INFECTION (94503) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenia, Febrile (94514) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Osteomyelitis (16465) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Symptoms caused by Cystic fibrosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection (94517) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Septic Arthritis (94518) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 1992(1992) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94462) Indication added 5818(5818) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 5818(5818) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 5818(5818) --> DrugBank --> Acute skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94519) Indication added 5623(5623) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 5623(5623) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae (94520) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Haemophilus Influenza (94521) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Moraxella catarrhalis (94522) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94511) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcal Skin Infections (94488) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1964(1964) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcus pyogenes skin infection (94523) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94511) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> GYNAECOLOGICAL INFECTION (94503) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (94429) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 1965(1965) --> DrugBank --> Sepsis (16472) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Abscess, Intra-Abdominal (93838) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94511) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Endometritis (17393) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Flu caused by Influenza (93556) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> GYNAECOLOGICAL INFECTION (94503) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Lung Abscess (17636) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (94429) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic cellulitis (94476) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis (16790) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 1961(1961) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo (15905) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Disease (18121) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Maxillary Sinusitis (18122) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Mild Streptococcal pharyngitis (94524) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Mild Streptococcal tonsillitis (94525) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Streptococcal pharyngitis (94526) Indication added 1962(1962) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Streptococcal tonsillitis (94527) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1970(1970) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae (94520) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Haemophilus Influenzae (94528) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea of anus (94529) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Disease (18121) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella Infections (94530) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella Typhi Infection (94467) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (94515) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial rhinosinusitis (94481) Indication added 1979(1979) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94462) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis gonococcal (94531) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Sepsis (16450) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Brain abscess (16627) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis gonococcal neonatal (94532) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis, Bacterial (93843) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Epididymitis (17969) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Epiglottitis (94533) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Gonococcal infection of pharynx (94534) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease (94535) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Neuroborreliosis (94460) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia neonatorum due to gonococcus (94536) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Prosthetic Joint Infection (94537) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella Typhi Infection (94467) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Septic Arthritis (94518) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Shigellosis (94538) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginitis gonococcal (94539) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Whipple Disease (94540) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary tract infection bacterial (94418) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94462) Indication added 1975(1975) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Urinary tract infection bacterial (94541) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Haemophilus Influenza (94542) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae (94520) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis caused by haemophilus parainfluenza (94543) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis caused by Moraxella catarrhalis (94544) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by H. influenzae (94545) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by penicillin susceptable S.pneumoniae (94546) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) (94547) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by S. pyogenes (94548) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute otitis media caused by M. catarrhalis (94549) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Acute otitis media caused by S.pneumoniae (94550) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial otitis media caused by Haemophilus influenzae (94551) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Community aquired pneumonia caused by H. parainfluenzae (94552) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Community aquired pneumonia caused by M.catarrhalis (94553) Indication added 1986(1986) --> DrugBank --> Community aquired pneumonia caused by penicillin susceptable S. pneumoniae (94554) Indication added 1987(1987) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 1987(1987) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1987(1987) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1987(1987) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1987(1987) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1987(1987) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections caused by susceptible Gram-negative microorganisms (94555) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> GYNAECOLOGICAL INFECTION (94503) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Skin Structures and Soft Tissue Infections (94556) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Ventilator-associated Bacterial Pneumonia caused by susceptible Gram-negative microorganisms (94557) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacteral pneumonia caused by susceptible Gram-negative microorganisms (94558) Indication added 1973(1973) --> DrugBank --> Susceptible Intra-Abdominal Infection caused by suceptible Gram-negative microorganism (94559) Indication added 1985(1985) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 1985(1985) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1985(1985) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 1985(1985) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1985(1985) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis (17344) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (94515) Indication added 1984(1984) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Sepsis (16450) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94511) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> CNS ventriculitis (17639) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Endometritis (17393) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> GYNAECOLOGICAL INFECTION (94503) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Gonococcal arthritis (19342) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Neuroborreliosis (94460) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis bacterial (17666) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (94429) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic cellulitis (94476) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Bacterial (94477) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 1972(1972) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Externa caused by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (94560) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis caused by Moraxella catarrhalis (94544) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (94507) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (94561) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94412) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Serratia marcescens (94562) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Staphylococcus aureus (94563) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94564) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae (94565) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Streptococcus Viridans Group (94566) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa (94567) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia urinary tract infection (93562) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Infectious diarrhea (94568) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Enterobacter cloacae (94569) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Escherichia coli (94570) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae (94571) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Haemophilus parainfluenzae (94572) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae (94573) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Proteus mirabilis (94574) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by penicillin-susceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae (94575) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenia, Febrile (94514) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Plague caused by Yersinia pestis (94576) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Sinusitis, Acute (94577) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi (94578) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Citrobacter diversus (94579) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Citrobacter frendii (94580) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Entercococcus faecalis (94581) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Enterobacter cloacae (94582) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae (94583) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Morganella morganii (94584) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Proteus mirabilis (94585) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Providencia rettgeri (94586) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94587) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Serratia marcescens (94588) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis (94589) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Acute otitis externa caused by Staphylococcus aureus (94590) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Cystitis caused by Escherichia coli (94591) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Cystitis caused by Staphylococcus saprophyticus (94592) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Prostatitis caused by Escherichia coli (94593) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Prostatitis caused by Proteus mirabilis (94594) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Pyelonephritis caused by Escherichia coli (94595) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Complicated UTI caused by Escherichia coli (94596) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Inhaled anthrax caused by Bacillus anthracis (94597) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 2059(2059) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae (94598) Indication added 2073(2073) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Cystitis (16455) Indication added 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Gonococcal cervicitis (94599) Indication added 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Infectious diarrhea (94568) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Pyelitis (16468) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Pyelonephritis (16469) Indication added 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) (94600) Indication added 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2063(2063) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis gonococcal (17544) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (AECB) (94601) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Sinusitis (16857) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial ocular infections (94602) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Post-operative infection (94603) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Post-operative inflammation (94604) Indication added 2071(2071) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Acute Pyelonephritis (37503) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Cellulitis (16454) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections (94500) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Cystic fibrosis pulmonary exacerbation caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94605) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Diverticulitis (18360) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Epididymitis (17969) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Furuncle (17439) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo (15905) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Postoperative Wound (94606) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Legionella Pneumophila Infections (94486) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Prostatitis caused by Proteus mirabilis (94607) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Prosthetic Joint Infection (94537) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma (17440) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (94515) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Wound Infections (94608) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infection (94496) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 2069(2069) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 2072(2072) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 2072(2072) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2072(2072) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2072(2072) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication added 2072(2072) --> DrugBank --> Multidrug resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae infection (94609) Indication added 2072(2072) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial rhinosinusitis (94481) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media (94610) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Cervicitis (16480) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections (94500) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Epididymitis (17969) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Hansen''s Disease (94208) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Nongonococcal urethritis (93831) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Prostatitis (16579) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) (94600) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative keratitis (16745) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Acute Pelvic inflammatory disease (94611) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94612) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Chronic suppurative Otitis media (17020) Indication added 2058(2058) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Cystitis (94613) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (AECB) (94601) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94511) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Burkholderia pseudomallei infection (94614) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Foot Infection (16004) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Isosporiasis (19018) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> MRSA Infection (94474) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Pediculosis Capitis (18740) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia (17126) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Interstitial Plasma Cell (94615) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Shigellosis (94538) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) (94600) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Surgical Site Infections (94431) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis (94480) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94432) Indication added 2007(2007) --> DrugBank --> Severe Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections (94616) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (93564) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Nocardiosis (18581) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Toxoplasmosis (17795) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Wound Sepsis (17545) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial otitis media caused by Haemophilus influenzae (94551) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Rheumatic fever (94447) Indication added 2008(2008) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Rheumatic fever (94617) Indication added 2003(2003) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (16521) Indication added 2002(2002) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media (94610) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis caused by Haemophilus Influenzae, Streptococcus Pneumoniae (94618) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Acute Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Streptococcus viridans, Haemophilus Influenzae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Staphylococcus Aureus (94619) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media (94610) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Streptococcus viridans, Haemophilus Influenzae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Staphylococcus Aureus (94620) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Infection caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Streptococcus viridans, Haemophilus Influenzae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Staphylococcus Aureus (94621) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis (94478) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Shigellosis caused by Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexneri (94622) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Traveler''s Diarrhea caused by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (94623) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (94515) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infection caused by Klebsiella Species, enterobacter species, Morganella morganii, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Escherichia Coli (94624) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media caused by Haemophilus Influenzae, Streptococcus Pneumoniae (94625) Indication added 1996(1996) --> DrugBank --> Pnuemonia caused by pneumocystis carinii (94626) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Infections (93826) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93581) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal Amebiasis (93828) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Nongonococcal urethritis (93831) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Periodontitis (17621) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne Vulgaris (93833) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Shigella (93834) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (93836) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 1895(1895) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Acne vulgaris (93837) Indication added 1899(1899) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1899(1899) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 1899(1899) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (94507) Indication added 1899(1899) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Acinetobacter infection (93854) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Entamoebic histolytica infection (93855) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia infections (93856) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Bacteroides (93857) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella Infections (93858) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection (93859) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Ornithosis (93860) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (93863) Indication added 1894(1894) --> DrugBank --> Clostridia infections (93864) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection (16557) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) (93842) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia (94237) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Gram-negative infections Bacterial Infections (94238) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by Campylobacter fetus (94239) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing fever caused by Borrelia recurrentis (93871) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsia Infections (94240) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> SIADH (94241) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne Vulgaris (93833) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) (94242) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 1888(1888) --> DrugBank --> Acute Intestinal amebiasis (93568) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Anal chlamydia infection (93865) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infections (93866) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Urethritis (93867) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial cervicitis (93868) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Infections (93826) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal Amebiasis (93828) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing fever caused by Borrelia recurrentis (93871) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Tick-borne fever (93872) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis (93873) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Typhus Fever (93874) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (93875) Indication added 1889(1889) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Hansen''s Disease (94208) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Lupus erythematosus systemic (94209) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus Vulgaris (PV) (94210) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pneumocystis pneumonia (94211) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Mild Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis (94212) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pneumocystis pneumonia (94213) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis (94214) Indication added 2144(2144) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (94215) Indication added 2119(2119) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 2126(2126) --> DrugBank --> Active Tuberculosis (17983) Indication added 2126(2126) --> DrugBank --> Late phase Tuberculosis (94627) Indication added 2123(2123) --> DrugBank --> Cholestatic pruritus (93702) Indication added 2123(2123) --> DrugBank --> MRSA Infection (94474) Indication added 2123(2123) --> DrugBank --> Prosthetic Joint Infection (94537) Indication added 2123(2123) --> DrugBank --> Asymptomatic Neisseria meningitidis carrier of the nasopharynx (94628) Indication added 2123(2123) --> DrugBank --> Initial phase Tuberculosis (94629) Indication added 2123(2123) --> DrugBank --> Late phase Tuberculosis (94627) Indication added 2127(2127) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 2125(2125) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2125(2125) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 2125(2125) --> DrugBank --> Late phase Tuberculosis (94627) Indication added 2122(2122) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Tuberculosis (94630) Indication added 2122(2122) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Urinary Tract Infection (94631) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2128(2128) --> DrugBank --> Active Tuberculosis (17983) Indication added 2128(2128) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium kansasii infection (93557) Indication added 2128(2128) --> DrugBank --> Late phase Tuberculosis (94627) Indication added 6015(6015) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Multidrug Resistant (94632) Indication added 2134(2134) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium Infections (94633) Indication added 2134(2134) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 2134(2134) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2133(2133) --> DrugBank --> Active Tuberculosis (17983) Indication added 2133(2133) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2132(2132) --> DrugBank --> Active Tuberculosis (17983) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93533) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Fungal Infections (93534) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis (18351) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93535) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93536) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93537) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Candidal cystitis (93538) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endophthalmitis (93539) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Fungal osteoarticular infections (93540) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Ocular aspergillosis (93541) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Refractory aspergillosis (93542) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Coccidioidomycosis (93543) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cryptococcosis (93544) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus spp. (93545) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Conidiobolus spp. (93546) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by sporotrichosis spp. (93547) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Histoplasmosis (93548) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (93549) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe North American blastomycosis (93550) Indication added 2107(2107) --> DrugBank --> Severe Systemic candidiasis (93551) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Dermatitis (30359) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Fungal infection of nail (93583) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Vaginal yeast infection (93584) Indication added 2109(2109) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous candidiasis infection (93585) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Candidemia (15817) Indication added 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis (16790) Indication added 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Intra-abdominal abscesses (94634) Indication added 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Invasive, refractory Aspergillosis (94635) Indication added 2116(2116) --> DrugBank --> Pleural space infections (94636) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Cryptococcal infections (94266) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endocarditis (94267) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93536) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Candidiasis (94268) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract infection fungal (94269) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 2115(2115) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Candida Infections (94270) Indication added 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Abscesses (94637) Indication added 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis (15814) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Candidemia (15817) Indication added 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis (16790) Indication added 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Candidiasis (94260) Indication added 2117(2117) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Candida Infections (94270) Indication added 2118(2118) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2118(2118) --> DrugBank --> Candidemia (15817) Indication added 2118(2118) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 2118(2118) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93533) Indication added 2118(2118) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 2118(2118) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Candida Infections (94270) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Candida intertrigo (94252) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Candida pneumonia (94253) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Candidemia (15817) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Itching (94255) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93535) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Peritoneal candidiasis (94256) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia cryptococcal (94257) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Vaginal Candidiasis (94258) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis infection (94259) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Candidiasis (94260) Indication added 2111(2111) --> DrugBank --> Urinary tract candidiasis (94261) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Invasive bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (17687) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Mucormycosis (18823) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Aspergillus infection (94638) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Candida Infections (94270) Indication added 2114(2114) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary cryptococcosis infection (94639) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Fungal meningitis caused by Exserohilum Infection (94640) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93533) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93537) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Candidiasis (94260) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Non-neutropenic Candidemia (94641) Indication added 2113(2113) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Fungal Infections (94642) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis (15814) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Blastomycosis (17684) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Chromomycosis (94322) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidal meningitis (94643) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomycoses (94644) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Candidiasis (94254) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Onychomycosis (16731) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Paracoccidioidomycosis (94324) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93537) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary coccidioides (94645) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Sporotrichosis (17686) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (16521) Indication added 2112(2112) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Other specified protozoal diseases (94646) Indication added 2158(2158) --> DrugBank --> Influenza A Virus Infection (17674) Indication added 2187(2187) --> DrugBank --> Flu caused by Influenza (93556) Indication added 2187(2187) --> DrugBank --> Community-acquired pneumonia caused by Influenza (94647) Indication added 2186(2186) --> DrugBank --> Flu caused by Influenza (93556) Indication added 2184(2184) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 5922(5922) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 5628(5628) --> DrugBank --> Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistant HIV-1 infection (94649) Indication added 2183(2183) --> DrugBank --> Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (94650) Indication added 2185(2185) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2185(2185) --> DrugBank --> Post exposure HIV transmission (94651) Indication added 2176(2176) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis B Chronic Infection (94652) Indication added 2176(2176) --> DrugBank --> Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections (94653) Indication added 2177(2177) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2179(2179) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis B Chronic Infection (94652) Indication added 2180(2180) --> DrugBank --> Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections (94653) Indication added 2180(2180) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2180(2180) --> DrugBank --> Post exposure HIV transmission (94651) Indication added 2182(2182) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis B Chronic Infection (94652) Indication added 2173(2173) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2181(2181) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis B Chronic Infection (94652) Indication added 2175(2175) --> DrugBank --> Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections (94653) Indication added 2172(2172) --> DrugBank --> Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections (94653) Indication added 2172(2172) --> DrugBank --> Perinatal HIV transmission (94654) Indication added 2172(2172) --> DrugBank --> Post exposure HIV transmission (94651) Indication added 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> CMV Infections (94655) Indication added 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> CMV colitis (94656) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus Retinitis (16204) Indication added 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus gastroesophagitis (94657) Indication added 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster Progressive outer retinal necrosis (94658) Indication added 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> Acute Herpetic keratitis (94659) Indication added 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus neurological disease (94660) Indication added 2151(2151) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 2156(2156) --> DrugBank --> CMV Infections (94655) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2156(2156) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus Retinitis (16204) Indication added 2155(2155) --> DrugBank --> Cold Sore (94247) Indication added 2152(2152) --> DrugBank --> Acute Herpes Zoster (94661) Indication added 2152(2152) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex of the genitals (94662) Indication added 2152(2152) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex of the oral-labial (94663) Indication added 2152(2152) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Herpes simplex of the genital (94664) Indication added 2152(2152) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Herpes simplex of the oral-labial (94665) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> CMV Infections (94655) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Chickenpox (94666) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Genital Herpes (16345) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Labialis (16567) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Simplex Infection (94246) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Shingles (94667) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Varicella Zoster Virus Infection (94668) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent symptomatic for no more than 72 hours Genital herpes (94669) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic for no more than 24 hours Chickenpox (94670) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic for no more than 72 hours Genital herpes (94671) Indication added 2153(2153) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic for no more than 72 hours Herpes zoster (94672) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Chickenpox (94666) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex (94673) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Simplex Infection (94246) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster (16347) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex of the oral-labial (94663) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex type I reactivation (94674) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Cytomegalovirus (94675) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Genital Herpes (RGH) (94676) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Herpes Labialis (94677) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> VZV re-activation (94678) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Acute Genital herpes (94679) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Acute Herpes labialis (94680) Indication added 2147(2147) --> DrugBank --> Severe Genital herpes (94681) Indication added 2150(2150) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection (94682) Indication added 2150(2150) --> DrugBank --> Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (94683) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2154(2154) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus Retinitis (16204) Indication added 2154(2154) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Simplex Virus (94684) Indication added 2154(2154) --> DrugBank --> Monkeypox (19978) Indication added 2154(2154) --> DrugBank --> Smallpox (19977) Indication added 5497(5497) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 5498(5498) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 6157(6157) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 6695(6695) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1 (94685) Indication added 6695(6695) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 (94686) Indication added 6695(6695) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3 (94687) Indication added 6695(6695) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 (94688) Indication added 6695(6695) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 5 (94689) Indication added 6695(6695) --> DrugBank --> Genotype 6 chronic hepatitis C infection (94690) Indication added 2198(2198) --> DrugBank --> Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) (94691) Indication added 2160(2160) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus Retinitis (16204) Indication added 2160(2160) --> DrugBank --> Genital Herpes (16345) Indication added 2160(2160) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Labialis (16567) Indication added 2160(2160) --> DrugBank --> Herpetic whitlow (94692) Indication added 2160(2160) --> DrugBank --> Varicella Zoster Virus Infection (94668) Indication added 2162(2162) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2171(2171) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2169(2169) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 5971(5971) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1 (94685) Indication added 2168(2168) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2165(2165) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2163(2163) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2170(2170) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 6300(6300) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1 (94685) Indication added 6300(6300) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 (94688) Indication added 2164(2164) --> DrugBank --> Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections (94653) Indication added 6697(6697) --> DrugBank --> Inhaled anthrax caused by Bacillus anthracis (94597) Indication added 2222(2222) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (94693) Indication added 2301(2301) --> DrugBank --> Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) (94694) Indication added 2301(2301) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (93904) Indication added 2301(2301) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Chronic myelogenous leukemia (94695) Indication added 2304(2304) --> DrugBank --> Adenocarcinoma of the Ovaries (94696) Indication added 2304(2304) --> DrugBank --> Breast Adenocarcinoma (94697) Indication added 2304(2304) --> DrugBank --> Papillary transitional cell carcinoma of bladder (94698) Indication added 2304(2304) --> DrugBank --> Malignant effusion (94699) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myelocytic Leukemia (94700) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Adenocarcinoma of the Ovaries (94696) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Burkitt''s Lymphoma (17573) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) (94702) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Neuroblastoma (94703) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (17029) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancers (94705) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome (MCNS) (94707) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Myasthenia Gravis (16762) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Nephritis, Lupus (94709) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian germ cell tumour (94711) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Retinoblastoma (17027) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Rhabdomyosarcomas (94712) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Waldenström''s Macroglobulinemia (WM) (94713) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Alibert-Bazin syndrome (94714) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Histiocytic lymphoma (94715) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic gestational trophoblastic tumor (94716) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Mixed-cell type lymphoma (94717) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Pericarditis (94718) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Small cell lung cancer (94719) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Refractory immune thrombocytopenia (93932) Indication added 2294(2294) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Wilm''s tumor (94720) Indication added 2296(2296) --> DrugBank --> Amyloidosis (16269) Indication added 2296(2296) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2296(2296) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Epithelial Cancer (16100) Indication added 2296(2296) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hodgkin Lymphoma (94721) Indication added 2295(2295) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 2295(2295) --> DrugBank --> Hodgkins Disease (HD) (94722) Indication added 2295(2295) --> DrugBank --> Nephrotic syndrome with lesion of minimal change glomerulonephritis (94723) Indication added 2295(2295) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2295(2295) --> DrugBank --> Waldenström''s Macroglobulinemia (WM) (94713) Indication added 2295(2295) --> DrugBank --> Giant follicular lymphoma (94724) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Carcinoma, Bronchogenic (94725) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Hodgkins Disease (HD) (94722) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Diffuse (94726) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (93904) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Stage I Mycosis Fungoides (94727) Indication added 2297(2297) --> DrugBank --> Malignant effusion (94699) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Cancers (94728) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Cervical Cancers (94730) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Head and Neck Carcinoma (94731) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Pancreas (16009) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoma, Osteogenic (94733) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Testicular Germ Cell Cancer (94735) Indication added 2298(2298) --> DrugBank --> Advanced thymic carcinoma (94736) Indication added 6049(6049) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 6049(6049) --> DrugBank --> Follicular Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma Refractory (94737) Indication added 6049(6049) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma (94738) Indication added 6049(6049) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Mantle Cell Lymphoma (94739) Indication added 6049(6049) --> DrugBank --> Waldenström''s Macroglobulinemia (WM) (94713) Indication added 6049(6049) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent multiple myeloma (94740) Indication added 6049(6049) --> DrugBank --> Refractory indolent B cell non-hodgkin lymphoma (94741) Indication added 2308(2308) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Brain Tumors (94742) Indication added 2308(2308) --> DrugBank --> Primary Brain Tumors (94743) Indication added 2308(2308) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma (94738) Indication added 2310(2310) --> DrugBank --> Stage 4 islet cell carcinoma (94744) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Astrocytomas (94745) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Brain Stem Gliomas (94746) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Ependymomas (94747) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Glioblastomas (94748) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Medulloblastomas (94749) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Brain Tumors (94742) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (94750) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma (94738) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Multiple Myeloma (94751) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> High grade newly diagnosed Glioma (94752) Indication added 2307(2307) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (94753) Indication added 2318(2318) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma (94754) Indication added 2318(2318) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2318(2318) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 2318(2318) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 2318(2318) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Medullary thyroid cancer (94755) Indication added 2318(2318) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (94756) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Melanoma (94757) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) (94758) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) (94759) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Ewing Sarcoma (94760) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Neuroblastoma (94761) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Neuroendocrine tumor (94762) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Anaplastic astrocytoma (94763) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Mycosis fungoides (94764) Indication added 2317(2317) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Sezary Syndrome (94765) Indication added 5855(5855) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) (94766) Indication added 5855(5855) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (94767) Indication added 5855(5855) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma Unspecified (94768) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) (94769) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) (94770) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Cancers (94728) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Lymphoma (94771) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Choriocarcinoma (17098) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Sclerosis (94772) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Extrauterine Pregnancy (94773) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Head and Neck Carcinoma (94731) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Hydatidiform Mole (17099) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Meningeal leukemia (17103) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoma, Osteogenic (94733) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Lung (94775) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Active Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (94776) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Alibert-Bazin syndrome (94714) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Advanced non-Hodgkin lymphoma (94777) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Nonleukemic meningeal cancer (94778) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Takayasu arteritis (94779) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 2319(2319) --> DrugBank --> Severe, active Rheumatoid arthritis (94780) Indication added 2320(2320) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Colorectal Cancer (94781) Indication added 2320(2320) --> DrugBank --> Pleural Mesotheliomas (94782) Indication added 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Mesothelioma (17195) Indication added 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Pleural Mesotheliomas (94782) Indication added 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Urothelial carcinoma ureter metastatic (94783) Indication added 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer (94784) Indication added 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer (94785) Indication added 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent, IV-B Cervical cancer (94786) Indication added 2321(2321) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Thymoma (94787) Indication added 2322(2322) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 2322(2322) --> DrugBank --> Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) (94770) Indication added 2322(2322) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 2322(2322) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis, Autoimmune (93691) Indication added 2322(2322) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Lymphoblastic (94788) Indication added 2322(2322) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 2325(2325) --> DrugBank --> B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/prolymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma refractory (94789) Indication added 2325(2325) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (94753) Indication added 2327(2327) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) refractory (94790) Indication added 2327(2327) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (94791) Indication added 2324(2324) --> DrugBank --> CLL (94792) Indication added 2324(2324) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 2324(2324) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) (94766) Indication added 2324(2324) --> DrugBank --> Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) (94793) Indication added 2324(2324) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2324(2324) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (94794) Indication added 2326(2326) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Recurrent (94795) Indication added 2326(2326) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (94791) Indication added 2326(2326) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (94796) Indication added 2326(2326) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Langerhans cell histiocytosis (94797) Indication added 2323(2323) --> DrugBank --> Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia (94798) Indication added 2323(2323) --> DrugBank --> Nonlymphocytic Acute myeloid leukemia (94799) Indication added 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratosis (AK) (94249) Indication added 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Colon (94800) Indication added 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Pancreas (16009) Indication added 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach (94801) Indication added 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Rectal Carcinoma (94802) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma (16909) Indication added 2329(2329) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkeratotic actinic keratosis (94803) Indication added 6126(6126) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (94804) Indication added 6126(6126) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 6126(6126) --> DrugBank --> Myelodysplastic Syndromes (94806) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6126(6126) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Anemia (17893) Indication added 6126(6126) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Anemia With Excess Blasts in Transformation (94807) Indication added 6126(6126) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Anemia With Ringed Sideroblasts (94808) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Ovarian Cancer (94809) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Breast Cancer Metastatic (94810) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer (94811) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94812) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (94813) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Biliary Tract Cancer (94814) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Bladder Cancer (94815) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Stage IV (94816) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Bladder cancer (94817) Indication added 2332(2332) --> DrugBank --> Stage 4 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (94818) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Duke''s C Colon cancer (94819) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Cancers (94820) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Hepatobiliary Cancers (94821) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach (94801) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma (94822) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic Cancer Metastatic (94823) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic pancreatic endocrine carcinoma (94824) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Ovarian cancer (94825) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Refractory falopian tube cancer (94826) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Refractory peritoneal cancer (94827) Indication added 2333(2333) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Colorectal carcinoma (94828) Indication added 5621(5621) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (94804) Indication added 5621(5621) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5621(5621) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Anemia (17893) Indication added 5621(5621) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Anemia With Excess Blasts in Transformation (94807) Indication added 5621(5621) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Anemia With Ringed Sideroblasts (94808) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5621(5621) --> DrugBank --> Refractory anaemia with an excess of blasts (17895) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) (94769) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) (94770) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Leptomeningeal Metastases (16066) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Meningeal leukemia (17103) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2328(2328) --> DrugBank --> Blast phase Chronic myelocytic leukemia (94829) Indication added 2346(2346) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2346(2346) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2346(2346) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (94336) Indication added 2346(2346) --> DrugBank --> Rhabdomyosarcomas (94712) Indication added 2346(2346) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoma, Osteogenic (94733) Indication added 2346(2346) --> DrugBank --> Wilms'' tumor (94830) Indication added 2346(2346) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic nonseminomatous Testicular cancer (94831) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) (94769) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia (AML) (94832) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) (94770) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (94833) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Leukemia (94834) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Lymphomas (94835) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) (94836) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS) (94837) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Hormone refractory, advanced Prostate cancer (94838) Indication added 2353(2353) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Hepatocellular carcinoma (94839) Indication added 2355(2355) --> DrugBank --> In situ BCG-refractory Bladder carcinoma (94840) Indication added 2348(2348) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) (94769) Indication added 2348(2348) --> DrugBank --> Acute erythroid leukemia (94841) Indication added 2348(2348) --> DrugBank --> Acute monocytic leukaemia (94842) Indication added 2348(2348) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 2349(2349) --> DrugBank --> Breast Cancer Stage II (94843) Indication added 2349(2349) --> DrugBank --> Breast Cancer Stage III (94844) Indication added 2352(2352) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia (94845) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Endometrial Cancer (94846) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma (94754) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Bladder transitional cell carcinoma (18264) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Carcinoma, Bronchogenic (94725) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Carcinoma (94847) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Kaposi''s Sarcoma AIDS Related (15802) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Neuroblastomas (94202) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Cancer Metastatic (94848) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Carcinoma (16889) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoma, Bone (94849) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Sezary Syndrome (94203) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Thyroid Carcinoma (15956) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Waldenström''s Macroglobulinemia (WM) (94713) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Wilms'' tumor (94830) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Thymoma (94850) Indication added 2347(2347) --> DrugBank --> Advanced uterine sarcoma (94851) Indication added 5502(5502) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) (94852) Indication added 5502(5502) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Cervical Cancers (94730) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Head and Neck Carcinoma (94731) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors (94853) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Pleural Effusions (94854) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Penile Cancer (17196) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Pneumothorax (17776) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Testicular Cancer (94855) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Vulvar Cancers (94856) Indication added 2356(2356) --> DrugBank --> Early Kaposi''s sarcoma (94857) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas (94858) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach (94859) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Anal Carcinoma (94860) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Cancers (94728) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Cervical Cancers (94730) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Head and Neck Carcinoma (94731) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Cancer (NSCLC) (94861) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Mesothelioma (17195) Indication added 2358(2358) --> DrugBank --> Ab externo surgery Glaucoma (94862) Indication added 2362(2362) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2362(2362) --> DrugBank --> Oligodendrogliomas (94863) Indication added 2362(2362) --> DrugBank --> Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) (94759) Indication added 2362(2362) --> DrugBank --> Stage III Hodgkin''s Disease (94864) Indication added 2362(2362) --> DrugBank --> Stage IV Hodgkin''s Disease (94865) Indication added 2368(2368) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Cancers (94866) Indication added 2368(2368) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (94867) Indication added 2368(2368) --> DrugBank --> Advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (94868) Indication added 2370(2370) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Cancers (94866) Indication added 5928(5928) --> DrugBank --> B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory (94869) Indication added 5928(5928) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma (94738) Indication added 5928(5928) --> DrugBank --> Post-autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Hodgkin lymphoma (94870) Indication added 6061(6061) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Non small cell lung cancer (94871) Indication added 5927(5927) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (94872) Indication added 5927(5927) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous Melanoma (94873) Indication added 5927(5927) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 5927(5927) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Melanoma (94874) Indication added 5927(5927) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic MSI-H/dMMR colorectal cancer (94875) Indication added 2365(2365) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2365(2365) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2365(2365) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma (94876) Indication added 2364(2364) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 2364(2364) --> DrugBank --> Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (17029) Indication added 2364(2364) --> DrugBank --> Microscopic Polyangiitis (33267) Indication added 2364(2364) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2364(2364) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Rheumatoid arthritis (94877) Indication added 2364(2364) --> DrugBank --> Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (94878) Indication added 6160(6160) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (93994) Indication added 6160(6160) --> DrugBank --> Previously untreated Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (94879) Indication added 6036(6036) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory carcinoma of the breast (94880) Indication added 6036(6036) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) (94852) Indication added 6036(6036) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 6036(6036) --> DrugBank --> Stage I Breast Carcinoma (94881) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Glioblastomas (94748) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Cancers (94866) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (16229) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Cervical Cancer (94882) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Nonsquamous cell Non-small cell lung cancer (94883) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent platinum drug resistant Fallopian tube cancer (94884) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent platinum drug resistant Ovarian cancer (94885) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent platinum drug resistant primary peritoneal cancer (94886) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent, IV-B Cervical cancer (94786) Indication added 2369(2369) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Cervical cancer (94887) Indication added 6011(6011) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Ascites of the intraperitoneal (94888) Indication added 6010(6010) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 6010(6010) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (94889) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) (94694) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Head and Neck Carcinoma (94731) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Hypereosinophilic Syndromes (94890) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Melanoma (94891) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Meningiomas (94892) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Cancer Metastatic (94848) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (93904) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Sickle Cell Disorders (94893) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, refractory Myeloid Leukemia (94894) Indication added 2385(2385) --> DrugBank --> Inoperable Ovarian cancer (94895) Indication added 2401(2401) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) (94766) Indication added 2396(2396) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Eczema of the hand (94301) Indication added 2396(2396) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous lesions (94302) Indication added 2396(2396) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Eczema of the hand (94303) Indication added 2396(2396) --> DrugBank --> Severe Eczema of the hand (94304) Indication added 2382(2382) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 2382(2382) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Leukemia (94896) Indication added 5646(5646) --> DrugBank --> Persistent Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (94897) Indication added 5646(5646) --> DrugBank --> Progressive Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (94898) Indication added 5646(5646) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (94899) Indication added 2402(2402) --> DrugBank --> Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) (94900) Indication added 2402(2402) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Neuroblastoma (94761) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma (94901) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent, IV-B Cervical cancer (94786) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Refractory CNS lymphoma (94902) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Refractory CNS malignancy (94903) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Ovarian cancer (94904) Indication added 2393(2393) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Small cell lung cancer (94905) Indication added 2387(2387) --> DrugBank --> B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification) refractory (94906) Indication added 2387(2387) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 2387(2387) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease, Acute (94907) Indication added 2387(2387) --> DrugBank --> Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) (94793) Indication added 2387(2387) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 2387(2387) --> DrugBank --> Sezary Syndrome (94203) Indication added 2387(2387) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, steroid refractory Graft versus host disease (94908) Indication added 2383(2383) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 5749(5749) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, accelerated phase Chronic myeloid leukemia (94909) Indication added 5749(5749) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, chronic phase Chronic myeloid leukemia (94910) Indication added 6039(6039) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma (94911) Indication added 6039(6039) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Basal cell carcinoma (94912) Indication added 5822(5822) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Liposarcoma (94913) Indication added 5822(5822) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Breast cancer (94914) Indication added 5822(5822) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Liposarcoma (94915) Indication added 2399(2399) --> DrugBank --> Refractory peripheral cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (94277) Indication added 6163(6163) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 6163(6163) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 6163(6163) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Cancers (94866) Indication added 6163(6163) --> DrugBank --> Retinopathy, Diabetic (94916) Indication added 6163(6163) --> DrugBank --> Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (94917) Indication added 6164(6164) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Multiple Myeloma (94751) Indication added 6164(6164) --> DrugBank --> Waldenström''s Macroglobulinemia (WM) (94713) Indication added 2398(2398) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> FAB classification M3 Acute promyelocytic leukemia (94918) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Solar Lentigines (94919) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Facial fine wrinkling (94280) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Melasma (94920) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Mottled hyperpigmentation (94921) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Severe Melasma (94922) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Severe, recalcitrant Cystic acne (94923) Indication added 2391(2391) --> DrugBank --> Tactile roughness of facial skin (94924) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Cancers (94820) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Glioblastomas (94748) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Cancer (NSCLC) (94861) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Pancreas (16009) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach (94801) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma (94822) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Rhabdomyosarcomas (94712) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent, IV-B Cervical cancer (94786) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent, metastatic Colorectal carcinoma (94925) Indication added 2395(2395) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (94926) Indication added 5934(5934) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Multiple Myeloma (94751) Indication added 2388(2388) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous (94927) Indication added 2388(2388) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 2388(2388) --> DrugBank --> Specific infections by free-living amoebae (94928) Indication added 2388(2388) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) (94929) Indication added 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2403(2403) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 2397(2397) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 2397(2397) --> DrugBank --> Inoperable Adrenocortical carcinoma (94930) Indication added 2400(2400) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (94931) Indication added 2384(2384) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2384(2384) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Cancer Stage III (94932) Indication added 5640(5640) --> DrugBank --> Refractory peripheral cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (94277) Indication added 2404(2404) --> DrugBank --> Thrombocythemia (94933) Indication added 2390(2390) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer (94934) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (94935) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Cervical Cancers (94730) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Cancers (94820) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Head and Neck Carcinoma (94731) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Hepatobiliary Cancers (94821) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Hepatoblastomas (94936) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Cancer (NSCLC) (94861) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach (94801) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Medulloblastomas (94749) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Neuroblastomas (94202) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Cancer Metastatic (94848) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Pleural Mesotheliomas (94782) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) (94759) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Endometrial Cancer (94937) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma (94738) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoma, Osteogenic (94733) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Thymic Cancer (94938) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Bladder cancer (94817) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Anal cancer (94939) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Endometrial cancer (94940) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Penile cancer (94941) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Testicular cancer (94942) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (94753) Indication added 2359(2359) --> DrugBank --> Refractory gestational trophoblastic disease (94943) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Colorectal Cancer (94781) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Ovarian Cancer (94809) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (94935) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Colon Cancer Stage III (17879) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Cancers (94820) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach (94801) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (94889) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Advanced biliary adenocarcinoma (94944) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Neuroendocrine Tumour (94945) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (94753) Indication added 2361(2361) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Testicular cancer (94946) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Cervical Cancer (94947) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Endometrial Cancer (94846) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Esophageal Cancers (94948) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Head and Neck Cancer (94949) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Melanoma (94757) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94950) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma (94951) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Sarcoma (94952) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin (94953) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Pleural mesothelioma malignant (15916) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma (94738) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Retinoblastoma (17027) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Bladder cancer (94817) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Small cell lung cancer (94954) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Testicular cancer (94955) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Thymoma (94850) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Advanced thymic carcinoma (94736) Indication added 2360(2360) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (94753) Indication added 2378(2378) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94812) Indication added 2378(2378) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (94956) Indication added 2378(2378) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Cancer (NSCLC) (94861) Indication added 2378(2378) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94957) Indication added 2378(2378) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic Cancer Metastatic (94823) Indication added 2380(2380) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (94872) Indication added 2380(2380) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (94958) Indication added 2380(2380) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiosarcoma (94959) Indication added 2380(2380) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma (94960) Indication added 2380(2380) --> DrugBank --> Locally recurrent refractory to radioactive iodine treatment Thyroid carcinoma (94961) Indication added 2380(2380) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic refractory to radioactive iodine treatment Thyroid carcinoma (94962) Indication added 5504(5504) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (15871) Indication added 5504(5504) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (94963) Indication added 5504(5504) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, accelerated phase Chronic myeloid leukemia (94909) Indication added 2381(2381) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 2381(2381) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) (94702) Indication added 5503(5503) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 5503(5503) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Breast cancer (94964) Indication added 5503(5503) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Breast cancer (94914) Indication added 2379(2379) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (94872) Indication added 2379(2379) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication added 2379(2379) --> DrugBank --> Thyroid Cancers (94391) Indication added 2379(2379) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (94965) Indication added 2379(2379) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (94963) Indication added 2379(2379) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable, locally advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (94966) Indication added 5931(5931) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94957) Indication added 6666(6666) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (94872) Indication added 6666(6666) --> DrugBank --> Progressive, metastatic Medullary thyroid cancer (94967) Indication added 5933(5933) --> DrugBank --> Post Essential Thrombocythemia Myelofibrosis (94968) Indication added 5933(5933) --> DrugBank --> Post Polycythemia Vera Myelofibrosis (94969) Indication added 5933(5933) --> DrugBank --> High risk Myelofibrosis (94970) Indication added 5933(5933) --> DrugBank --> Intermediate risk Myelofibrosis (94971) Indication added 5933(5933) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Polycythemia vera (94972) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5930(5930) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 5930(5930) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Melanoma (94874) Indication added 5930(5930) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Erdheim-Chester disease (94973) Indication added 5930(5930) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Non-small cell lung cancer (94974) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> High (94975) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal Amebiasis (93828) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Infections (94976) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Medullary Thyroid Cancer (94977) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 5748(5748) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced Medullary thyroid cancer (94978) Indication added 6037(6037) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (94979) Indication added 6037(6037) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (94980) Indication added 6037(6037) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Colorectal cancer (94981) Indication added 6037(6037) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (94982) Indication added 2377(2377) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94957) Indication added 6067(6067) --> DrugBank --> Accelerated phase chronic myologenic leukemia (94983) Indication added 6067(6067) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 6067(6067) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (15871) Indication added 6067(6067) --> DrugBank --> Blast phase Chronic myelocytic leukemia (94829) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6162(6162) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 6162(6162) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Melanoma (94874) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6161(6161) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 6161(6161) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Melanoma (94874) Indication added 5821(5821) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94957) Indication added 5821(5821) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic squamous cell Non-small cell lung cancer (94984) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Chordomas (94985) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia (CEL) (94986) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) (94702) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Desmoid Tumors (94987) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> FIP1L1-PDGFR? fusion kinase status unknown Chronic eosinophilic leukemia (94988) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> FIP1L1-PDGFR? fusion kinase status unknown Hypereosinophilic syndrome (94989) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Hypereosinophilic Syndromes (94890) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (94979) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Myelodysplastic Syndromes (94806) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Myeloproliferative Disorders (94990) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (94791) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> CKit mutational status unknown Aggressive systemic mastocytosis (94991) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (94992) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Newly diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (94993) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Newly diagnosed, chronic phase Chronic myeloid leukemia (94994) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (94995) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, accelerated phase Chronic myeloid leukemia (94909) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, blast crisis Chronic myeloid leukemia (94996) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, chronic phase Chronic myeloid leukemia (94910) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Systemic mastocytosis with associated hematological neoplasm (94997) Indication added 2376(2376) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (94982) Indication added 5643(5643) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (94872) Indication added 5863(5863) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (94872) Indication added 5863(5863) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma (94754) Indication added 5863(5863) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Thyroid cancer (94998) Indication added 5929(5929) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, accelerated phase Chronic myelogenous leukemia (94999) Indication added 5929(5929) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, blast phase Chronic myelogenous leukemia (95000) Indication added 5929(5929) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, chronic phase Chronic myelogenous leukemia (95001) Indication added 5932(5932) --> DrugBank --> Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) (93933) Indication added 5932(5932) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Thyroid cancer (94998) Indication added 5932(5932) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Aplastic anemia (93935) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Liver Transplant Rejection (18749) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Renal angiomyolipoma, tuberous sclerosis complex (95003) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, tuberous sclerosis complex (95004) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Carcinoid tumor (95005) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced gastrointestinal origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95006) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced lung origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95007) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic gastrointestinal origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95008) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic lung origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95009) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95010) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (95011) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Waldenstrom''s Macroglobulinaemia (95012) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Breast cancer (94964) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable gastrointestinal origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95013) Indication added 6665(6665) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable lung origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95014) Indication added 2373(2373) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Cheilitis (95015) Indication added 2373(2373) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratoses of the face (94243) Indication added 2373(2373) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratoses of the scalp (94244) Indication added 2373(2373) --> DrugBank --> Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) (95016) Indication added 2373(2373) --> DrugBank --> Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) (95017) Indication added 2372(2372) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratosis (AK) (94249) Indication added 2345(2345) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma (95018) Indication added 2345(2345) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Liposarcoma (94913) Indication added 2345(2345) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed platinum-sensitive Ovarian cancer (95019) Indication added 2345(2345) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Leiomyosarcoma (95020) Indication added 2345(2345) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Liposarcoma (94915) Indication added 2341(2341) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Recurrent (94795) Indication added 2341(2341) --> DrugBank --> Mild Atopic dermatitis (94289) Indication added 2341(2341) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Atopic dermatitis (94290) Indication added 2341(2341) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Atopic dermatitis (94306) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (95021) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (94336) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Cancer (NSCLC) (94861) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Merkel cell cancer (95022) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Neuroblastomas (94202) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Neuroendocrine Tumours (95023) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Prostate Cancer (16044) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Retinoblastoma (17027) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoma, Osteogenic (94733) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Wilms'' tumor (94830) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced Thymoma (95024) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Thymic Cancer (95025) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Sarcoma (95026) Indication added 2340(2340) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Testicular cancer (94946) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Cervical Cancer (94947) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Head and Neck Cancer (94949) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Ovarian Cancer (94809) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma (94754) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Cancers (94820) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Fallopian Tube Cancer (95027) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Kaposi s Sarcoma (KS) (95028) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94812) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Cancer (NSCLC) (94861) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach (94801) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Peritoneal Neoplasm (95029) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Bladder Cancer (94815) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94957) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Metastatic (95030) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Bladder cancer (94817) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Thymoma (94850) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Penile cancer (94941) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Small cell lung cancer (94719) Indication added 2343(2343) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Testicular germ cell cancer (95031) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Cancers (94820) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) (94852) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Bladder Cancer (94815) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer (94934) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94957) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Node Positive Breast Cancer (95032) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Cancer Metastatic (94848) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Advanced untreated gastric adenocarcinoma (95033) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced Squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (95034) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced untreated non small cell lung cancer (95035) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (95036) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, locally advanced Non small cell lung cancer (95037) Indication added 2344(2344) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Non small cell lung cancer (94871) Indication added 5926(5926) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic hormone-refractory Prostate cancer (95038) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Recurrent (94795) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) (94769) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Choriocarcinoma (17098) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Ewing''s Sarcoma (ES) (94704) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (94336) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Hepatoblastomas (94936) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura ( ITP ) (95039) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Kaposi s Sarcoma (KS) (95028) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Neuroblastomas (94202) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (NHL) (94710) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian germ cell tumour (94711) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Retinoblastoma (17027) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Rhabdomyosarcomas (94712) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Wilms'' tumor (94830) Indication added 2337(2337) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Thymoma (94850) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma (94754) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Cancers (94728) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura ( ITP ) (95039) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Kaposi s Sarcoma (KS) (95028) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Letterer-Siwe disease (18707) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Cancer (NSCLC) (94861) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Lymphoma, Hodgkins (94706) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Alibert-Bazin syndrome (94714) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Testicular cancer (94955) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Histiocytic lymphoma (94715) Indication added 2336(2336) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Breast cancer (95040) Indication added 2339(2339) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94950) Indication added 2339(2339) --> DrugBank --> Esophageal Cancers (94820) Indication added 2339(2339) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (94812) Indication added 2339(2339) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2339(2339) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Cervical Cancer (94882) Indication added 2339(2339) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication added 2339(2339) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent, IV-B Cervical cancer (94786) Indication added 6698(6698) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (93692) Indication added 2421(2421) --> DrugBank --> Stage D2 Prostatic carcinoma (95041) Indication added 2419(2419) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 2419(2419) --> DrugBank --> C Prostatic Carcinoma (95042) Indication added 2419(2419) --> DrugBank --> Hirsutism (16169) Indication added 2419(2419) --> DrugBank --> Stage B2 Prostatic Carcinoma (95043) Indication added 2419(2419) --> DrugBank --> Stage D2 Prostatic carcinoma (95041) Indication added 2420(2420) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer (94934) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Cancer of the Ovary (94729) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Desmoid Tumors (94987) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Endometrial Cancers (95044) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Gynecomastia (95045) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Breast Carcinoma (95046) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2416(2416) --> DrugBank --> Puberty, Precocious (95047) Indication added 2417(2417) --> DrugBank --> Desmoid Tumors (94987) Indication added 2417(2417) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2418(2418) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Breast cancer (94964) Indication added 2418(2418) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Breast cancer (94914) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2425(2425) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Breast Cancer (15808) Indication added 2425(2425) --> DrugBank --> Anovulatory cycle (15861) Indication added 2425(2425) --> DrugBank --> Ovarian Epithelial Cancer (16100) Indication added 2425(2425) --> DrugBank --> Stage I Breast Carcinoma (94881) Indication added 2425(2425) --> DrugBank --> Advanced HR + HER2 - breast cancer (95048) Indication added 2425(2425) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic HR + HER2 - breast cancer (95049) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) (94852) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) (94341) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Ovarian Cancer (95050) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Stage I Breast Carcinoma (94881) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Endometrial cancer (94940) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Uterine cancer (95051) Indication added 2424(2424) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Breast cancer (94964) Indication added 2427(2427) --> DrugBank --> Stage I Breast Carcinoma (94881) Indication added 2427(2427) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Breast cancer (94964) Indication added 5935(5935) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (93692) Indication added 6004(6004) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Prostate Cancer (95052) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Hirsutism (16169) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (16550) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne Vulgaris (93833) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Acne vulgaris (93837) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Moderate vasomotor symptoms (94355) Indication added 2407(2407) --> DrugBank --> Severe vasomotor symptoms (94356) Indication added 1838(1838) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Prostate Cancer (95052) Indication added 1838(1838) --> DrugBank --> Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) (94393) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Prostate Cancer (95052) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) (94393) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Infertilities (94357) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Paraphilia (95053) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Uterine Leiomyomas (95054) Indication added 2413(2413) --> DrugBank --> Symptom recurrence (95055) Indication added 2415(2415) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Prostate Cancer (95052) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Breast Cancer (15808) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Stage I Breast Carcinoma (94881) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Advanced carcinoma of the prostate (95056) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Stage M1 hormone dependent carcinoma of the prostate (95057) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Stage T2b carcinoma of the prostate (95058) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Stage T2c carcinoma of the prostate (95059) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Stage T3 carcinoma of the prostate (95060) Indication added 2414(2414) --> DrugBank --> Stage T4 carcinoma of the prostate (95061) Indication added 2412(2412) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 2412(2412) --> DrugBank --> Stage D2 Prostatic carcinoma (95041) Indication added 2434(2434) --> DrugBank --> Chemotherapy Induced Neutropenia (95062) Indication added 2434(2434) --> DrugBank --> Hematopoietic Subsyndrome of Acute Radiation Syndrome (95063) Indication added 2431(2431) --> DrugBank --> Bone Marrow Suppression (95064) Indication added 2431(2431) --> DrugBank --> Delayed engraftment (95065) Indication added 2431(2431) --> DrugBank --> Graft Failure (95066) Indication added 2431(2431) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenias (95067) Indication added 2429(2429) --> DrugBank --> Hematopoietic Subsyndrome of Acute Radiation Syndrome (95063) Indication added 2429(2429) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenia, Febrile (94514) Indication added 2429(2429) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenias (95067) Indication added 2429(2429) --> DrugBank --> Severe Neutropenia (95068) Indication added 2429(2429) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenia-related sequelae (95069) Indication added 2429(2429) --> DrugBank --> Neutrophil suppression (95070) Indication added 2429(2429) --> DrugBank --> Severe idiopathic neutropenia (95071) Indication added 2445(2445) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis B Chronic Infection (94652) Indication added 2445(2445) --> DrugBank --> Compensated liver disease (95072) Indication added 2444(2444) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection (94682) Indication added 2444(2444) --> DrugBank --> Melanoma (94891) Indication added 2441(2441) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) (94836) Indication added 2442(2442) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) (94836) Indication added 2442(2442) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS) (94837) Indication added 2439(2439) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection (94682) Indication added 2439(2439) --> DrugBank --> Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) (94793) Indication added 2439(2439) --> DrugBank --> Kaposi s Sarcoma (KS) (95028) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2439(2439) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Melanoma (16031) Indication added 2448(2448) --> DrugBank --> Thrombocytopenias (93934) Indication added 2447(2447) --> DrugBank --> High Risk Neuroblastoma (95073) Indication added 2447(2447) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 2447(2447) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (16229) Indication added 2460(2460) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Sclerosis (94772) Indication added 5936(5936) --> DrugBank --> Asymptomatic, metastatic hormone-refractory Prostate cancer (95074) Indication added 5936(5936) --> DrugBank --> Minimally symptomatic, metastatic hormone-refractory Prostate cancer (95075) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Liver Transplant Rejection (18749) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Oral Lichen Planus (95076) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis (16231) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma Gangrenosum (18574) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Vitiligo (17807) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Atopic dermatitis (94290) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Atopic dermatitis (94306) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Rheumatoid arthritis (95077) Indication added 2466(2466) --> DrugBank --> Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (94878) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection (95078) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulosclerosis, Focal Segmental (95079) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Interstitial Cystitis (93958) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Liver Transplant Rejection (18749) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Nephritis, Lupus (94709) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis (16231) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Severe Ulcerative Colitis (93592) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Ulcerative colitis (95080) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Severe, active Rheumatoid arthritis (94780) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Severe, recalcitrant Plaque psoriasis (95081) Indication added 2462(2462) --> DrugBank --> Suppressed tear production (95082) Indication added 2474(2474) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2474(2474) --> DrugBank --> Neonatal-onset multisystemic inflammatory disease (95083) Indication added 2474(2474) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Rheumatoid arthritis (94877) Indication added 2474(2474) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Pericarditis (94718) Indication added 2474(2474) --> DrugBank --> Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (94878) Indication added 5884(5884) --> DrugBank --> Familial Cold Autoinflammatory Syndrome (FCAS) (95084) Indication added 5884(5884) --> DrugBank --> Muckle-Wells Syndrome (MWS) (95085) Indication added 5884(5884) --> DrugBank --> Neonatal-onset multisystemic inflammatory disease (95083) Indication added 5884(5884) --> DrugBank --> Active systemic Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (95086) Indication added 2469(2469) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 5772(5772) --> DrugBank --> Polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (95087) Indication added 5772(5772) --> DrugBank --> Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) (93933) Indication added 5772(5772) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (SJIA) (95088) Indication added 5772(5772) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Aplastic anemia (93935) Indication added 5882(5882) --> DrugBank --> Cryopyrin-associated Periodic Syndromes (CAPS) (95089) Indication added 5882(5882) --> DrugBank --> Familial Cold Autoinflammatory Syndrome (FCAS) (95084) Indication added 5882(5882) --> DrugBank --> Muckle-Wells Syndrome (MWS) (95085) Indication added 2468(2468) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (RMS) (95090) Indication added 5937(5937) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 5937(5937) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 5937(5937) --> DrugBank --> Severe Plaque psoriasis (95091) Indication added 5937(5937) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Plaque psoriasis (95092) Indication added 6699(6699) --> DrugBank --> Castleman''s Disease (95093) Indication added 5881(5881) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic arthritis aggravated (95094) Indication added 5881(5881) --> DrugBank --> Severe Plaque psoriasis (95091) Indication added 5881(5881) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Plaque psoriasis (95092) Indication added 5883(5883) --> DrugBank --> Severe Eosinophilic Asthma (95095) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease (95096) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Stomatitis, Aphthous (95097) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Uremic Pruritus (93703) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Waldenström''s Macroglobulinemia (WM) (94713) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Systemic light chain amyloidosis (95098) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Erythema nodosum leprosum (95099) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Graft versus host disease (95100) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Severe Erythema nodosum leprosum (95101) Indication added 2485(2485) --> DrugBank --> Treatment naive multiple myeloma (95102) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) (94769) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) (94770) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Cancers (94728) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Cancer, Breast (94701) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Lymphoma (94771) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Choriocarcinoma (17098) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Sclerosis (94772) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Extrauterine Pregnancy (94773) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Head and Neck Carcinoma (94731) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Hydatidiform Mole (17099) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) (94732) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Meningeal leukemia (17103) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoma, Osteogenic (94733) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) (94734) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Lung (94775) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Active Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (94776) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Alibert-Bazin syndrome (94714) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Advanced non-Hodgkin lymphoma (94777) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Nonleukemic meningeal cancer (94778) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Takayasu arteritis (94779) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 2486(2486) --> DrugBank --> Severe, active Rheumatoid arthritis (94780) Indication added 6168(6168) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Multiple Myeloma (94751) Indication added 2487(2487) --> DrugBank --> Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) (94900) Indication added 2487(2487) --> DrugBank --> Multiple Myeloma (MM) (94708) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2487(2487) --> DrugBank --> Myelodysplastic Syndrome (16190) Indication added 2487(2487) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (94889) Indication added 2487(2487) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (95103) Indication added 2487(2487) --> DrugBank --> Light chain amyloidosis (95104) Indication added 5938(5938) --> DrugBank --> Mild Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (95105) Indication added 5938(5938) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (95106) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Sclerosis (94772) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Immune Thrombocytopenia (95107) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Nephritis, Lupus (94709) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis (16231) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2484(2484) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) (95108) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (95087) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma Gangrenosum (18574) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2471(2471) --> DrugBank --> Severe, active Rheumatoid arthritis (94780) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic arthritis aggravated (95094) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma Gangrenosum (18574) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Severe Plaque psoriasis (95091) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Severe Ulcerative Colitis (93592) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Hidradenitis Suppurativa (95109) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Plaque psoriasis (95092) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Rheumatoid arthritis (94877) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Ulcerative colitis (93587) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa (95110) Indication added 2477(2477) --> DrugBank --> Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (94878) Indication added 5509(5509) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 5509(5509) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic arthritis aggravated (95094) Indication added 5509(5509) --> DrugBank --> Severe Crohn''s Disease (95111) Indication added 5509(5509) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Crohn''s disease (95112) Indication added 5509(5509) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Rheumatoid arthritis (94877) Indication added 5509(5509) --> DrugBank --> Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (94878) Indication added 2472(2472) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2472(2472) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 2472(2472) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis Vulgaris (Plaque Psoriasis) (93921) Indication added 2472(2472) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 2472(2472) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2472(2472) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 5878(5878) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 5878(5878) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic arthritis aggravated (95094) Indication added 5878(5878) --> DrugBank --> Severe Ulcerative Colitis (93592) Indication added 5878(5878) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Ulcerative colitis (93587) Indication added 5878(5878) --> DrugBank --> Moderate, active Rheumatoid arthritis (95113) Indication added 5878(5878) --> DrugBank --> Severe, active Rheumatoid arthritis (94780) Indication added 2653(2653) --> DrugBank --> Behcet''s Syndrome (95114) Indication added 2653(2653) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Gouty Arthritis (95115) Indication added 2653(2653) --> DrugBank --> Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF ) (95116) Indication added 2653(2653) --> DrugBank --> Gout Flares (95117) Indication added 2653(2653) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 2653(2653) --> DrugBank --> Postpericardiotomy Syndrome (95118) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratosis (AK) (94249) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Knee Osteoarthritis (Knee OA) (94307) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Operation site inflammation (94309) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Photophobia (17379) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Acute Musculoskeletal injury (94310) Indication added 2497(2497) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 2500(2500) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2500(2500) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2500(2500) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2500(2500) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Polyps (95119) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Tendonitis exacerbated (95120) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Acute Subacromial bursitis (95121) Indication added 2494(2494) --> DrugBank --> Acute supraspinatus tendinitis (95122) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2493(2493) --> DrugBank --> Tendinitis (94119) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Cystoid Macular Edema (95123) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Itching (95124) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Pain (95125) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Pseudophakic Cystoid Macular Edema (95126) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Acute Pericarditis (95127) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Acute, moderate Pain (95128) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Acute, severe Pain (95129) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Chronic aphakic cystoid macular edema (95130) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Intraoperative miosis (95131) Indication added 2507(2507) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative ocular pain (95132) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid arthritis flare up (95133) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Adhesive capsulitis shoulder (95134) Indication added 2495(2495) --> DrugBank --> Radiohumeral bursitis (95135) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) (94929) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2540(2540) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Acute Subacromial bursitis (95121) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2539(2539) --> DrugBank --> Supraspinatus tendinitis (95136) Indication added 2536(2536) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2536(2536) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2536(2536) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2546(2546) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2546(2546) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2512(2512) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2512(2512) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2512(2512) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2513(2513) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication added 2513(2513) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2513(2513) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2513(2513) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2516(2516) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2516(2516) --> DrugBank --> Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (95137) Indication added 2516(2516) --> DrugBank --> Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chronic or unspecified (93591) Indication added 2516(2516) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2519(2519) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2519(2519) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2519(2519) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2519(2519) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2519(2519) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum pain (95138) Indication added 2519(2519) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2519(2519) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2525(2525) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2525(2525) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 2525(2525) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2525(2525) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Inflammatory (95139) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2525(2525) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Cystic Fibrosis (CF) (94112) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer (GU) (93726) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Menstrual Cramps (94113) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain NOS (94118) Indication added 2517(2517) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2520(2520) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2520(2520) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2520(2520) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2520(2520) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer caused by naproxen (94330) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Tendinitis (94119) Indication added 2518(2518) --> DrugBank --> Toothache (16656) Indication added 2528(2528) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2528(2528) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2528(2528) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 2527(2527) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2527(2527) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2568(2568) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2571(2571) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning, Lead (95140) Indication added 2571(2571) --> DrugBank --> Wilson''s Disease (23128) Indication added 2571(2571) --> DrugBank --> Cystine renal calculi (95141) Indication added 2571(2571) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Rheumatoid arthritis (95077) Indication added 2571(2571) --> DrugBank --> Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (94878) Indication added 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Osteolytic lesion (18040) Indication added 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Paget''s Disease (95142) Indication added 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Osteolytic Bone metastases (95143) Indication added 2663(2663) --> DrugBank --> Bone Metastases (95144) Indication added 2663(2663) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 2663(2663) --> DrugBank --> Paget''s Disease (95142) Indication added 2663(2663) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 2661(2661) --> DrugBank --> Bone Metastases (95144) Indication added 2661(2661) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 2661(2661) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 2662(2662) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 2662(2662) --> DrugBank --> Paget''s Disease (95142) Indication added 2662(2662) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 2656(2656) --> DrugBank --> Paget''s Disease of Bone (95145) Indication added 2656(2656) --> DrugBank --> Heterotropic ossification (95146) Indication added 2659(2659) --> DrugBank --> Osteogenesis Imperfecta (41348) Indication added 2659(2659) --> DrugBank --> Osteoporosis caused by glucocorticoid (94365) Indication added 2659(2659) --> DrugBank --> Paget''s Disease (95142) Indication added 2659(2659) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> Bone Loss (95147) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> Bone pain (16134) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> Fracture Bone (95148) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> Spinal Cord Compression (18395) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> Bone destruction (94350) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> Giant cell tumor of the bone (95149) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> High risk of fracture Osteoporosis (95150) Indication added 5992(5992) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Hypercalcemia of malignancy (95151) Indication added 2617(2617) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2617(2617) --> DrugBank --> Acute Discomfort (95152) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2618(2618) --> DrugBank --> Discomfort (16657) Indication added 2618(2618) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Spasms (16310) Indication added 2618(2618) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 2635(2635) --> DrugBank --> Arthralgia (17094) Indication added 2635(2635) --> DrugBank --> Muscle pains (95153) Indication added 2635(2635) --> DrugBank --> Reversible Spasticity (95154) Indication added 2635(2635) --> DrugBank --> Severe cerebral origin Spasticity (95155) Indication added 2635(2635) --> DrugBank --> Severe spinal cord origin Spasticity (95156) Indication added 2636(2636) --> DrugBank --> Acute Low Back Pain (95157) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2636(2636) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Spasticity (16390) Indication added 2636(2636) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myofascial low back pain (95158) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2642(2642) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2642(2642) --> DrugBank --> Acute Muscle spasm (95159) Indication added 2628(2628) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2628(2628) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Muscle Spasm (95160) Indication added 2628(2628) --> DrugBank --> Severe Muscle Spasm (95161) Indication added 2644(2644) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Hyperthermia (95162) Indication added 2644(2644) --> DrugBank --> Spasticity (95163) Indication added 2582(2582) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2582(2582) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2582(2582) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2582(2582) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2582(2582) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum pain (95138) Indication added 2582(2582) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2582(2582) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Acute Subacromial bursitis (95121) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2590(2590) --> DrugBank --> Supraspinatus tendinitis (95136) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Gastric Ulcer caused by naproxen (94330) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Primary Dysmenorrhoea (94116) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Tendinitis (94119) Indication added 2584(2584) --> DrugBank --> Toothache (16656) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid arthritis flare up (95133) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Adhesive capsulitis shoulder (95134) Indication added 2592(2592) --> DrugBank --> Radiohumeral bursitis (95135) Indication added 2598(2598) --> DrugBank --> Interstitial Cystitis (93958) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2827(2827) --> DrugBank --> Cluster Headache (17221) Indication added 2827(2827) --> DrugBank --> Deep vein thrombosis postoperative (18502) Indication added 2827(2827) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2827(2827) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) (94023) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Hot Flushes (94024) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Opiate withdrawal symptoms (94025) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Oppositional Defiant Disorder (23912) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Sialorrhea caused by clozapine (94028) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic diarrhea (94029) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Methadone withdrawal (94030) Indication added 2843(2843) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cancer pain (94031) Indication added 2842(2842) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2835(2835) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 2835(2835) --> DrugBank --> Acute Cluster headaches (95164) Indication added 2837(2837) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2840(2840) --> DrugBank --> Migraine with acute onset aura (95165) Indication added 2840(2840) --> DrugBank --> Migraine, Acute (94308) Indication added 2839(2839) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2836(2836) --> DrugBank --> Migraine with acute onset aura (95165) Indication added 2836(2836) --> DrugBank --> Acute Migraine without aura (95166) Indication added 2838(2838) --> DrugBank --> Migraine with acute onset aura (95165) Indication added 2838(2838) --> DrugBank --> Acute Migraine without aura (95166) Indication added 2841(2841) --> DrugBank --> Menstrual Migraines (95167) Indication added 2841(2841) --> DrugBank --> Migraine With Aura (18164) Indication added 2841(2841) --> DrugBank --> Migraine Without Aura (18503) Indication added 2760(2760) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2760(2760) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2760(2760) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2755(2755) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2764(2764) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2764(2764) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2763(2763) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2736(2736) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Chronic (95168) Indication added 2736(2736) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2738(2738) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2738(2738) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Neuropathic (94347) Indication added 2741(2741) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2741(2741) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2740(2740) --> DrugBank --> Severe, Chronic Pain (95169) Indication added 2740(2740) --> DrugBank --> Acute, moderate Pain (95128) Indication added 2740(2740) --> DrugBank --> Acute, severe Pain (95129) Indication added 2740(2740) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, moderate Pain (95170) Indication added 2762(2762) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Dependence (95171) Indication added 2762(2762) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2762(2762) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2770(2770) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2770(2770) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2770(2770) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 5805(5805) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain (15942) Indication added 5805(5805) --> DrugBank --> Severe, Chronic Pain (95169) Indication added 5805(5805) --> DrugBank --> Acute, moderate Pain (95128) Indication added 5805(5805) --> DrugBank --> Acute, severe Pain (95129) Indication added 5805(5805) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, moderate Pain (95170) Indication added 2749(2749) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2749(2749) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2750(2750) --> DrugBank --> Breakthrough Cancer Pain (17855) Indication added 2750(2750) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2750(2750) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2810(2810) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2810(2810) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2810(2810) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2810(2810) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2810(2810) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2681(2681) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2681(2681) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2826(2826) --> DrugBank --> Severe, Chronic Pain (95169) Indication added 2822(2822) --> DrugBank --> Acute, mild Pain (95172) Indication added 2822(2822) --> DrugBank --> Acute, moderate Pain (95128) Indication added 2783(2783) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2783(2783) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2783(2783) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 2783(2783) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) (93895) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (93896) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Adenomas (93898) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Cancers (93899) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (93902) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Contraction (93903) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Polycythemia Vera (PV) (93904) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Preeclampsia (93905) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Spondyloarthropathies (93907) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Tension Headache (16869) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) (93909) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Acute Inflammation (93910) Indication added 2773(2773) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2691(2691) --> DrugBank --> Breakthrough Cancer Pain (17855) Indication added 2691(2691) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 2691(2691) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 2719(2719) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 2719(2719) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 2719(2719) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Ani (30399) Indication added 2719(2719) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 2715(2715) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 2715(2715) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 2722(2722) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Hemolytic Anemia (95173) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Acute Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome (95174) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lupus Erythematosus (95175) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Acute Multiple sclerosis (93890) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermaitits herpetiformis (95176) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Cancer-associated hypercalcemia (95177) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumors of aponeurosis (95178) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumors of tendon (95179) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93665) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory lesions of granuloma annulare (95180) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory lessions of lichen planus (95181) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory lessions of lichen sumplex (95182) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Occular inflammatory conditions (95183) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Permphigus (95184) Indication added 2714(2714) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic Reactions (95185) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Mouth Ulcers (94189) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Premature Ejaculation (23821) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Sunburn (16773) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Teething pain (94190) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Tooth Pain (94192) Indication added 2712(2712) --> DrugBank --> Pruritic dermatosis (94193) Indication added 2734(2734) --> DrugBank --> Irritation lips (94199) Indication added 2734(2734) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 2734(2734) --> DrugBank --> Throat irritation (18651) Indication added 2733(2733) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 2733(2733) --> DrugBank --> Mouth irritation (95187) Indication added 2733(2733) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 2735(2735) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 2735(2735) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication added 2735(2735) --> DrugBank --> Bruises (95188) Indication added 2735(2735) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Cramps (95189) Indication added 2735(2735) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 2735(2735) --> DrugBank --> Painful musculoskeletal conditions (95190) Indication added 2900(2900) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal disorder caused by neuroleptic drugs (95191) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2900(2900) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 2900(2900) --> DrugBank --> Tardive Dyskinesia caused by neuroleptic drugs (95192) Indication added 2891(2891) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonian Syndromes (95193) Indication added 2891(2891) --> DrugBank --> Extra-pyramidal symptoms (95194) Indication added 2892(2892) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal disorder caused by neuroleptic drugs without Tardive dyskinesia (95195) Indication added 2892(2892) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal symptoms caused by butyrophenones (95196) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal symptoms caused by dibenzoxazepines (95197) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal symptoms caused by phenothiazines (95198) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal symptoms caused by thioxanthenes (95199) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism post encephalitic (16994) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Arteriosclerotic Parkinsonism (95200) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal disorders (95201) Indication added 2888(2888) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Parkinsonism (95202) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Cerebral Arteriosclerosis (16792) Indication added 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Chorea (17013) Indication added 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal disorder caused by neuroleptic drugs without Tardive dyskinesia (95195) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Influenza A Virus Infection (17674) Indication added 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism post encephalitic (16994) Indication added 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 2908(2908) --> DrugBank --> Tiredness (95204) Indication added 2902(2902) --> DrugBank --> Paralysis agitans (95205) Indication added 2902(2902) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2902(2902) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 2902(2902) --> DrugBank --> Postencephalitic parkinsonism (23998) Indication added 2902(2902) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 2902(2902) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Motor fluctuations (95206) Indication added 2909(2909) --> DrugBank --> Acromegaly (16599) Indication added 2909(2909) --> DrugBank --> Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (18471) Indication added 2909(2909) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2909(2909) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 2909(2909) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic hyperprolactinemic disorder (94332) Indication added 2912(2912) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2912(2912) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 2915(2915) --> DrugBank --> Mobility decreased (94373) Indication added 2913(2913) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Parkinson''s Disease (95207) Indication added 2913(2913) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 2917(2917) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2917(2917) --> DrugBank --> Moderate restless leg syndrome (95208) Indication added 2917(2917) --> DrugBank --> Severe restless leg syndrome (95209) Indication added 2914(2914) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic hyperprolactinemic disorder (94332) Indication added 2918(2918) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 2918(2918) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 2918(2918) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2919(2919) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2920(2920) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2921(2921) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 2849(2849) --> DrugBank --> Grand mal Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95211) Indication added 2849(2849) --> DrugBank --> Seizures, Focal (95212) Indication added 2849(2849) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (16664) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome(AWS) (94068) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Febrile Convulsions (95213) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Hyperbilirubinemia (95214) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Symptoms (15788) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Withdrawal Symptoms (95216) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Generalized seizure (95217) Indication added 2848(2848) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Akinetic seizures (17651) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Burning Mouth Syndrome (95219) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) (95220) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Disorder (95223) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Tardive Dyskinesia (18223) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Tremor, Essential (94054) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Myoclonic seizures (95224) Indication added 2866(2866) --> DrugBank --> Refractory absence Seizures (95225) Indication added 2867(2867) --> DrugBank --> Acute Mania (95226) Indication added 2867(2867) --> DrugBank --> Grand mal Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95211) Indication added 2867(2867) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2867(2867) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2867(2867) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 2867(2867) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2869(2869) --> DrugBank --> Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) (95220) Indication added 2868(2868) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain (15942) Indication added 2868(2868) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2873(2873) --> DrugBank --> Infantile Spasms (IS) (94384) Indication added 2873(2873) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2873(2873) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Complex partial seizures (95227) Indication added 2870(2870) --> DrugBank --> Epilepsies (95228) Indication added 2870(2870) --> DrugBank --> Migrainous Headache (94058) Indication added 2870(2870) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2870(2870) --> DrugBank --> Seizures (95230) Indication added 2870(2870) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 2875(2875) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2856(2856) --> DrugBank --> Seizures (95230) Indication added 2856(2856) --> DrugBank --> Refractory seizure disorders (95231) Indication added 2852(2852) --> DrugBank --> Complex Partial Seizures (18518) Indication added 2852(2852) --> DrugBank --> Grand mal Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95211) Indication added 2853(2853) --> DrugBank --> Complex Partial Seizures (18518) Indication added 2853(2853) --> DrugBank --> Grand mal Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95211) Indication added 2853(2853) --> DrugBank --> Seizures (95230) Indication added 2883(2883) --> DrugBank --> Grand mal Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95211) Indication added 2883(2883) --> DrugBank --> Myoclonic seizures (95224) Indication added 2883(2883) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2883(2883) --> DrugBank --> Refractory seizure disorders (95231) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Dependence (95232) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Binge Eating Disorder (BED) (95233) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia Nervosa (BN) (95234) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Cluster Headache (17221) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Infantile Spasms (IS) (94384) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) (95220) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Migrainous Headache (94058) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Status Epilepticus (95235) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Tremor, Essential (94054) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Weight (95236) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Primary generalized tonic-clonic seizure Epilepsy (95237) Indication added 2880(2880) --> DrugBank --> Weight gain therapy (95238) Indication added 2878(2878) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bipolar Depression (95239) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2878(2878) --> DrugBank --> Bipolar I Disorder (15790) Indication added 2878(2878) --> DrugBank --> Generalized seizure (95217) Indication added 2878(2878) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2878(2878) --> DrugBank --> Primary Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95240) Indication added 5831(5831) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Partial Onset Seizures (95241) Indication added 5941(5941) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 5941(5941) --> DrugBank --> Primary Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95240) Indication added 2884(2884) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 5512(5512) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 5512(5512) --> DrugBank --> Refractory seizure disorders (95231) Indication added 2885(2885) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain (15942) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2885(2885) --> DrugBank --> Fibromyalgia (17876) Indication added 2885(2885) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Neuropathic (94347) Indication added 2885(2885) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 2885(2885) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2879(2879) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Partial Seizures (95242) Indication added 2879(2879) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (95243) Indication added 2879(2879) --> DrugBank --> Refractory seizure disorders (95231) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Brachioradial pruritus (95244) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Neuropathies (95245) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Fibromyalgia Syndrome (95246) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Hot Flushes (94024) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Post-Operative Pain (95247) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Chronic Cough (95248) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) (95249) Indication added 2881(2881) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 2860(2860) --> DrugBank --> Status epilepticus petit mal (95250) Indication added 2864(2864) --> DrugBank --> Refractory absence Seizures (95225) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2862(2862) --> DrugBank --> Petit Mal Epilepsy (16663) Indication added 3207(3207) --> DrugBank --> Severe Migraine (95251) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3205(3205) --> DrugBank --> Menière''s Disease (16331) Indication added 3199(3199) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Dependence (95232) Indication added 3199(3199) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 3199(3199) --> DrugBank --> Cholestatic pruritus (93702) Indication added 3199(3199) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Dependence (95171) Indication added 3199(3199) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 6175(6175) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Dependence (95232) Indication added 6175(6175) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Intoxication (95252) Indication added 6175(6175) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Overdose (95253) Indication added 3198(3198) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Dependence (95232) Indication added 3196(3196) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Alcoholism (95254) Indication added 3193(3193) --> DrugBank --> Dental Cavity (94285) Indication added 3193(3193) --> DrugBank --> Nicotine Withdrawal (95255) Indication added 3203(3203) --> DrugBank --> Abrupt opioid withdrawal (95256) Indication added 3200(3200) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Dependence (95171) Indication added 3200(3200) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 3200(3200) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 3201(3201) --> DrugBank --> Opioid type dependence (95257) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3201(3201) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2969(2969) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2969(2969) --> DrugBank --> Hemiballismus (18393) Indication added 2969(2969) --> DrugBank --> Huntington''s Disease (HD) (95258) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2969(2969) --> DrugBank --> Tardive Dyskinesia (18223) Indication added 2969(2969) --> DrugBank --> Senile chorea (95259) Indication added 3211(3211) --> DrugBank --> Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) (95260) Indication added 6176(6176) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Sclerosis (94772) Indication added 5832(5832) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Sclerosis (94772) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3185(3185) --> DrugBank --> Myasthenia Gravis (16762) Indication added 3185(3185) --> DrugBank --> Neuromuscular Blockade (95261) Indication added 3185(3185) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 3185(3185) --> DrugBank --> Postpoliomyelitis Syndrome (95262) Indication added 3185(3185) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension (94105) Indication added 3185(3185) --> DrugBank --> Soman nerve gas poisoning (95263) Indication added 3184(3184) --> DrugBank --> Curarization therapy (95264) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3184(3184) --> DrugBank --> Myasthenia Gravis (16762) Indication added 3184(3184) --> DrugBank --> Neuromuscular Blockade (95261) Indication added 3184(3184) --> DrugBank --> Ogilvie''s syndrome (95265) Indication added 3184(3184) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Urinary Retention (95266) Indication added 3184(3184) --> DrugBank --> Post-operative intestinal atony (95267) Indication added 3190(3190) --> DrugBank --> Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction (93773) Indication added 3190(3190) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Urinary Retention (95266) Indication added 3190(3190) --> DrugBank --> Postpartum urinary retention (95268) Indication added 3189(3189) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 3189(3189) --> DrugBank --> Acute Angle closure glaucoma (95269) Indication added 3189(3189) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6713(6713) --> DrugBank --> Dry Mouth (16933) Indication added 3191(3191) --> DrugBank --> Dry Mouth (16933) Indication added 3191(3191) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 3191(3191) --> DrugBank --> Open-angle Glaucoma (OAG) (95270) Indication added 3191(3191) --> DrugBank --> Acute Angle closure glaucoma (95269) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3181(3181) --> DrugBank --> Dementia Alzheimer''s Type (15966) Indication added 3181(3181) --> DrugBank --> Dementias (95271) Indication added 3181(3181) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse Lewy Body Disease (95272) Indication added 3181(3181) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dementia (95273) Indication added 3179(3179) --> DrugBank --> Dementia due to Parkinson''s disease (95274) Indication added 3179(3179) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse Lewy Body Disease (95272) Indication added 3179(3179) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dementia Alzheimer''s type (95275) Indication added 3179(3179) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Alzheimer''s Type Dementia (95276) Indication added 3179(3179) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Dementia Alzheimer''s type (95277) Indication added 3179(3179) --> DrugBank --> Severe Alzheimer''s Type Dementia (95278) Indication added 3179(3179) --> DrugBank --> Severe Dementia Alzheimer''s type (95279) Indication added 3180(3180) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse Lewy Body Disease (95272) Indication added 3180(3180) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dementia Alzheimer''s type (95275) Indication added 3180(3180) --> DrugBank --> Mild Dementia due to Parkinson''s disease (95280) Indication added 3180(3180) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Dementia Alzheimer''s type (95277) Indication added 3180(3180) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Dementia due to Parkinson''s disease (95281) Indication added 3182(3182) --> DrugBank --> Mild Vascular dementia (95282) Indication added 3182(3182) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Alzheimer''s Type Dementia (95276) Indication added 3182(3182) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Vascular dementia (95283) Indication added 3182(3182) --> DrugBank --> Moderate dementia of the Alzheimer''s type (95284) Indication added 3182(3182) --> DrugBank --> Severe Alzheimer''s Type Dementia (95278) Indication added 3182(3182) --> DrugBank --> Severe dementia of the Alzheimer''s type (95285) Indication added 3123(3123) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3117(3117) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3120(3120) --> DrugBank --> Acute Depressive Episode (95286) Indication added 3119(3119) --> DrugBank --> Exogenous depression (95287) Indication added 3119(3119) --> DrugBank --> Neurotic depression (17361) Indication added 3119(3119) --> DrugBank --> Atypical Depressive disorder (95288) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Acute Depressive Episode (95286) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Myofascial Pain Syndrome (95289) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Orofacial Pain (95290) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Chronic (95168) Indication added 3096(3096) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3103(3103) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3103(3103) --> DrugBank --> Endogenous depression (17675) Indication added 3103(3103) --> DrugBank --> Neurotic depression (17361) Indication added 3103(3103) --> DrugBank --> Psychotic Depression (17360) Indication added 3103(3103) --> DrugBank --> Reactive depression (18188) Indication added 3090(3090) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3090(3090) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95291) Indication added 3090(3090) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3092(3092) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3092(3092) --> DrugBank --> Nocturnal Enuresis (16562) Indication added 3092(3092) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Acute Depression (95292) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia Nervosa (AN) (95293) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia (17275) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Neuropathies (95245) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Depression (95294) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Severe Depression (95295) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Sleep disorders and disturbances (95296) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Agitation (95297) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Anxiety (95298) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Severe Anxiety (95299) Indication added 3095(3095) --> DrugBank --> Severe agitation (95300) Indication added 3106(3106) --> DrugBank --> Depressive illness (95301) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3106(3106) --> DrugBank --> Dysthymic Disorder (17261) Indication added 3106(3106) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 3106(3106) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3106(3106) --> DrugBank --> Manic depressive illness (95302) Indication added 3088(3088) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 3088(3088) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia Nervosa (BN) (95234) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3088(3088) --> DrugBank --> Enuresis (16561) Indication added 3088(3088) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3088(3088) --> DrugBank --> PTSD (95303) Indication added 3088(3088) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Neuropathic (94347) Indication added 3088(3088) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Depression, Involutional (95304) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Neurotic depression (17361) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Neuropathic (94347) Indication added 3098(3098) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia Nervosa (AN) (95293) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia Nervosa (BN) (95234) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Neuropathies (95245) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Chronic (95168) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Neuropathic (94347) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 3087(3087) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3097(3097) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3139(3139) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 3139(3139) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3139(3139) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Neuropathic (94347) Indication added 3139(3139) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3139(3139) --> DrugBank --> Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) (95249) Indication added 3139(3139) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 3140(3140) --> DrugBank --> Fibromyalgia (17876) Indication added 5943(5943) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3130(3130) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3143(3143) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain (95306) Indication added 3143(3143) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) (95307) Indication added 3143(3143) --> DrugBank --> Fibromyalgia (17876) Indication added 3143(3143) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 3143(3143) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3143(3143) --> DrugBank --> Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) (95308) Indication added 3194(3194) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 3194(3194) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 3194(3194) --> DrugBank --> Depression, Bipolar (95309) Indication added 3194(3194) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3194(3194) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (95310) Indication added 3145(3145) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3145(3145) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Hot Flushes (94024) Indication added 3129(3129) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Dependence (95232) Indication added 3129(3129) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 3129(3129) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3129(3129) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3135(3135) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (93554) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95291) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (95311) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (16550) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) (95249) Indication added 3111(3111) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia Nervosa (AN) (95293) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia Nervosa (BN) (95234) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Neuropathies (95245) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95312) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (95311) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Premature Ejaculation (23821) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (16550) Indication added 3110(3110) --> DrugBank --> Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) (95249) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Binge Eating Disorder (BED) (95233) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia Nervosa (BN) (95234) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95291) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (95311) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (16550) Indication added 3112(3112) --> DrugBank --> Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) (95249) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Dependence (95232) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia Nervosa (AN) (95293) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia Nervosa (BN) (95234) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Cataplexy (16227) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Depression, Bipolar (95309) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Depressive Disorders (95313) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Myoclonus (17888) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95291) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Premature Ejaculation (23821) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3109(3109) --> DrugBank --> Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (16550) Indication added 3116(3116) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 3116(3116) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3116(3116) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Hot Flushes (94024) Indication added 3116(3116) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95312) Indication added 3116(3116) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 3116(3116) --> DrugBank --> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (95311) Indication added 3114(3114) --> DrugBank --> Bulimia Nervosa (BN) (95234) Indication added 3114(3114) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 3114(3114) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95312) Indication added 3146(3146) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 3146(3146) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 3146(3146) --> DrugBank --> Narcolepsy (16228) Indication added 3154(3154) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 5756(5756) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 5756(5756) --> DrugBank --> Binge Eating Disorder (BED) (95233) Indication added 3149(3149) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3149(3149) --> DrugBank --> Narcolepsy (16228) Indication added 3152(3152) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication added 3152(3152) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3152(3152) --> DrugBank --> Narcolepsy (16228) Indication added 3152(3152) --> DrugBank --> Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) (95314) Indication added 3152(3152) --> DrugBank --> Shift-work related sleep disturbance (95315) Indication added 3152(3152) --> DrugBank --> Tiredness (95204) Indication added 6702(6702) --> DrugBank --> Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity (ADHD) (94021) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3156(3156) --> DrugBank --> Primary apnea of premature newborns (16117) Indication added 3156(3156) --> DrugBank --> Tiredness (95204) Indication added 2698(2698) --> DrugBank --> Acute Agitation (95316) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2698(2698) --> DrugBank --> Delirium (16389) Indication added 2698(2698) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 2698(2698) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (93704) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Aggressive Behavior (95317) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Delirium (16389) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Huntington''s Disease (HD) (95258) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95312) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Psychotic Disorder NOS (95319) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of acute chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (93704) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Severe Hyperactivity (95320) Indication added 2944(2944) --> DrugBank --> Severe disruptive behaviour disorder (95321) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Acute Depressive Episode (95286) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Bipolar I Disorder (15790) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Delusional Parasitosis (95322) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95312) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (95311) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Tardive Dyskinesia (18223) Indication added 2968(2968) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 2965(2965) --> DrugBank --> Acute Agitation (95316) Indication added 2965(2965) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 6219(6219) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 6219(6219) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 6219(6219) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Acute Agitation (95316) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Acute Depressive Episode (95286) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Bipolar 1 Disorder (95323) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Delirium (16389) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Delusional Parasitosis (95322) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode (95324) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (95311) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2967(2967) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2966(2966) --> DrugBank --> Suicidal Behaviour (17791) Indication added 2966(2966) --> DrugBank --> Treatment-resistant Schizophrenia (95325) Indication added 2966(2966) --> DrugBank --> Advanced dopaminomimetic psychosis (95326) Indication added 2963(2963) --> DrugBank --> Delusional Parasitosis (95322) Indication added 2963(2963) --> DrugBank --> Tics (95327) Indication added 2954(2954) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 6042(6042) --> DrugBank --> Acute Depressive Episode (95286) Indication added 6042(6042) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2956(2956) --> DrugBank --> Acute Agitation (95316) Indication added 2956(2956) --> DrugBank --> Bipolar 1 Disorder (95323) Indication added 2956(2956) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 2956(2956) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2956(2956) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2956(2956) --> DrugBank --> Treatment Resistant Major Depressive Disorder (95328) Indication added 2956(2956) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 2977(2977) --> DrugBank --> Bipolar Disorder (BD) (95329) Indication added 2977(2977) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 2977(2977) --> DrugBank --> Depression, Bipolar (95309) Indication added 2977(2977) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Acute Agitation (95316) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Bipolar 1 Disorder (95323) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Irritability (16591) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Psychotic Depression (17360) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Tourette''s Disorder (17277) Indication added 2983(2983) --> DrugBank --> Acute Manic episode (94078) Indication added 2984(2984) --> DrugBank --> Delusional Parasitosis (95322) Indication added 2984(2984) --> DrugBank --> Schizoaffective Disorders (95330) Indication added 2984(2984) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 5942(5942) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Acute Agitation (95316) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Acute Mania (95226) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Delusional Parasitosis (95322) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Irritability (16591) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Posttraumatic Stress Disorders (95331) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Treatment Resistant Major Depressive Disorder (95328) Indication added 2979(2979) --> DrugBank --> Severe Dementia Alzheimer''s type (95279) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Amnesia (17756) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Bipolar Affective Disorders (95332) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Cancer (95333) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) (95334) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Senile psychosis (18375) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) (95335) Indication added 2924(2924) --> DrugBank --> Neurocostal neuralgia (95336) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP) (95337) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Apprehension (16643) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Mania (15793) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Oppositional Defiant Disorder (23912) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Restlessness (95338) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Intractable singultus (95339) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Severe behavioural problems (95340) Indication added 2923(2923) --> DrugBank --> Short term Hyperactivity (95341) Indication added 2937(2937) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2937(2937) --> DrugBank --> Manic syndromes (95342) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Agitation (95297) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Anxiety (95298) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Depressed mood (95343) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Severe Anxiety (95299) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Severe Depressed mood (95344) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Severe Nausea and vomiting (95345) Indication added 2932(2932) --> DrugBank --> Severe agitation (95300) Indication added 2933(2933) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2933(2933) --> DrugBank --> Non-psychotic generalized anxiety (95346) Indication added 2933(2933) --> DrugBank --> Severe Nausea and vomiting (95345) Indication added 2931(2931) --> DrugBank --> Chorea (17013) Indication added 2931(2931) --> DrugBank --> Gilles de la Tourette''s Syndrome (94022) Indication added 2931(2931) --> DrugBank --> Psychotic Disorder NOS (95319) Indication added 2935(2935) --> DrugBank --> Acute Agitation (95316) Indication added 2935(2935) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2935(2935) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2935(2935) --> DrugBank --> Acute non-psychotic Anxiety (95347) Indication added 2940(2940) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2941(2941) --> DrugBank --> Psychosis (95318) Indication added 2941(2941) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2943(2943) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2960(2960) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2961(2961) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Psychosis (95348) Indication added 2961(2961) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 2957(2957) --> DrugBank --> Schizophrenic Disorders (95229) Indication added 3016(3016) --> DrugBank --> Anxiety Disorders (95349) Indication added 3016(3016) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 2988(2988) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome(AWS) (94068) Indication added 2988(2988) --> DrugBank --> Anxiety Disorders (95349) Indication added 2988(2988) --> DrugBank --> Depression, Anxiety (95350) Indication added 2988(2988) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2990(2990) --> DrugBank --> Anxiety Disorders (95349) Indication added 2990(2990) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2990(2990) --> DrugBank --> Refractory seizure disorders (95231) Indication added 2996(2996) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2996(2996) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 2996(2996) --> DrugBank --> Panic Disorders (95222) Indication added 2986(2986) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome(AWS) (94068) Indication added 2986(2986) --> DrugBank --> Anxiety Disorders (95349) Indication added 2986(2986) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 2986(2986) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2986(2986) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcer Disease (93721) Indication added 2986(2986) --> DrugBank --> Acute Anxiety (95351) Indication added 2986(2986) --> DrugBank --> Pyschosomatic disease (95352) Indication added 2993(2993) --> DrugBank --> Epilepsies (95228) Indication added 2992(2992) --> DrugBank --> Acute Anxiety (95351) Indication added 2992(2992) --> DrugBank --> Severe Anxiety (95299) Indication added 2985(2985) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome(AWS) (94068) Indication added 2985(2985) --> DrugBank --> Anxiety Disorders (95349) Indication added 2985(2985) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 2985(2985) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Epilepsy (95353) Indication added 2985(2985) --> DrugBank --> Refractory seizure disorders (95231) Indication added 2985(2985) --> DrugBank --> Skeletal muscle spasm (95354) Indication added 3011(3011) --> DrugBank --> Anxiety Disorders (95349) Indication added 3008(3008) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome(AWS) (94068) Indication added 3008(3008) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3008(3008) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus (16374) Indication added 3008(3008) --> DrugBank --> Psychomotor Agitation (95355) Indication added 3008(3008) --> DrugBank --> Acute Anxiety (95351) Indication added 3025(3025) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3020(3020) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3020(3020) --> DrugBank --> Severe Convulsion (95356) Indication added 3048(3048) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3052(3052) --> DrugBank --> Seizures (95230) Indication added 3052(3052) --> DrugBank --> Refractory seizure disorders (95231) Indication added 3045(3045) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3049(3049) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3051(3051) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3054(3054) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3046(3046) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3046(3046) --> DrugBank --> Myoclonic seizures (95224) Indication added 5627(5627) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3062(3062) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3063(3063) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3061(3061) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3079(3079) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 5513(5513) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3068(3068) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 3068(3068) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 3080(3080) --> DrugBank --> Benzodiazepine Withdrawal (95357) Indication added 3080(3080) --> DrugBank --> Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (18309) Indication added 3080(3080) --> DrugBank --> Shivering caused by Anesthesia (95358) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Ascaris lumbricoides infection (94311) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous larva migrans (18004) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Demodicidosis (94312) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Gnathostomiasis (20340) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Mansonella ozzardi infection (94313) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Mansonella streptocerca infection (94314) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagostomiasis (94315) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Onchocerciasis (16964) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Pediculosis Capitis (18740) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Rosaceas (93848) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Scabies (16965) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Trichuriasis (18001) Indication added 3291(3291) --> DrugBank --> Wuchereria bancroftii infection (94316) Indication added 3281(3281) --> DrugBank --> Ascariasis (17998) Indication added 3281(3281) --> DrugBank --> Hookworm Infection (16397) Indication added 3281(3281) --> DrugBank --> Hydatid disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus (95359) Indication added 3281(3281) --> DrugBank --> Neurocysticercosis caused by Taenia solium (95360) Indication added 3281(3281) --> DrugBank --> Other specified protozoal diseases (20259) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Ancylostoma caninum infection (95361) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Ancylostoma duodenale infection (95362) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Ascaris lumbricoides infection (94311) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Capillariasis (95363) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Enterobius vermicularis infection (95364) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Filariasis (18378) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Necatoriasis due to necator americanus (95365) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Strongyloides Stercoralis Infection (95366) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Taenia solium infection (95367) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Toxocariasis (95368) Indication added 3279(3279) --> DrugBank --> Whipworm infection (95369) Indication added 3272(3272) --> DrugBank --> Cestode infections (95370) Indication added 3272(3272) --> DrugBank --> Cysticercosis (95371) Indication added 3272(3272) --> DrugBank --> Liver fluke infection (95372) Indication added 3272(3272) --> DrugBank --> Trematode infections (95373) Indication added 3272(3272) --> DrugBank --> Schistosoma infection (95374) Indication added 3220(3220) --> DrugBank --> Amebiasis (93839) Indication added 3220(3220) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) (93840) Indication added 3220(3220) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 3220(3220) --> DrugBank --> Nongonococcal urethritis (93831) Indication added 3220(3220) --> DrugBank --> Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) (94497) Indication added 3220(3220) --> DrugBank --> Trichomoniasis (17889) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Abscess, Intra-Abdominal (93838) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Amebiasis (93839) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) (93840) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Balantidiasis (19015) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Brain abscess (16627) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) (93842) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis, Bacterial (93843) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Endometritis (17393) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Endomyometritis (17702) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Infection parasitic (93844) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Lung Abscess (17636) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Periodontitis (17621) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Pouchitis (30130) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Rosaceas (93848) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia bacterial anaerobic (93849) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Tubo-ovarian abscess (17660) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Asymptomatic Trichomoniasis (93850) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic abscess (93851) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Sinusitis (93852) Indication added 3219(3219) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Trichomoniasis (93853) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum (94088) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Interstitial Plasma Cell (94615) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis (94480) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Malaria caused by plasmodium falciparum (95375) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Mild Babesiosis (95376) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (95377) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Babesiosis (95378) Indication added 3238(3238) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (95379) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Ascariasis (17998) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Cestode infections (95370) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium difficile infection recurrence (93553) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Cryptosporidiosis infection (95380) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium parvum (95381) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea caused by Giardia lamblia (95382) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Giardiasis (16629) Indication added 5515(5515) --> DrugBank --> Trichuriasis (18001) Indication added 3271(3271) --> DrugBank --> Meningoencephalitic stage Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection (94318) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by Plasmodium malariae (95383) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by Plasmodium ovale (95384) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by plasmodium vivax (95385) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (18249) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 3245(3245) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3246(3246) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by Plasmodium ovale (95384) Indication added 3246(3246) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by plasmodium vivax (95385) Indication added 3246(3246) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication added 3246(3246) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis (94478) Indication added 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Extraintestinal Amebiasis (95386) Indication added 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication added 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Polymorphic Light Eruption (PLE) (95387) Indication added 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (18249) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 3244(3244) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Malaria (95388) Indication added 3256(3256) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Malaria caused by plasmodium falciparum (95375) Indication added 3248(3248) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum (94088) Indication added 3248(3248) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Malaria caused by plasmodium falciparum (95375) Indication added 3253(3253) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3253(3253) --> DrugBank --> Toxoplasmosis (17795) Indication added 3253(3253) --> DrugBank --> Acute Malaria (95389) Indication added 3251(3251) --> DrugBank --> Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum (94088) Indication added 3252(3252) --> DrugBank --> Plasmodium Infections (93870) Indication added 3252(3252) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Malaria (95390) Indication added 3304(3304) --> DrugBank --> Pediculosis Capitis (18740) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3304(3304) --> DrugBank --> Scabies (16965) Indication added 3304(3304) --> DrugBank --> Crab lice (95391) Indication added 3316(3316) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the head (95392) Indication added 3309(3309) --> DrugBank --> Norwegian scabies (16962) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3309(3309) --> DrugBank --> Scabies (16965) Indication added 3309(3309) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the head (95392) Indication added 3309(3309) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the pubic area (95393) Indication added 3300(3300) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Alcoholism (95254) Indication added 3576(3576) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3576(3576) --> DrugBank --> Angioedema (16953) Indication added 3576(3576) --> DrugBank --> Urticarias (94275) Indication added 3576(3576) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Angioedema (16953) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Oral Mucositis (95394) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonian Syndromes (95193) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Pollen Allergy (95395) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Skin Rash (95396) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified (29206) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Urticarias (94275) Indication added 3575(3575) --> DrugBank --> Dermatographism (95397) Indication added 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Reactions (95398) Indication added 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Angioedema (16953) Indication added 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Urticarias (94275) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3579(3579) --> DrugBank --> Dermatographism (95397) Indication added 3578(3578) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3578(3578) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Skin Reaction (95399) Indication added 3580(3580) --> DrugBank --> Flu Symptoms (16870) Indication added 3580(3580) --> DrugBank --> Mild Allergic Rhinitis (95400) Indication added 3580(3580) --> DrugBank --> Nausea (15902) Indication added 3580(3580) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 3580(3580) --> DrugBank --> Vomiting (15903) Indication added 3580(3580) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6703(6703) --> DrugBank --> Nausea (15902) Indication added 6703(6703) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 3630(3630) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3630(3630) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3630(3630) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3630(3630) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3630(3630) --> DrugBank --> Mild Angioedema (95401) Indication added 3630(3630) --> DrugBank --> Mild urticaria (95402) Indication added 3630(3630) --> DrugBank --> Upper respiratory discomfort (95403) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Reactions (95398) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia Nervosa (AN) (95293) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Cold urticaria (18659) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Disease (94400) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Decreased appetite caused by Chronic disease (95404) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Dermatographic urticaria (30461) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Sexual dysfunction caused by antipsychotic agents (95405) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Sexual dysfunction caused by fluoxetine (95406) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Sexual dysfunction caused by monoamine oxidase inhibitors (95407) Indication added 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Sexual dysfunction caused by tricyclic antidepressants (95408) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3626(3626) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3644(3644) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3638(3638) --> DrugBank --> Asthma, Allergic (95409) Indication added 3638(3638) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3635(3635) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus (16374) Indication added 3635(3635) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3646(3646) --> DrugBank --> Pollen Allergy (95395) Indication added 3646(3646) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3646(3646) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, uncomplicated Idiopathic urticaria (95410) Indication added 3647(3647) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (95411) Indication added 3647(3647) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3647(3647) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3647(3647) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3647(3647) --> DrugBank --> Nasal symptoms (95412) Indication added 3647(3647) --> DrugBank --> Non-nasal symptoms (95413) Indication added 3640(3640) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3640(3640) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3640(3640) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3640(3640) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3604(3604) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 3604(3604) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Allergic edema (95414) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Allergic urticaria (30458) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylactic Reaction (95415) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Dermographism (95416) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative pain (15950) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Acute Allergic Reactions (95417) Indication added 3605(3605) --> DrugBank --> Upper respiratory symptoms (95418) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3618(3618) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3618(3618) --> DrugBank --> Vertigo (16333) Indication added 3617(3617) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3617(3617) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3617(3617) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 3617(3617) --> DrugBank --> Pollen Allergy (95395) Indication added 3617(3617) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 3621(3621) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (95411) Indication added 3621(3621) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3621(3621) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3620(3620) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (95411) Indication added 3620(3620) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3620(3620) --> DrugBank --> Pollen Allergy (95395) Indication added 3620(3620) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3620(3620) --> DrugBank --> Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified (29206) Indication added 3616(3616) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3616(3616) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 3585(3585) --> DrugBank --> Acute nasopharyngitis (95419) Indication added 3585(3585) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3585(3585) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3585(3585) --> DrugBank --> Pollen Allergy (95395) Indication added 3585(3585) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 3589(3589) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3589(3589) --> DrugBank --> Red eye (94274) Indication added 3590(3590) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3590(3590) --> DrugBank --> Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified (29206) Indication added 3588(3588) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3588(3588) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3588(3588) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 3588(3588) --> DrugBank --> Pollen Allergy (95395) Indication added 3588(3588) --> DrugBank --> Upper respiratory symptoms (95418) Indication added 3596(3596) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3596(3596) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3596(3596) --> DrugBank --> Pollen Allergy (95395) Indication added 3596(3596) --> DrugBank --> Runny nose (95420) Indication added 3596(3596) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 3539(3539) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 3534(3534) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3534(3534) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 3534(3534) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 3534(3534) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 3534(3534) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 3533(3533) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 3533(3533) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3533(3533) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 3533(3533) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 3533(3533) --> DrugBank --> Upper respiratory tract signs and symptoms (95421) Indication added 3533(3533) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 3533(3533) --> DrugBank --> Mucus (95422) Indication added 3544(3544) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 3551(3551) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 6184(6184) --> DrugBank --> Gingival Inflammation (94287) Indication added 3508(3508) --> DrugBank --> Phlegm (95423) Indication added 3507(3507) --> DrugBank --> Acute radiation sickness (95424) Indication added 3528(3528) --> DrugBank --> Kidney stone formation (95425) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Acetaminophen Overdose (95426) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> All (95427) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Anemias (93924) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Resistance (95428) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Hyperhomocysteinaemia (95429) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Nontropical sprue (95430) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Pregnancy (15991) Indication added 3517(3517) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (93985) Indication added 5833(5833) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (93747) Indication added 5833(5833) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 5833(5833) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication added 3453(3453) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3453(3453) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 3453(3453) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension (94105) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Adams-Stokes Syndrome (18563) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Cardiac Arrest (17090) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Heart Block (93772) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Hypoperfusion (18667) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Cardiogenic (94101) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Septic (94102) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Bradycardia (94103) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Syncope (16823) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (93750) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (93808) Indication added 3454(3454) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 3456(3456) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3456(3456) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3456(3456) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Bronchitis (95431) Indication added 3456(3456) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Emphysema (95432) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3460(3460) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3460(3460) --> DrugBank --> Premature Labour (16898) Indication added 3461(3461) --> DrugBank --> Severe COPD exacerbation (94333) Indication added 3461(3461) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (93752) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3459(3459) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3459(3459) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3459(3459) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (93914) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (93917) Indication added 3412(3412) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (93918) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Adams-Stokes Syndrome (18563) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Cardiac Arrest (17090) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (93949) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Heart Block (93772) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Hypoperfusion (18667) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Cardiogenic (94101) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Septic (94102) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Bradycardia (94103) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Syncope (16823) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (93750) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Beta blocker overdose (93808) Indication added 3413(3413) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 3414(3414) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3414(3414) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3414(3414) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Bronchitis (95431) Indication added 3414(3414) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Emphysema (95432) Indication added 3416(3416) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3416(3416) --> DrugBank --> Premature Labour (16898) Indication added 6005(6005) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3417(3417) --> DrugBank --> Severe COPD exacerbation (94333) Indication added 3417(3417) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (93752) Indication added 3425(3425) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3425(3425) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3425(3425) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3426(3426) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3426(3426) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3426(3426) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3426(3426) --> DrugBank --> Nocturnal asthma (95433) Indication added 3415(3415) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3415(3415) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3415(3415) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 3450(3450) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3450(3450) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Vernal (93594) Indication added 3450(3450) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3450(3450) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3450(3450) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3450(3450) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3450(3450) --> DrugBank --> Urticaria Pigmentosa (93598) Indication added 3451(3451) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3451(3451) --> DrugBank --> Itching of the eye (95434) Indication added 3446(3446) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3446(3446) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3446(3446) --> DrugBank --> Rhinorrhea (93766) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Airway Obstruction (93787) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Arrythmias (93788) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretion gastric (93732) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Increased bronchial secretion (93789) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by neostigmine (93790) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by pyridostigmine (93791) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Neurocardiogenic Syncope (93792) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Salivary hypersecretion (17009) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, severe Salivary hypersecretion (93793) Indication added 5984(5984) --> DrugBank --> Pharyngeal secretions (93782) Indication added 3440(3440) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3440(3440) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagitis, Eosinophilic (93604) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93605) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Mild Crohn’s Disease (93606) Indication added 3439(3439) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Crohn’s Disease (93607) Indication added 3438(3438) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3438(3438) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3438(3438) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 3438(3438) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3438(3438) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3438(3438) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3438(3438) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent nasal polyps (93661) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Bronchitis (95431) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Emphysema (17416) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagitis, Eosinophilic (93604) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Rhinitis (95435) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Rhinitis (16758) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3442(3442) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 6704(6704) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 6704(6704) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 6704(6704) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 6704(6704) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 6704(6704) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 6704(6704) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93673) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93681) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93682) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93683) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93684) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93685) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3441(3441) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 3444(3444) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3444(3444) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3444(3444) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3444(3444) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3444(3444) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3444(3444) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93605) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Chapped skin (93883) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Diaper rashj (93884) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiomas (93885) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Inflammation of Mouth (93886) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Acute Multiple sclerosis (93890) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumour of the ganglia (93891) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Severe Erythema multiforme (93892) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3443(3443) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive to topical ocular inflammation (93893) Indication added 3445(3445) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3445(3445) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3445(3445) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3496(3496) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3496(3496) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Urticaria (95436) Indication added 3498(3498) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3498(3498) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3498(3498) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3498(3498) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3505(3505) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3503(3503) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (95411) Indication added 3503(3503) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Asthma (95437) Indication added 3503(3503) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3476(3476) --> DrugBank --> Bronchoconstriction (16974) Indication added 3477(3477) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (AECB) (94601) Indication added 3477(3477) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3477(3477) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Bronchitis (95431) Indication added 3477(3477) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 3474(3474) --> DrugBank --> Bronchoconstriction (16974) Indication added 3354(3354) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3354(3354) --> DrugBank --> Itching of the eye (95434) Indication added 3349(3349) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3355(3355) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3355(3355) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3350(3350) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3350(3350) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3350(3350) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3350(3350) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3348(3348) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3348(3348) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Vernal (93594) Indication added 3348(3348) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3348(3348) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3348(3348) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3348(3348) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3348(3348) --> DrugBank --> Urticaria Pigmentosa (93598) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagitis, Eosinophilic (93604) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93605) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Mild Crohn’s Disease (93606) Indication added 3361(3361) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Crohn’s Disease (93607) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3358(3358) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3357(3357) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3357(3357) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3357(3357) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 3357(3357) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3357(3357) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3357(3357) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3357(3357) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent nasal polyps (93661) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3359(3359) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Bronchitis (95431) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Emphysema (17416) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Oesophagitis, Eosinophilic (93604) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Rhinitis (95435) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Rhinitis (16758) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3364(3364) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 5516(5516) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 5516(5516) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 5516(5516) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 5516(5516) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Rhinosinusitis (93660) Indication added 5516(5516) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 5516(5516) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93673) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93681) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93682) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93683) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93684) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93685) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3362(3362) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 3365(3365) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3365(3365) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3365(3365) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3365(3365) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3365(3365) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3365(3365) --> DrugBank --> Polyps, Nasal (93605) Indication added 5973(5973) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 5973(5973) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 5973(5973) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3360(3360) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3360(3360) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3375(3375) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo (15905) Indication added 3375(3375) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo caused by Staphylococccus aureus (94219) Indication added 3375(3375) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo caused by streptococcus pyogenes (94220) Indication added 3375(3375) --> DrugBank --> Secondary infection Skin infection (94221) Indication added 3375(3375) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcus aurea colonization of the nasal passage (94222) Indication added 3373(3373) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3373(3373) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3373(3373) --> DrugBank --> Rhinorrhea (93766) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Acute Crusting Rhinitis (94295) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Abrasions (94296) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Stye (94298) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative keratitis (16745) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Acute rhino-sinusitis (94299) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 3377(3377) --> DrugBank --> Nasal carriage of staphylococci (94300) Indication added 3341(3341) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 3341(3341) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 3341(3341) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3341(3341) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 3341(3341) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Cardiogenic (94101) Indication added 3344(3344) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3344(3344) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 3344(3344) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension (94105) Indication added 3346(3346) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3346(3346) --> DrugBank --> Red eyes (95438) Indication added 3345(3345) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3342(3342) --> DrugBank --> Eye redness (17562) Indication added 3342(3342) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3330(3330) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 3330(3330) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 3330(3330) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3330(3330) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 3330(3330) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Cardiogenic (94101) Indication added 3329(3329) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3329(3329) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 3329(3329) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension (94105) Indication added 3331(3331) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3331(3331) --> DrugBank --> Red eyes (95438) Indication added 3333(3333) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3334(3334) --> DrugBank --> Eye redness (17562) Indication added 3334(3334) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (93914) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (93917) Indication added 3340(3340) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (93918) Indication added 3382(3382) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 3382(3382) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 3382(3382) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3382(3382) --> DrugBank --> Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (16383) Indication added 3382(3382) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Cardiogenic (94101) Indication added 3381(3381) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 5986(5986) --> DrugBank --> Cystic Fibrosis (CF) (94112) Indication added 3665(3665) --> DrugBank --> Hypoxic Respiratory Failure (95439) Indication added 3654(3654) --> DrugBank --> Anesthetic complication pulmonary (95440) Indication added 3654(3654) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory depression postoper (95441) Indication added 3654(3654) --> DrugBank --> Acute Hypercapnia (95442) Indication added 3654(3654) --> DrugBank --> Drug-induced Respiratory depression (95443) Indication added 3409(3409) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 3409(3409) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Mouth Ulcers (94189) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Premature Ejaculation (23821) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Sunburn (16773) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Teething pain (94190) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Tooth Pain (94192) Indication added 3408(3408) --> DrugBank --> Pruritic dermatosis (94193) Indication added 3411(3411) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 3411(3411) --> DrugBank --> Mouth irritation (95187) Indication added 3411(3411) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 3407(3407) --> DrugBank --> Superficial Eye Infections (95444) Indication added 3406(3406) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 3406(3406) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 3406(3406) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 3406(3406) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia (16003) Indication added 3406(3406) --> DrugBank --> Infection in minor cuts, scrapes, or burns (94226) Indication added 3406(3406) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory ocular disease (94227) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93575) Indication added 3403(3403) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93576) Indication added 3397(3397) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 3401(3401) --> DrugBank --> Irritation lips (94199) Indication added 3401(3401) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 3401(3401) --> DrugBank --> Throat irritation (18651) Indication added 6705(6705) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 6705(6705) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 6705(6705) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 6705(6705) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Inflammatory (95139) Indication added 6705(6705) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Externa caused by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (94560) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis caused by Moraxella catarrhalis (94544) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (94507) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (94561) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94412) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Serratia marcescens (94562) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Staphylococcus aureus (94563) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94564) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae (94565) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by Streptococcus Viridans Group (94566) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Ulcers caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa (94567) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia urinary tract infection (93562) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Infectious diarrhea (94568) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Enterobacter cloacae (94569) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Escherichia coli (94570) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae (94571) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Haemophilus parainfluenzae (94572) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae (94573) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by Proteus mirabilis (94574) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection caused by penicillin-susceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae (94575) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Neutropenia, Febrile (94514) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Plague caused by Yersinia pestis (94576) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Sinusitis, Acute (94577) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi (94578) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Citrobacter diversus (94579) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Citrobacter frendii (94580) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Entercococcus faecalis (94581) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Enterobacter cloacae (94582) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae (94583) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Morganella morganii (94584) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Proteus mirabilis (94585) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Providencia rettgeri (94586) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94587) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by Serratia marcescens (94588) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> UTI caused by methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis (94589) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Acute otitis externa caused by Staphylococcus aureus (94590) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Cystitis caused by Escherichia coli (94591) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Cystitis caused by Staphylococcus saprophyticus (94592) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Prostatitis caused by Escherichia coli (94593) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Prostatitis caused by Proteus mirabilis (94594) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Pyelonephritis caused by Escherichia coli (94595) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Complicated UTI caused by Escherichia coli (94596) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Inhaled anthrax caused by Bacillus anthracis (94597) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 3911(3911) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae (94598) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Acinetobacter infection (93854) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Entamoebic histolytica infection (93855) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia infections (93856) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Bacteroides (93857) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella Infections (93858) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection (93859) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Ornithosis (93860) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (93863) Indication added 3906(3906) --> DrugBank --> Clostridia infections (93864) Indication added 3912(3912) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 3912(3912) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3907(3907) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3907(3907) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 3907(3907) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia urinary tract infection (93562) Indication added 3907(3907) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella bacteraemia (93563) Indication added 3907(3907) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (93564) Indication added 3907(3907) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial corneal ulcer (94410) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial dacryocystitis (94411) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94412) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis infected (17441) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Ecthyma (18207) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Eczematous dermatitis infected (94413) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Folliculitis (18092) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Furunculosis (17438) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Gram-negative enteric bacilli neonatal sepsis (94414) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo contagious (94415) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Keratitis bacterial (16755) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Meibomianitis (16751) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Pustular Psoriasis (18577) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Pustular acne (94416) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma Gangrenosum (18574) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia gram-negative (94407) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Sycosis barbae (18579) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Respiratory tract infection bacterial (94417) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary tract infection bacterial (94418) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Severe Endocarditis enterococcal (94419) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Severe Infection Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94420) Indication added 3910(3910) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Eye Infections (93573) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic Encephalopathy (16312) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Infection due to indwelling catheter (93575) Indication added 3905(3905) --> DrugBank --> Superficial skin infections (93576) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3915(3915) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (93876) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Cushing''s Syndrome (18253) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Sarcoidosis (17053) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis Meningitis (93880) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3914(3914) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93673) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93681) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93682) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93683) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93684) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93685) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3916(3916) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 3796(3796) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3794(3794) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 3794(3794) --> DrugBank --> Open-angle Glaucoma (OAG) (95270) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3795(3795) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 3795(3795) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 3793(3793) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 3793(3793) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 3792(3792) --> DrugBank --> Anginal Pain (94056) Indication added 3792(3792) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 3792(3792) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 3792(3792) --> DrugBank --> Migrainous Headache (94058) Indication added 3792(3792) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 3791(3791) --> DrugBank --> Open-angle Glaucoma (OAG) (95270) Indication added 3791(3791) --> DrugBank --> Acute Angle closure glaucoma (95269) Indication added 3789(3789) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 3788(3788) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 3788(3788) --> DrugBank --> Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis (95445) Indication added 3788(3788) --> DrugBank --> Paralysis, Hyperkalemic Periodic (95446) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Angle Closure Glaucoma (16805) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Familial periodic paralysis (18498) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Grand mal Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95211) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Alkalosis (16592) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Other and unspecified effects of high altitude (95447) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Cystine renal calculi (95141) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Drug-induced edema (95448) Indication added 3787(3787) --> DrugBank --> Nonuveitic secondary glaucoma (95449) Indication added 3790(3790) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3790(3790) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 3776(3776) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 3776(3776) --> DrugBank --> Acute Angle closure glaucoma (95269) Indication added 3776(3776) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication added 3780(3780) --> DrugBank --> Curarization therapy (95264) Indication added 3780(3780) --> DrugBank --> Myasthenia Gravis (16762) Indication added 3780(3780) --> DrugBank --> Neuromuscular Blockade (95261) Indication added 3780(3780) --> DrugBank --> Ogilvie''s syndrome (95265) Indication added 3780(3780) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Urinary Retention (95266) Indication added 3780(3780) --> DrugBank --> Post-operative intestinal atony (95267) Indication added 3803(3803) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 3803(3803) --> DrugBank --> Open-angle Glaucoma (OAG) (95270) Indication added 3805(3805) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 5519(5519) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 3804(3804) --> DrugBank --> Hypotrichosis of the eyelashes (95450) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3804(3804) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3802(3802) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 3802(3802) --> DrugBank --> Open-angle Glaucoma (OAG) (95270) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Anaphylaxis (93912) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Arterial Hypotension (93913) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Bronchospasm (16427) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Laryngotracheobronchitis (93914) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) (93915) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress (18601) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Severe ventricular arrhythmias (93916) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Asystole (93917) Indication added 3769(3769) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive Bradycardia (93918) Indication added 3771(3771) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Hypertension (15980) Indication added 3771(3771) --> DrugBank --> Postsurgical ocular hypertension (95451) Indication added 3773(3773) --> DrugBank --> Elevated Intraocular Pressure (94057) Indication added 3773(3773) --> DrugBank --> Chronic rosacea (94317) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Clostridial Infection (18673) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Diphtheria (15984) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria gonorrhoeae arthritis (94444) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Pasteurella infections (94445) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pneumonia (94446) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Rheumatic fever (94447) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Rat bite fever (94448) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pneumococcal infection (94449) Indication added 3677(3677) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media caused by Haemophilus Influenzae (94483) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum (94484) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Gastroparesis (29676) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal amebiasis caused by entamoeba histolytica (94485) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Legionella Pneumophila Infections (94486) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia neonatorum (gonococcal) (94487) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Primary Syphilis (17724) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcal Skin Infections (94488) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (93836) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (93875) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory papular lesions (94489) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Predominant skin comedones, papules and pustules (94490) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Pustular lesions (94491) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections caused by streptococcus pyogenes (94492) Indication added 3680(3680) --> DrugBank --> Superficial ocular infections (94206) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Infections (94463) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Genitourinary tract infection (94464) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by eikenella corrodens (94465) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella (94466) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella Typhi Infection (94467) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Shigella (93834) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Subcutaneous bacterial infection (94468) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 3682(3682) --> DrugBank --> Perinatal group B streptococcus (94469) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Cervicitis (16480) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media (OM) (94475) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (94429) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 5517(5517) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Acinetobacter infection (93854) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Entamoebic histolytica infection (93855) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia infections (93856) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Bacteroides (93857) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella Infections (93858) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection (93859) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Ornithosis (93860) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (93863) Indication added 3672(3672) --> DrugBank --> Clostridia infections (93864) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Gonorrhea (93869) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo (15905) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Disease (18121) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Maxillary Sinusitis (18122) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Mild Streptococcal pharyngitis (94524) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Mild Streptococcal tonsillitis (94525) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Streptococcal pharyngitis (94526) Indication added 5972(5972) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Streptococcal tonsillitis (94527) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Acute Crusting Rhinitis (94295) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Abrasions (94296) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Stye (94298) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative keratitis (16745) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Acute rhino-sinusitis (94299) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 3671(3671) --> DrugBank --> Nasal carriage of staphylococci (94300) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Sepsis (16450) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Bone and Joint Infections (16478) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Endophthalmitis (18534) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Infective pulmonary exacerbation of cystic fibrosis (94229) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Intra-Abdominal Infections (90494) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Mycobacterium avium complex infection (16326) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Neonatal Sepsis (94231) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infection Bacterial (94232) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Severe Bacterial Infections (94235) Indication added 3684(3684) --> DrugBank --> Severe Urinary tract infection (94236) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial corneal ulcer (94410) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial dacryocystitis (94411) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94412) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis infected (17441) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Ecthyma (18207) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Eczematous dermatitis infected (94413) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Folliculitis (18092) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Furunculosis (17438) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Gram-negative enteric bacilli neonatal sepsis (94414) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo contagious (94415) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Keratitis bacterial (16755) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Meibomianitis (16751) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Pustular Psoriasis (18577) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Pustular acne (94416) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma Gangrenosum (18574) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia gram-negative (94407) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Sycosis barbae (18579) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Respiratory tract infection bacterial (94417) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary tract infection bacterial (94418) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Severe Endocarditis enterococcal (94419) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Severe Infection Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94420) Indication added 3674(3674) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 3687(3687) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Acinetobacter species (94421) Indication added 3687(3687) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by E. coli (94422) Indication added 3687(3687) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Enterobacter aerogenes (94423) Indication added 3687(3687) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Klebsiella Pneumoniae (94424) Indication added 3687(3687) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Proteus species (94425) Indication added 3687(3687) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection caused by Serratia marcescens (94426) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> CMV Infections (94655) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> CMV colitis (94656) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus Retinitis (16204) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus gastroesophagitis (94657) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster Progressive outer retinal necrosis (94658) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> Acute Herpetic keratitis (94659) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> Cytomegalovirus neurological disease (94660) Indication added 3702(3702) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3700(3700) --> DrugBank --> Acute Herpes Zoster (94661) Indication added 3700(3700) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex of the genitals (94662) Indication added 3700(3700) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex of the oral-labial (94663) Indication added 3700(3700) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Herpes simplex of the genital (94664) Indication added 3700(3700) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Herpes simplex of the oral-labial (94665) Indication added 3696(3696) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Cancers (94866) Indication added 3696(3696) --> DrugBank --> Primary keratoconjunctivitis caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (95452) Indication added 3696(3696) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent epithelial keratitis caused by herpes simplex 2 (95453) Indication added 3696(3696) --> DrugBank --> Vaccinia infection in the cornea and conjunctiva (95454) Indication added 3696(3696) --> DrugBank --> Vaccinia virus ophthalmic infections (95455) Indication added 3722(3722) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Cystitis (16455) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Gonococcal cervicitis (94599) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Infectious diarrhea (94568) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Pyelitis (16468) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Pyelonephritis (16469) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) (94600) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication added 3714(3714) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis gonococcal (17544) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Acute Pyelonephritis (37503) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Cellulitis (16454) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections (94500) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Cystic fibrosis pulmonary exacerbation caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94605) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Diverticulitis (18360) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Epididymitis (17969) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Furuncle (17439) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo (15905) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Infected animal bite (94428) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Postoperative Wound (94606) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Legionella Pneumophila Infections (94486) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Prostatitis caused by Proteus mirabilis (94607) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Prosthetic Joint Infection (94537) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma (17440) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (94515) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Urethritis (16473) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Wound Infections (94608) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infection (94496) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (94233) Indication added 3721(3721) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections (94439) Indication added 5834(5834) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Bacterial (94292) Indication added 3720(3720) --> DrugBank --> Skin-structure infections (94284) Indication added 3693(3693) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 3693(3693) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3693(3693) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 3693(3693) --> DrugBank --> Superficial ocular infections (94206) Indication added 3691(3691) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media (94610) Indication added 5518(5518) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication already there - updated type and reference 5518(5518) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 3748(3748) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3748(3748) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 3748(3748) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Osteoarthritis (OA) (93720) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Acute (94114) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (94115) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3743(3743) --> DrugBank --> Tendinitis (94119) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Actinic Keratosis (AK) (94249) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Corns (16875) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkeratosis (16876) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Molluscum Contagiosum (17853) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Plantar Warts (18744) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis (16231) Indication added 3750(3750) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 6706(6706) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Pain (95125) Indication added 6706(6706) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis infective (16754) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 3737(3737) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3734(3734) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3734(3734) --> DrugBank --> Mild Atopic dermatitis (94289) Indication added 3734(3734) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Atopic dermatitis (94290) Indication added 3736(3736) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 3736(3736) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93665) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93666) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 3725(3725) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Chapped skin (93883) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Diaper rashj (93884) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Hemangiomas (93885) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia (23147) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Inflammation of Mouth (93886) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (93888) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Acute Multiple sclerosis (93890) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Cystic tumour of the ganglia (93891) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Severe Erythema multiforme (93892) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3728(3728) --> DrugBank --> Unresponsive to topical ocular inflammation (93893) Indication added 3733(3733) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3764(3764) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Segment Inflammation (93662) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (22826) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27758) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (17072) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis (93664) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93665) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Fulminating Pulmonary Tuberculosis (93666) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Dermatomyositis (93667) Indication added 3765(3765) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 3767(3767) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial eye infection (93561) Indication added 3767(3767) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Adrenal cortical hypofunctions (93668) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Alopecia Areata (AA) (93669) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Bursitis (16409) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) (93670) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Keloid Scars (93671) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Leukemias (93663) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Lichen Planus (LP) (93672) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Lupus Erythematosus (17075) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (17074) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the body (93673) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Plaque psoriasis of the scalp (93674) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Polymyositis (16728) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic plaque (93675) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Regional Enteritis (93676) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Severe Atopic Dermatitis (93677) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Temporal Arteritis (17484) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis (93678) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Acute rheumatic carditis (93679) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma annulare lesions (93680) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Severe Allergic rhinitis (93681) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Severe Contact dermatitis (93682) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Severe Serum sickness (93683) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Severe Transfusion Reactions (93684) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions (93685) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3766(3766) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis of osteoarthritis (93686) Indication added 3829(3829) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3829(3829) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Vernal (93594) Indication added 3829(3829) --> DrugBank --> Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) (93595) Indication added 3829(3829) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3829(3829) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3829(3829) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3829(3829) --> DrugBank --> Urticaria Pigmentosa (93598) Indication added 3832(3832) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3832(3832) --> DrugBank --> Itching of the eye (95434) Indication added 3834(3834) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 5967(5967) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3821(3821) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3821(3821) --> DrugBank --> Red eyes (95438) Indication added 3820(3820) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3848(3848) --> DrugBank --> Peritoneal dialysis therapy (95456) Indication added 3848(3848) --> DrugBank --> Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia (17126) Indication added 3845(3845) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 3845(3845) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 3845(3845) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Ani (30399) Indication added 3845(3845) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 3809(3809) --> DrugBank --> Motion Sickness (16669) Indication added 3809(3809) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 3811(3811) --> DrugBank --> Anterior Uveitis (AU) (93570) Indication added 3816(3816) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3816(3816) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting (93699) Indication added 3816(3816) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension (94105) Indication added 3857(3857) --> DrugBank --> Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (95457) Indication added 3858(3858) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 3858(3858) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 3858(3858) --> DrugBank --> Retinopathy, Diabetic (94916) Indication added 3858(3858) --> DrugBank --> Subfoveal Choroidal Neovascularization (95458) Indication added 3858(3858) --> DrugBank --> Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (94917) Indication added 5950(5950) --> DrugBank --> Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) (93877) Indication added 5950(5950) --> DrugBank --> Macular Edema (ME) (93879) Indication added 5950(5950) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Colorectal Cancers (94866) Indication added 5950(5950) --> DrugBank --> Retinopathy, Diabetic (94916) Indication added 5950(5950) --> DrugBank --> Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (94917) Indication added 3855(3855) --> DrugBank --> Subfoveal Choroidal Neovascularization (95458) Indication added 6186(6186) --> DrugBank --> Cystinosis, Nephropathic (93810) Indication added 6186(6186) --> DrugBank --> Corneal cystine crystal accumulation (93811) Indication added 3871(3871) --> DrugBank --> Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) (93944) Indication added 3871(3871) --> DrugBank --> Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (93945) Indication added 3871(3871) --> DrugBank --> Acute massive pulmonary embolism (93946) Indication added 3871(3871) --> DrugBank --> Central venous access device thrombosis (93947) Indication added 6187(6187) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion (95459) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Acetaminophen Overdose (95426) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> All (95427) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Anemias (93924) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Resistance (95428) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Hyperhomocysteinaemia (95429) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Nontropical sprue (95430) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Pregnancy (15991) Indication added 3866(3866) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (93985) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Clotting (17315) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Consumption coagulopathy (93956) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) (93957) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Interstitial Cystitis (93958) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (93950) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (93959) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Unstable Angina (UA) (93954) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) (93953) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Embolization (93960) Indication added 3872(3872) --> DrugBank --> Peripheral arterial embolism (93961) Indication added 3862(3862) --> DrugBank --> Acute radiation sickness (95424) Indication added 3884(3884) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Externa (94327) Indication added 3884(3884) --> DrugBank --> External ear infection NOS (93569) Indication added 3884(3884) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Dermatitis (30359) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Fungal infection of nail (93583) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (16097) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Vaginal yeast infection (93584) Indication added 3887(3887) --> DrugBank --> Cutaneous candidiasis infection (93585) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Acinetobacter infection (93854) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infection Due to Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) (93724) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Bartonellosis (16524) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Brucellosis (16526) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Campylobacter Infection (93824) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial Infections (93825) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Cholera (16527) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Inclusion (93827) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Entamoebic histolytica infection (93855) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Escherichia infections (93856) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Bacteroides (93857) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Klebsiella Infections (93858) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial (93845) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection (93859) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Ornithosis (93860) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Plague (16534) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Psittacosis (16532) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Q Fever (16535) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Fever (17949) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Rickettsialpox (17950) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (17951) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Shigella Infection (16649) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93862) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Trachoma (16538) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Tularemia (93559) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Typhus (17952) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (93863) Indication added 3882(3882) --> DrugBank --> Clostridia infections (93864) Indication added 3875(3875) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 3875(3875) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial corneal ulcer (94410) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial dacryocystitis (94411) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Blepharoconjunctivitis (16748) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Central Nervous System Infections (94228) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis (94412) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis infected (17441) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Ecthyma (18207) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Eczematous dermatitis infected (94413) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Folliculitis (18092) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Furunculosis (17438) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Gram-negative enteric bacilli neonatal sepsis (94414) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Impetigo contagious (94415) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Keratitis bacterial (16755) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Keratoconjunctivitis (16750) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Meibomianitis (16751) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Peritonitis bacterial (93846) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Pustular Psoriasis (18577) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Pustular acne (94416) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma Gangrenosum (18574) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Septicemia gram-negative (94407) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Sycosis barbae (18579) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial blepharitis (93574) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Respiratory tract infection bacterial (94417) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary tract infection bacterial (94418) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Severe Endocarditis enterococcal (94419) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Severe Infection Pseudomonas aeruginosa (94420) Indication added 3888(3888) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (ABECB) (94482) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media (94610) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Cervicitis (16480) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Complicated Urinary Tract Infections (94500) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Epididymitis (17969) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Hansen''s Disease (94208) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Nongonococcal urethritis (93831) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Prostatitis (16579) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) (94600) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Travelers'' Diarrhea (93529) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative keratitis (16745) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Acute Pelvic inflammatory disease (94611) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Acute, uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94612) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Chronic suppurative Otitis media (17020) Indication added 6708(6708) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Cystitis (94613) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Acne Rosacea (93608) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gouty Arthritis (93610) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Allergic corneal marginal ulcers (93611) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) (93612) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary (93613) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Aspiration Pneumonitis (17079) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Berylliosis (17041) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis (93615) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Choroiditis (17061) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (93616) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (93524) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis (16551) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Inflammation (93571) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Corneal injuries (93618) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Cyclitis (17984) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Dermatomyositis (16721) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Drug hypersensitivity reaction (93620) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Epicondylitis (17047) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Erythroblastopenia (17077) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Exacerbation of asthma (16429) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster Keratitis (17987) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (93623) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (93624) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (93625) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Iridocyclitis (16352) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Iritis (17048) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia, Acute (93626) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Loeffler''s syndrome (17070) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Malignant Lymphomas (93627) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Multiple sclerosis exacerbation (93628) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Mycosis Fungoides (MF) (93629) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia, Sympathetic (93630) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Optic Neuritis (17052) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Pemphigus (16724) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR) (93596) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Aspiration (93631) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii (93632) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Polymyalgia Rheumatica (17482) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (93633) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Proteinuria (15923) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Psoriatic Arthritis (93634) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Pure Red Cell Aplasia (93635) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Rejection, Transplant (93636) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Polychondritis (17912) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile (93637) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (17929) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Secondary thrombocytopenia (17066) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Serum Sickness (16958) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Severe Asthma (93638) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Sjögren''s Syndrome (93639) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Stevens Johnson Syndrome (93640) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Superficial punctate keratitis (93641) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Synovitis (16419) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (93642) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Trichinosis (93643) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis, Pulmonary (93644) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculous Meningitis (19039) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Uveitis (16237) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Vasculitis (17652) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Acquired immune hemolytic anemia (93645) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Acute Bursitis (93646) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (27729) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Acute Tenosynovitis (93647) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Diffuse posterior uveitis (93648) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Exfoliative erythroderma (93649) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (93650) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonias (93651) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Non-suppurative Thyroiditis (93652) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Primary adrenocoritical insufficiency (93653) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Severe Psoriasis (93654) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Severe Seborrhoeic dermatitis (93655) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Severe alcoholic liver disease (93656) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Subacute Bursitis (93657) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Symptomatic Sarcoidosis (93658) Indication added 3892(3892) --> DrugBank --> Varicella-zoster virus acute retinal necrosis (93659) Indication added 5951(5951) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhoids (94100) Indication added 5951(5951) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 5951(5951) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Ani (30399) Indication added 5951(5951) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 3902(3902) --> DrugBank --> Postherpetic Neuralgia (94027) Indication added 3902(3902) --> DrugBank --> Ventricular Arrythmias (94073) Indication added 3940(3940) --> DrugBank --> Arsenic Poisoning (95460) Indication added 3940(3940) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning, Lead (95140) Indication added 3940(3940) --> DrugBank --> Acute Mercury poisoning (95461) Indication added 3940(3940) --> DrugBank --> Gold poisoning (95462) Indication added 3957(3957) --> DrugBank --> Internal contamination caused by radioactive or non-radioactive thallium (95463) Indication added 3957(3957) --> DrugBank --> Internal contamination with radioactive cesium (95464) Indication added 3953(3953) --> DrugBank --> Sedation caused by benzodiazepine (95465) Indication added 3960(3960) --> DrugBank --> Ethylene glycol poisoning (95466) Indication added 3960(3960) --> DrugBank --> Methanol poisoning (95467) Indication added 5856(5856) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 5856(5856) --> DrugBank --> Necrosis caused by Administration site extravasation, Norepinephrine (94183) Indication added 5856(5856) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 3959(3959) --> DrugBank --> Anemia, Pernicious (93919) Indication added 3959(3959) --> DrugBank --> Cyanide Poisoning (93925) Indication added 3959(3959) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin B12 Deficiency (18277) Indication added 3936(3936) --> DrugBank --> Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate (93768) Indication added 3936(3936) --> DrugBank --> Anticholinesterase overdose (95468) Indication added 3944(3944) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3944(3944) --> DrugBank --> Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (95469) Indication added 3944(3944) --> DrugBank --> Ethylene glycol overdose (95470) Indication added 3944(3944) --> DrugBank --> Fat occlusion in central venous catheter (95471) Indication added 3944(3944) --> DrugBank --> Methanol overdose (95472) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Acetaminophen Overdose (95426) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> All (95427) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Anemias (93924) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Resistance (95428) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Hyperhomocysteinaemia (95429) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory Reaction (93878) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Nontropical sprue (95430) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Pregnancy (15991) Indication added 3951(3951) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (93985) Indication added 3949(3949) --> DrugBank --> Acute radiation sickness (95424) Indication added 5642(5642) --> DrugBank --> Neuromuscular blockade caused by vecuronium bromide (95473) Indication added 3943(3943) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Dependence (95171) Indication added 3943(3943) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Overdose (95253) Indication added 3943(3943) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3943(3943) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Depression (17421) Indication added 3943(3943) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 3943(3943) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Septic (94102) Indication added 3943(3943) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 3968(3968) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of cardiomyopathy (95474) Indication added 3974(3974) --> DrugBank --> Oral Mucositis (95394) Indication added 3973(3973) --> DrugBank --> Hyperuricemia (95475) Indication added 3975(3975) --> DrugBank --> >1 micromole per liter toxic plasma methotrexate concentrations (95476) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3971(3971) --> DrugBank --> Nephrotoxicity (16781) Indication added 3971(3971) --> DrugBank --> Xerostomia (95477) Indication added 3971(3971) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Radiation proctitis (95478) Indication added 3966(3966) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 3964(3964) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3965(3965) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 3977(3977) --> DrugBank --> Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia (94039) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3963(3963) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Iron Overload (16008) Indication added 3962(3962) --> DrugBank --> Transfusional Iron Overload (95479) Indication already there - updated type and reference 3961(3961) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Iron Overload (16008) Indication added 3961(3961) --> DrugBank --> Chronic aluminum overload (95480) Indication added 3961(3961) --> DrugBank --> Acute iron intoxication (95481) Indication added 3983(3983) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 3983(3983) --> DrugBank --> Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (95469) Indication added 3983(3983) --> DrugBank --> Ethylene glycol overdose (95470) Indication added 3983(3983) --> DrugBank --> Fat occlusion in central venous catheter (95471) Indication added 3983(3983) --> DrugBank --> Methanol overdose (95472) Indication added 4062(4062) --> DrugBank --> Occlusive vascular disease (95482) Indication added 4058(4058) --> DrugBank --> Abnormal vascularity of the brain (95483) Indication added 4058(4058) --> DrugBank --> Abnormal vascularity of the spine (95484) Indication added 4058(4058) --> DrugBank --> Lesions in the head and neck (95485) Indication added 4063(4063) --> DrugBank --> Anatomic renal artery stenosis (94012) Indication added 4063(4063) --> DrugBank --> CNS abnormal vascularity (95486) Indication added 4063(4063) --> DrugBank --> Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis (40847) Indication added 4063(4063) --> DrugBank --> Malignant breast disease (95487) Indication added 4065(4065) --> DrugBank --> Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease (95488) Indication added 4030(4030) --> DrugBank --> Mass (17313) Indication added 4030(4030) --> DrugBank --> Nuclear radiation emergency (95489) Indication added 3988(3988) --> DrugBank --> Convulsions (93749) Indication added 3988(3988) --> DrugBank --> Hypomagnesaemia (18618) Indication added 3988(3988) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 3988(3988) --> DrugBank --> Torsades de Pointes (93750) Indication added 3988(3988) --> DrugBank --> Barium poisoning (93751) Indication added 3988(3988) --> DrugBank --> Severe Exacerbation of asthma (93752) Indication added 3984(3984) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 4001(4001) --> DrugBank --> C-cell hyperplasia (95490) Indication added 4001(4001) --> DrugBank --> Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) (95491) Indication added 4011(4011) --> DrugBank --> Gastrinoma (16618) Indication added 4011(4011) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic exocrine dysfunction (95492) Indication added 4008(4008) --> DrugBank --> Pain, Chronic (95168) Indication added 6123(6123) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 6123(6123) --> DrugBank --> Tachycardia, Supraventricular (94059) Indication added 6123(6123) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Ventricular fibrillation (17436) Indication added 6123(6123) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent hemodynamically unstable Ventricular tachycardia (94098) Indication added 6124(6124) --> DrugBank --> Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (94045) Indication added 6124(6124) --> DrugBank --> Tachycardia, Supraventricular (94059) Indication added 6124(6124) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Ventricular fibrillation (17436) Indication added 6124(6124) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent hemodynamically unstable Ventricular tachycardia (94098) Indication added 6759(6759) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (94767) Indication added 6759(6759) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma Unspecified (94768) Indication added 1(1) --> DrugBank --> Dental Decay (95493) Indication added 41(41) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 41(41) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 41(41) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 41(41) --> DrugBank --> Sour stomach (17415) Indication added 41(41) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 44(44) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 44(44) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 44(44) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 44(44) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 44(44) --> DrugBank --> Sour stomach (17415) Indication added 157(157) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Symptoms (15788) Indication added 199(199) --> DrugBank --> Infective otitis externa (18647) Indication added 226(226) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 241(241) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Acid-Base Imbalance (95494) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Acidosis (15841) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Dehydration (16584) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93527) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Drug Poisoning (95495) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Electrolyte imbalance (18402) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Hypophosphatemia (95496) Indication added 258(258) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Acid-Base Imbalance (95494) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Acidosis (15841) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Dehydration (16584) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93527) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Drug Poisoning (95495) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Electrolyte imbalance (18402) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Hypophosphatemia (95496) Indication added 264(264) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication added 354(354) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 361(361) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 366(366) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 372(372) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 433(433) --> DrugBank --> Ariboflavinosis (95497) Indication added 442(442) --> DrugBank --> Hypocalcemia (23146) Indication added 451(451) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 455(455) --> DrugBank --> Acidosis, Renal Tubular (94134) Indication added 455(455) --> DrugBank --> Hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis (95498) Indication added 455(455) --> DrugBank --> Uric acid lithiasis (95499) Indication added 461(461) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Edema (95500) Indication added 461(461) --> DrugBank --> Dehydration (16584) Indication added 461(461) --> DrugBank --> Hyponatremias (95501) Indication added 461(461) --> DrugBank --> Nasal irritation (95502) Indication added 461(461) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 461(461) --> DrugBank --> Hypochloremic state (93988) Indication added 466(466) --> DrugBank --> Magnesium Deficiency (18615) Indication added 477(477) --> DrugBank --> Dental Decay (95493) Indication added 491(491) --> DrugBank --> Chronic renal failure anemia (95503) Indication added 502(502) --> DrugBank --> Fabry''s Disease (93818) Indication added 513(513) --> DrugBank --> Itching (94255) Indication added 513(513) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 518(518) --> DrugBank --> Myocardial Infarction (15895) Indication added 518(518) --> DrugBank --> Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (93940) Indication added 518(518) --> DrugBank --> Strokes (93908) Indication added 518(518) --> DrugBank --> Systemic Embolism (93942) Indication added 518(518) --> DrugBank --> Thromboembolism (16185) Indication added 518(518) --> DrugBank --> Thrombosis, Venous (93959) Indication added 518(518) --> DrugBank --> Transient ischemia attacks (93980) Indication added 576(576) --> DrugBank --> Acute Pulmonary Embolism (95504) Indication added 576(576) --> DrugBank --> Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (93938) Indication added 576(576) --> DrugBank --> Non ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) (95505) Indication added 576(576) --> DrugBank --> ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (93950) Indication added 576(576) --> DrugBank --> Unstable Angina (UA) (93954) Indication added 576(576) --> DrugBank --> Acute, superficial, symptomatic Vein Thrombosis (95506) Indication added 586(586) --> DrugBank --> Acute bleeding episodes (95507) Indication added 586(586) --> DrugBank --> Mild Bleeding (95508) Indication added 586(586) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Bleeding (95509) Indication added 598(598) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic episodes (95510) Indication added 599(599) --> DrugBank --> Bleeding caused by Hemophilia A (95511) Indication added 599(599) --> DrugBank --> Bleeding caused by Hemophilia B (95512) Indication added 599(599) --> DrugBank --> Perioperative bleeding caused by Hemophilia A (95513) Indication added 599(599) --> DrugBank --> Perioperative bleeding caused by Hemophilia B (95514) Indication added 601(601) --> DrugBank --> Vitamin K antagonist induced major bleeding (95515) Indication added 603(603) --> DrugBank --> Haemorrhage (17132) Indication added 611(611) --> DrugBank --> Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) (95516) Indication added 616(616) --> DrugBank --> Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) (95516) Indication added 631(631) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 631(631) --> DrugBank --> Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) (95516) Indication added 634(634) --> DrugBank --> Iron Deficiency (16278) Indication added 637(637) --> DrugBank --> Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) (95516) Indication added 638(638) --> DrugBank --> Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) (95516) Indication added 862(862) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 862(862) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 1040(1040) --> DrugBank --> Acid Reflux (95517) Indication added 1390(1390) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1390(1390) --> DrugBank --> Corticosteroid responsive, Inflammatory Dermatosis (95518) Indication added 1390(1390) --> DrugBank --> Corticosteroid responsive, pruritic Dermatosis (95519) Indication added 1390(1390) --> DrugBank --> Pruritic, corticosteroid responsive, Inflammatory Dermatosis (95520) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Eczema impetiginous (95521) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Eczema of the nuchal nape of the neck (95522) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Folliculitis (18092) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Fungal ear infection caused by Aspergillus niger (95523) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Infantile Eczema (95524) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Intertrigo (17770) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Moniliasis (95525) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Nummular Dermatitis (30405) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the scroti (95526) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Ani (30399) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Vulvae (16945) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma (17440) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Stasis dermatitis (16922) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Capitis (18582) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial dermatoses (95527) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Chronic otitis externa (95528) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Neurodermatitis (95529) Indication added 1485(1485) --> DrugBank --> Localized Neurodermatitis (95530) Indication added 1532(1532) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1542(1542) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 1542(1542) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 1574(1574) --> DrugBank --> Melasma (95531) Indication added 1574(1574) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Melasma (94920) Indication added 1574(1574) --> DrugBank --> Severe Melasma (94922) Indication added 1656(1656) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Hyperprolactinemia (95532) Indication added 1656(1656) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic hyperprolactinemic disorder (94332) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Amenorrhea (94366) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Endometrial Hyperplasia (17398) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis related pain (94361) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (16229) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 1688(1688) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Endometrial carcinoma (95533) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Amenorrhea (94366) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Endometrial Hyperplasia (17398) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis related pain (94361) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (16229) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 1715(1715) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Endometrial carcinoma (95533) Indication added 1764(1764) --> DrugBank --> Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (94338) Indication added 1764(1764) --> DrugBank --> Undescended Testis (95534) Indication added 1764(1764) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (95535) Indication added 1775(1775) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Prostate Carcinoma (95536) Indication added 1775(1775) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer (94934) Indication added 1775(1775) --> DrugBank --> Paraphilia (95053) Indication added 1775(1775) --> DrugBank --> Severe Acne (93861) Indication added 1788(1788) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Frequency (95537) Indication added 1788(1788) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Incontinence (UI) (95538) Indication added 1788(1788) --> DrugBank --> Urination urgency of (95539) Indication added 1865(1865) --> DrugBank --> Hypothyroidism (16444) Indication added 1865(1865) --> DrugBank --> Myxedema coma (22319) Indication added 1865(1865) --> DrugBank --> Euthyroid Goitre (95540) Indication added 1865(1865) --> DrugBank --> Thyrotropin dependent Thyroid cancer (95541) Indication added 1866(1866) --> DrugBank --> Autonomy of thyroid gland (17978) Indication added 1866(1866) --> DrugBank --> Hyperthyroidism (16503) Indication added 1866(1866) --> DrugBank --> Hypothyroidism (16444) Indication added 1866(1866) --> DrugBank --> Myxedema coma (22319) Indication added 1866(1866) --> DrugBank --> Thyroid Cancers (94391) Indication added 1866(1866) --> DrugBank --> Euthyroid Goitre (95540) Indication added 1866(1866) --> DrugBank --> Myxedema pre-coma (95542) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Actinomycosis (17944) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Bacteremia (42037) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Clostridial Infection (18673) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Diphtheria (15984) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Empyema (17658) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis (16446) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Meningococcal Meningitis (19178) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Neisseria gonorrhoeae arthritis (94444) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Pasteurella infections (94445) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Pericarditis (18644) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pneumonia (94446) Indication already there - updated type and reference 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Syphilis (16537) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Rheumatic fever (94447) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Rat bite fever (94448) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pneumococcal infection (94449) Indication added 1932(1932) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Anthrax (17945) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Diphtheria (15984) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis, Subacute Bacterial (95543) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Erysipelas (16459) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Erysipelas caused by susceptible streptococci (95544) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Erysipeloid (18680) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (93830) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Non-venereal endemic syphilis (95545) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Media caused by susceptible pneumococci (95546) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Pinta (17014) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Pneumonia caused by susceptible pneumococci (95547) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Primary Syphilis (17724) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Rat-bite fever (18676) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Scarlet Fever (18220) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Scarlet Fever caused by susceptible streptococci (95548) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Syphilis (95549) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Skin Structures and Soft Tissue Infections caused by susceptible streptococci (95550) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Tertiary syphilis (95551) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infection caused by susceptible streptococci (95552) Indication added 1933(1933) --> DrugBank --> Yaws (16543) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Blastomycosis (17684) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis, Cutaneous (93882) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Candiduria (18038) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Chromomycosis (94322) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Dandruff (16897) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Oral Candida (94323) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Paracoccidioidomycosis (94324) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Pityriasis versicolor (20114) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis infection (94259) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Recalcitrant cutaneous dermatophyte infection (94325) Indication added 2110(2110) --> DrugBank --> Severe cutaneous dermatophyte infection (94326) Indication added 2178(2178) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis B Chronic Infection (94652) Indication added 2178(2178) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (18289) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> Bruton''s agammaglobulinemia (95553) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (95554) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) (95555) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> Common Variable Immunodeficiency (95556) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Immunodeficiency (95557) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> Kawasaki Syndrome (95558) Indication added 2206(2206) --> DrugBank --> Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) (95559) Indication added 2207(2207) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (95560) Indication added 2208(2208) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 2248(2248) --> DrugBank --> Diphtheria (15984) Indication added 2248(2248) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 2248(2248) --> DrugBank --> Tetanus (15988) Indication added 2330(2330) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Gastric Cancer (95561) Indication added 2366(2366) --> DrugBank --> Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (93881) Indication added 2366(2366) --> DrugBank --> B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (18289) Indication added 2366(2366) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2366(2366) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2366(2366) --> DrugBank --> Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) (94836) Indication added 2366(2366) --> DrugBank --> T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia (95562) Indication added 2367(2367) --> DrugBank --> Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (94805) Indication added 2367(2367) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (94796) Indication added 2367(2367) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (95563) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Amenorrhea (94366) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Endometrial Hyperplasia (17398) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis related pain (94361) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (16229) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 2410(2410) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Endometrial carcinoma (95533) Indication added 2464(2464) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2464(2464) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 2464(2464) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2464(2464) --> DrugBank --> Lung Transplant Rejection (95564) Indication added 2464(2464) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Aplastic Anemia (95565) Indication added 2464(2464) --> DrugBank --> Myelodysplastic Syndrome (16190) Indication added 2464(2464) --> DrugBank --> Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) (93933) Indication added 2465(2465) --> DrugBank --> Acute cellular rejection (95566) Indication added 2465(2465) --> DrugBank --> Antibody-mediated Rejection (95567) Indication added 2465(2465) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2465(2465) --> DrugBank --> Myelodysplastic Syndrome (16190) Indication added 2467(2467) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Chordomas (94985) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Liver Transplant Rejection (18749) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Lung Transplant Rejection (95564) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (29306) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Renal Angiomyolipomas (95568) Indication added 2470(2470) --> DrugBank --> Moderate renal transplant rejection (95569) Indication added 2473(2473) --> DrugBank --> Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) (93887) Indication added 2473(2473) --> DrugBank --> Rheumatoid Arthritis (15931) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Kidney Transplant Rejection (17866) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Liver Transplant Rejection (18749) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Renal angiomyolipoma, tuberous sclerosis complex (95003) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, tuberous sclerosis complex (95004) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Carcinoid tumor (95005) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced gastrointestinal origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95006) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced lung origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95007) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic gastrointestinal origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95008) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic lung origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95009) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95010) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (95011) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Waldenstrom''s Macroglobulinaemia (95012) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, advanced Breast cancer (94964) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable gastrointestinal origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95013) Indication added 2478(2478) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable lung origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (95014) Indication added 2483(2483) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (95570) Indication added 2483(2483) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Rheumatoid arthritis (94877) Indication added 2483(2483) --> DrugBank --> Severe Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (95571) Indication added 2483(2483) --> DrugBank --> Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (94878) Indication added 2543(2543) --> DrugBank --> Post-Operative Pain (95247) Indication added 2560(2560) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 2560(2560) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication added 2560(2560) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Strain (18511) Indication added 2560(2560) --> DrugBank --> Muscle ache (95572) Indication added 2560(2560) --> DrugBank --> Muscle pains (95153) Indication added 2560(2560) --> DrugBank --> Sprains (95573) Indication added 2577(2577) --> DrugBank --> Acute Sore Throat (95574) Indication added 2577(2577) --> DrugBank --> Mucositis of the oro-pharyngeal (95575) Indication added 2612(2612) --> DrugBank --> Muscle fasciculation caused by succinylcholine (95576) Indication added 2633(2633) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Spasms (16310) Indication added 2633(2633) --> DrugBank --> Mild Musculoskeletal Disorder (95577) Indication added 2633(2633) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Musculoskeletal Disorder (95578) Indication added 2645(2645) --> DrugBank --> Hyperuricemia (95475) Indication added 2645(2645) --> DrugBank --> Calcium oxalate calculi Renal Calculi (95579) Indication added 2649(2649) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 2649(2649) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Gouty Arthritis (95115) Indication added 2649(2649) --> DrugBank --> Gout Chronic (95580) Indication added 2649(2649) --> DrugBank --> Hyperuricemia (95475) Indication added 2649(2649) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 2649(2649) --> DrugBank --> Excess of uric acid in blood (95581) Indication added 2657(2657) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication added 2657(2657) --> DrugBank --> Osteolytic Bone metastases (95143) Indication added 2671(2671) --> DrugBank --> Severe Osteoporosis (95582) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Headaches (93715) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Phlegm (95423) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Minor ache (95583) Indication added 2775(2775) --> DrugBank --> Minor pain (95584) Indication added 2828(2828) --> DrugBank --> Cluster Headache (17221) Indication added 2828(2828) --> DrugBank --> Migraines (93794) Indication added 2828(2828) --> DrugBank --> Vascular Headaches (94070) Indication added 2989(2989) --> DrugBank --> Acute Alcohol Withdrawal (95585) Indication added 2989(2989) --> DrugBank --> Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (95305) Indication added 2989(2989) --> DrugBank --> Acute Anxiety (95351) Indication added 2989(2989) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 3040(3040) --> DrugBank --> Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome(AWS) (94068) Indication added 3040(3040) --> DrugBank --> Opiate withdrawal symptoms (94025) Indication added 3040(3040) --> DrugBank --> Post-Operative Pain (95247) Indication added 3040(3040) --> DrugBank --> Barbiturate withdrawal (95586) Indication added 3172(3172) --> DrugBank --> BMI >30 kg/m2 (93708) Indication added 3172(3172) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 3172(3172) --> DrugBank --> Tiredness (95204) Indication added 3322(3322) --> DrugBank --> Sunburn (16773) Indication added 3387(3387) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 3388(3388) --> DrugBank --> Mouth infection (95587) Indication added 3388(3388) --> DrugBank --> Throat infection (95588) Indication added 3449(3449) --> DrugBank --> Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (93609) Indication added 3449(3449) --> DrugBank --> Asthma Bronchial (93593) Indication added 3449(3449) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 3529(3529) --> DrugBank --> Cystic Fibrosis (CF) (94112) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Allergies (93601) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Angioedema (16953) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Seasonal Allergic (93617) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Dermographism (95416) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Urticarias (94275) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Rhinitis (16957) Indication added 3586(3586) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 3639(3639) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) (93597) Indication added 3648(3648) --> DrugBank --> Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (93600) Indication added 3648(3648) --> DrugBank --> Hives (95589) Indication added 3648(3648) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 3819(3819) --> DrugBank --> Eye redness (17562) Indication added 3819(3819) --> DrugBank --> Nasal Stuffiness (93603) Indication added 3819(3819) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Irritation (95590) Indication added 3833(3833) --> DrugBank --> Acute atopic conjunctivitis (95591) Indication added 3833(3833) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Giant Papillary (95592) Indication added 3833(3833) --> DrugBank --> Conjunctivitis, Vernal (93594) Indication added 3833(3833) --> DrugBank --> Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (95593) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (93614) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Contact (93619) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Dermatosis (93572) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Eczema impetiginous (95521) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Eczema of the nuchal nape of the neck (95522) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Folliculitis (18092) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Fungal ear infection caused by Aspergillus niger (95523) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Infantile Eczema (95524) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Intertrigo (17770) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Lichen simplex chronicus (17064) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Moniliasis (95525) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Nummular Dermatitis (30405) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Otitis Externa (17019) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the scroti (95526) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Ani (30399) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Pruritus Vulvae (16945) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Pyoderma (17440) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Stasis dermatitis (16922) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Capitis (18582) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Corporis (20109) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Cruris (16501) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Tinea Pedis (16497) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial dermatoses (95527) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Chronic otitis externa (95528) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Neurodermatitis (95529) Indication added 3879(3879) --> DrugBank --> Localized Neurodermatitis (95530) Indication added 3938(3938) --> DrugBank --> Cyanide Poisoning (93925) Indication added 3939(3939) --> DrugBank --> Cyanide Poisoning (93925) Indication added 3942(3942) --> DrugBank --> Heparin overdose (95594) Indication added 3967(3967) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic cystitis caused by cyclophosphamide (95595) Indication added 3967(3967) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic cystitis caused by ifosfamide (95596) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Colorectal Cancer (94781) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Esophageal Cancers (94948) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Gastric Cancer (95561) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Cancers (94728) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Folic acid antagonist overdose (95597) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic Cancer Metastatic (94823) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Methotrexate toxicity (95598) Indication added 3969(3969) --> DrugBank --> Pyrimethamine hematologic toxicity (95599) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Colorectal Cancer (94781) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Esophageal Cancers (94948) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Advanced Gastric Cancer (95561) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Bladder Cancers (94728) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Folic acid antagonist overdose (95597) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Pancreatic Cancer Metastatic (94823) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Methotrexate toxicity (95598) Indication added 3972(3972) --> DrugBank --> Pyrimethamine hematologic toxicity (95599) Indication added 3997(3997) --> DrugBank --> Tuberculosis (16300) Indication added 4031(4031) --> DrugBank --> Neoplastic lesion (95600) Indication added 4031(4031) --> DrugBank --> Non-neoplastic lesion (95601) Indication added 4064(4064) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Liver Diseases (CLD) (95602) Indication added 4174(4174) --> DrugBank --> Follicular Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma (95603) Indication added 4174(4174) --> DrugBank --> Follicular Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma Refractory (94737) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Depression (17260) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Dermabrasion (95604) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Feeling Anxious (93900) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Menopausal Hot Flushes (94024) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Muscle pains (95153) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (95312) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (95310) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Skin Inflammation (93889) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Sleeplessness (95215) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> Somatization Disorder (23779) Indication added 4177(4177) --> DrugBank --> First-degree burn (95605) Indication added 4200(4200) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 4200(4200) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 4200(4200) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Dermatitis (30359) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Rash (93531) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Eye redness (17562) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Ocular Irritation (95590) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Sunburn (16773) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Wilson''s Disease (23128) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 4368(4368) --> DrugBank --> Candidiasis infection (94259) Indication added 4400(4400) --> DrugBank --> Hypoprothrombinemias (93936) Indication added 4400(4400) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (93937) Indication added 4471(4471) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 4471(4471) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 4641(4641) --> DrugBank --> Dandruff (16897) Indication added 4641(4641) --> DrugBank --> Psoriasis (16231) Indication added 4641(4641) --> DrugBank --> Seborrheic Dermatitis (94271) Indication added 5459(5459) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 5459(5459) --> DrugBank --> Dysmenorrhea (94329) Indication added 5459(5459) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 5459(5459) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 5459(5459) --> DrugBank --> Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (22836) Indication added 5486(5486) --> DrugBank --> Anemias (93924) Indication added 5548(5548) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) (95606) Indication added 5549(5549) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) (95606) Indication added 5751(5751) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Sclerosis (94772) Indication added 5768(5768) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic episodes (95510) Indication added 5911(5911) --> DrugBank --> Hypermenorrhea (94354) Indication added 5911(5911) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 5998(5998) --> DrugBank --> Infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus I (94648) Indication added 6060(6060) --> DrugBank --> Acute Mania (95226) Indication added 6060(6060) --> DrugBank --> Grand mal Generalized tonic-clonic seizure (95211) Indication added 6060(6060) --> DrugBank --> Mixed manic depressive episode (95221) Indication added 6060(6060) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 6060(6060) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 6060(6060) --> DrugBank --> Partial onset seizure Epilepsy (95218) Indication added 6066(6066) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added 6066(6066) --> DrugBank --> Orofacial Pain (95290) Indication added 6066(6066) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 6066(6066) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 6075(6075) --> DrugBank --> Hepatitis B Chronic Infection (94652) Indication added 6075(6075) --> DrugBank --> Compensated liver disease (95072) Indication added 6080(6080) --> DrugBank --> Primary apnea of premature newborns (16117) Indication added 6080(6080) --> DrugBank --> Tiredness (95204) Indication added 6081(6081) --> DrugBank --> Primary apnea of premature newborns (16117) Indication added 6081(6081) --> DrugBank --> Tiredness (95204) Indication added 6082(6082) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Alkalosis (16592) Indication added 6082(6082) --> DrugBank --> Hypochloremic state (93988) Indication added 6097(6097) --> DrugBank --> Exogenous Obesity (93709) Indication added 6099(6099) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the body (95607) Indication added 6099(6099) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the head (95392) Indication added 6099(6099) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the pubic area (95393) Indication added 6107(6107) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added 6108(6108) --> DrugBank --> Decubitus Ulcer (17540) Indication added 6108(6108) --> DrugBank --> Open Wound (95608) Indication added 6108(6108) --> DrugBank --> Venous Stasis Ulcers (VSU) (95609) Indication added 6109(6109) --> DrugBank --> Cold Sore (94247) Indication added 6109(6109) --> DrugBank --> Fever blister (95610) Indication added 6109(6109) --> DrugBank --> Orofacial Pain (95290) Indication added 6109(6109) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the head (95392) Indication added 6112(6112) --> DrugBank --> Crohn''s Disease (CD) (93589) Indication added 6112(6112) --> DrugBank --> Proctosigmoiditis (18202) Indication added 6112(6112) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (93588) Indication added 6112(6112) --> DrugBank --> Ulcerative Proctitis (93590) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Coccidioidomycosis (16091) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Histoplasmosis (17794) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Fungal (93532) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Aspergillosis (93533) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Invasive Fungal Infections (93534) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Leishmaniasis (18351) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Cryptococcal (93535) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Fungal (93536) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (18824) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Penicillium marneffei infection (93537) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Visceral Leishmaniasis (17965) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Candidal cystitis (93538) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Disseminated Cryptococcosis (20187) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Fungal endophthalmitis (93539) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Fungal osteoarticular infections (93540) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Ocular aspergillosis (93541) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Refractory aspergillosis (93542) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Coccidioidomycosis (93543) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Cryptococcosis (93544) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus spp. (93545) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by Conidiobolus spp. (93546) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Fungal infection caused by sporotrichosis spp. (93547) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Histoplasmosis (93548) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (93549) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe North American blastomycosis (93550) Indication added 6120(6120) --> DrugBank --> Severe Systemic candidiasis (93551) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Bell''s Palsy (24258) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Chickenpox (94666) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex (94673) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Simplex Infection (94246) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Herpes Zoster (16347) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex of the oral-labial (94663) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Herpes simplex type I reactivation (94674) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Infections, Cytomegalovirus (94675) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Genital Herpes (RGH) (94676) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent Herpes Labialis (94677) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> VZV re-activation (94678) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Acute Genital herpes (94679) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Acute Herpes labialis (94680) Indication added 6121(6121) --> DrugBank --> Severe Genital herpes (94681) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Bloodstream Infections (93841) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Endocarditis (16072) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Gastrointestinal Infections (94463) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Genitourinary tract infection (94464) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by eikenella corrodens (94465) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Listeria infection (93829) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Meningitis, Bacterial (94230) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) (93832) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella (94466) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Salmonella Typhi Infection (94467) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Shigella (93834) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Skin bacterial infection (94297) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Subcutaneous bacterial infection (94468) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 6122(6122) --> DrugBank --> Perinatal group B streptococcus (94469) Indication added 6130(6130) --> DrugBank --> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (93804) Indication added 6130(6130) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 6136(6136) --> DrugBank --> Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (15811) Indication added 6171(6171) --> DrugBank --> Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (95210) Indication added 6232(6232) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Acromegaly (16599) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Gigantism (18801) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Hyperammonaemia (15839) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Hypophysectomy (95611) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Panhypopituitarism (18802) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Pituitary Dwarfism (18799) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Pituitary Neoplasms (95612) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Deficiencies in enzymes of the urea cycle (93819) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Pituitary trauma (95613) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Postsurgical craniopharyngioma (95614) Indication added 6255(6255) --> DrugBank --> Problems of growth and stature (95615) Indication added 6275(6275) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 6275(6275) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication added 6275(6275) --> DrugBank --> Muscle Strain (18511) Indication added 6275(6275) --> DrugBank --> Muscle ache (95572) Indication added 6275(6275) --> DrugBank --> Muscle pains (95153) Indication added 6275(6275) --> DrugBank --> Sprains (95573) Indication added 6279(6279) --> DrugBank --> Infective otitis externa (18647) Indication added 6288(6288) --> DrugBank --> Dermatitis, Eczematous (95616) Indication added 6288(6288) --> DrugBank --> Dry Skin (18291) Indication added 6289(6289) --> DrugBank --> Cold Sore (94247) Indication added 6289(6289) --> DrugBank --> Fever blister (95610) Indication added 6289(6289) --> DrugBank --> Orofacial Pain (95290) Indication added 6289(6289) --> DrugBank --> Lice of the head (95392) Indication added 6307(6307) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6307(6307) --> DrugBank --> Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (95469) Indication added 6307(6307) --> DrugBank --> Ethylene glycol overdose (95470) Indication added 6307(6307) --> DrugBank --> Fat occlusion in central venous catheter (95471) Indication added 6307(6307) --> DrugBank --> Methanol overdose (95472) Indication added 6661(6661) --> DrugBank --> Fevers (93901) Indication added 6661(6661) --> DrugBank --> Pain (15821) Indication added 6661(6661) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 6661(6661) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 6661(6661) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 6721(6721) --> DrugBank --> Diaper Rash (93531) Indication added 6721(6721) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 6721(6721) --> DrugBank --> Sunburn (16773) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Cervical Cancers (94730) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Colorectal Cancers (93899) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Melanoma (16274) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic Solid Tumors (95617) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Melanoma (94874) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Urothelial carcinoma ureter metastatic (94783) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced Urothelial Carcinoma (95618) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Locally advanced gastroesphageal juntion adenocarcinoma (95619) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic gastroesphageal juntion adenocarcinoma (95620) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Metastatic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer (94785) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Recurrent, metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (95621) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, metastatic Non small cell lung cancer (94871) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, relapsed Hodgkin Lymphoma (95622) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Refractory, relapsed Mediastinal Large B-cell Lymphoma (95623) Indication added 6736(6736) --> DrugBank --> Unresectable Solid Tumors (95624) Indication added 6737(6737) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1 (94685) Indication added 6737(6737) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 (94688) Indication added 6761(6761) --> DrugBank --> Refractory B cell precursor Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (95625) Indication added 6761(6761) --> DrugBank --> Relapsed B cell precursor Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (95626) Indication added 6765(6765) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 1a (95627) Indication added 6765(6765) --> DrugBank --> Chronic hepatitis C genotype 1b (95628) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Barbiturate intoxication (93982) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Acidosis (17123) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Methyl alcohol poisoning (93984) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (93985) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Salicylate poisoning (93986) Indication added 6821(6821) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea (93987) Indication added 6876(6876) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Dependence (95171) Indication added 6876(6876) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Overdose (95253) Indication added 6876(6876) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis (94150) Indication added 6876(6876) --> DrugBank --> Respiratory Depression (17421) Indication added 6876(6876) --> DrugBank --> Severe Pain (93906) Indication added 6876(6876) --> DrugBank --> Shock, Septic (94102) Indication added 6876(6876) --> DrugBank --> Moderate Pain (93911) Indication added 6906(6906) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (93991) Indication added 6910(6910) --> DrugBank --> Moderate, active Rheumatoid arthritis (95113) Indication added 6910(6910) --> DrugBank --> Severe, active Rheumatoid arthritis (94780) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Arthritis (15932) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Backache (94328) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Bruises (95188) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Muscle pains (95153) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Sunburn (16773) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Acute Rhinitis (93778) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication added 6943(6943) --> DrugBank --> Skin rashes (95629) Indication added 6945(6945) --> DrugBank --> Gingival Inflammation (94287) Indication added 6946(6946) --> DrugBank --> Dental Plaque (94286) Indication added 6964(6964) --> DrugBank --> Acne (16559) Indication added 6964(6964) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media caused by Haemophilus Influenzae (94483) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum (94484) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Gastroparesis (29676) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal amebiasis caused by entamoeba histolytica (94485) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Legionella Pneumophila Infections (94486) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia neonatorum (gonococcal) (94487) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication already there - updated type and reference 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Primary Syphilis (17724) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcal Skin Infections (94488) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (93836) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (93875) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory papular lesions (94489) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Predominant skin comedones, papules and pustules (94490) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Pustular lesions (94491) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections caused by streptococcus pyogenes (94492) Indication added 6974(6974) --> DrugBank --> Superficial ocular infections (94206) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media caused by Haemophilus Influenzae (94483) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum (94484) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Gastroparesis (29676) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal amebiasis caused by entamoeba histolytica (94485) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Legionella Pneumophila Infections (94486) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia neonatorum (gonococcal) (94487) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Primary Syphilis (17724) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcal Skin Infections (94488) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (93836) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (93875) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory papular lesions (94489) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Predominant skin comedones, papules and pustules (94490) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Pustular lesions (94491) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections caused by streptococcus pyogenes (94492) Indication added 6975(6975) --> DrugBank --> Superficial ocular infections (94206) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Acne Vulgaris (16874) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Acute Otitis Media caused by Haemophilus Influenzae (94483) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Bacterial Infections (93552) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Chancroid (17423) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum (94484) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Gastroparesis (29676) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Granuloma Inguinale (16530) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Intestinal amebiasis caused by entamoeba histolytica (94485) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Legionella Pneumophila Infections (94486) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Lymphogranuloma Venereum (16531) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Ophthalmia neonatorum (gonococcal) (94487) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Pertussis (15989) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Postoperative Infections (93847) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Primary Syphilis (17724) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Staphylococcal Skin Infections (94488) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (93836) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Ureaplasma urethritis (93875) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Inflammatory papular lesions (94489) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Predominant skin comedones, papules and pustules (94490) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Pustular lesions (94491) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Skin and subcutaneous tissue bacterial infections caused by streptococcus pyogenes (94492) Indication added 6976(6976) --> DrugBank --> Superficial ocular infections (94206) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Bronchiectasis (16452) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal ulcer caused by helicobacter pylori (94458) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Erysipeloid (18680) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Infective Endocarditis (94459) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Neuroborreliosis (94460) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Sinusitis (16857) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gonorrhea (94461) Indication added 6992(6992) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94462) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by M. catarrhalis (93599) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Bronchiectasis (16452) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (94441) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Duodenal ulcer caused by helicobacter pylori (94458) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Erysipeloid (18680) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Infective Endocarditis (94459) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (94452) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Lyme Neuroborreliosis (94460) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Otitis media bacterial (17960) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Sinusitis (16857) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections (93835) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal Pharyngitis (29068) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Streptococcal tonsillitis (94453) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (93560) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Acute Gonorrhea (94461) Indication added 6993(6993) --> DrugBank --> Uncomplicated Gonorrhea (94462) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Cerebral Arteriosclerosis (16792) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Chorea (17013) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Extrapyramidal disorder caused by neuroleptic drugs without Tardive dyskinesia (95195) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Influenza A Virus Infection (17674) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Parkinson''s Disease (PD) (94331) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism post encephalitic (16994) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (95203) Indication added 7130(7130) --> DrugBank --> Tiredness (95204) Indication added 7132(7132) --> DrugBank --> Cardiovascular Events (93897) Indication added 1482(1482) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 1600(1600) --> DrugBank --> Infection NOS (94225) Indication added 704(704) --> DrugBank --> Magnesium Deficiency (18615) Indication added 1804(1804) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 1804(1804) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 1804(1804) --> DrugBank --> Occasional Constipation (93746) Indication added 1804(1804) --> DrugBank --> Sour stomach (17415) Indication added 1804(1804) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 3521(3521) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic cystitis caused by cyclophosphamide (95595) Indication added 3521(3521) --> DrugBank --> Hemorrhagic cystitis caused by ifosfamide (95596) Indication added 3869(3869) --> DrugBank --> Chronic renal failure anemia (95503) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (94353) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis (16432) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Endometriosis related pain (94361) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Estrogen Deficiency (94346) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PMO) (94351) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Secondary Amenorrhea (37974) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Vasomotor Symptoms (94349) Indication added 7096(7096) --> DrugBank --> Vulvovaginal Atrophy (16950) Indication added 7192(7192) --> DrugBank --> Acid Reflux (95517) Indication added 7397(7397) --> DrugBank --> Dientamoeba fragilis infection (93566) Indication added 7397(7397) --> DrugBank --> Hepatic coma (93567) Indication added 7397(7397) --> DrugBank --> Acute Intestinal amebiasis (93568) Indication added 7397(7397) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Intestinal amebiasis (19004) Indication added 1797(1797) --> DrugBank --> Hypertensive crisis (16812) Indication added 1797(1797) --> DrugBank --> Necrosis caused by Administration site extravasation, Norepinephrine (94183) Indication added 1797(1797) --> DrugBank --> Pheochromocytomas (94026) Indication added 5674(5674) --> DrugBank --> Acute radiation sickness (95424) Indication added 6013(6013) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (17867) Indication added 6013(6013) --> DrugBank --> Opioid Induced Constipation (OIC) (93753) Indication added 6013(6013) --> DrugBank --> Refractory Chronic idiopathic constipation (93755) Indication added 622(622) --> DrugBank --> Hyperphosphataemia (16206) Indication added 622(622) --> DrugBank --> Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) (95516) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Chordomas (94985) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Liver Transplant Rejection (18749) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Lung Transplant Rejection (95564) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (29306) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Renal Angiomyolipomas (95568) Indication added 6981(6981) --> DrugBank --> Moderate renal transplant rejection (95569) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Chordomas (94985) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) (94774) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Heart Transplant Rejection (95002) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Liver Transplant Rejection (18749) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Lung Transplant Rejection (95564) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (29306) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Renal Angiomyolipomas (95568) Indication added 6750(6750) --> DrugBank --> Moderate renal transplant rejection (95569) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Acid indigestion (17413) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Barbiturate intoxication (93982) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Heartburn (16014) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Hyperkalemia (23172) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Metabolic Acidosis (17123) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Pruritis of the skin (93983) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Upset stomach (17414) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Methyl alcohol poisoning (93984) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Prophylaxis of Contrast-induced nephropathy (93985) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Salicylate poisoning (93986) Indication added 7195(7195) --> DrugBank --> Severe Diarrhea (93987) Indication added 684(684) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Edema (95500) Indication added 684(684) --> DrugBank --> Dehydration (16584) Indication added 684(684) --> DrugBank --> Hyponatremias (95501) Indication added 684(684) --> DrugBank --> Nasal irritation (95502) Indication added 684(684) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 684(684) --> DrugBank --> Hypochloremic state (93988) Indication added 696(696) --> DrugBank --> Corneal Edema (95500) Indication added 696(696) --> DrugBank --> Dehydration (16584) Indication added 696(696) --> DrugBank --> Hyponatremias (95501) Indication added 696(696) --> DrugBank --> Nasal irritation (95502) Indication added 696(696) --> DrugBank --> Skin Irritation (18051) Indication added 696(696) --> DrugBank --> Hypochloremic state (93988) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Acid-Base Imbalance (95494) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Acidosis (15841) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Dehydration (16584) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93527) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Drug Poisoning (95495) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Electrolyte imbalance (18402) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Hypophosphatemia (95496) Indication added 702(702) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication added 5678(5678) --> DrugBank --> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (94036) Indication added 5678(5678) --> DrugBank --> High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (93719) Indication added 5678(5678) --> DrugBank --> Ureteral Calculus (94084) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Amblyopia (93756) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Atrioventricular Block (16590) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Bradycardia (16267) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Bronchial Spasm (93757) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Crying (17763) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Detrusor Hyperreflexia (17881) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Excessive bronchial secretion (93758) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Hypertonic uterine contraction (93759) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Hypertonicity of the small intestine (93760) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Parkinsonism (15968) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning by parasympathomimetics (cholinergics) (93762) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by mushrooms (93763) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by organophosphate anticholinesterase nerve agents (93764) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Poisoning caused by organophosphorus pesticides (93765) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Pylorospasm (18591) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Rhinorrhea (93766) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Sinus Bradycardia (17010) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Spasms (93767) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate (93768) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Hypermobility of the colon (93769) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Laughing (93770) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic side effects (93771) Indication added 7201(7201) --> DrugBank --> Ocular inflammatory conditions (93565) Indication added 7117(7117) --> DrugBank --> Anorexia, weight loss, AIDS (93700) Indication added 7117(7117) --> DrugBank --> Nausea and Vomiting (93698) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Airway Obstruction (93787) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Arrythmias (93788) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (93602) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Hypersecretion gastric (93732) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Increased bronchial secretion (93789) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by neostigmine (93790) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Muscarinic effects caused by pyridostigmine (93791) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Neurocardiogenic Syncope (93792) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Peptic Ulcers (93761) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Salivary hypersecretion (17009) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Chronic, severe Salivary hypersecretion (93793) Indication added 7517(7517) --> DrugBank --> Pharyngeal secretions (93782) Indication added 7568(7568) --> DrugBank --> Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) (93555) Indication added 7568(7568) --> DrugBank --> Enterocolitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus (93580) Indication added 7568(7568) --> DrugBank --> Infection caused by staphylococci (93581) Indication added 7568(7568) --> DrugBank --> Severe Staphylococcal infection (93582) Indication added 7576(7576) --> DrugBank --> Acute Renal Failure (ARF) (93747) Indication added 7576(7576) --> DrugBank --> Edema of the cerebrum (93621) Indication added 7576(7576) --> DrugBank --> Increased intraocular pressure (93748) Indication added -28(-28) --> DrugBank --> Coughing (95186) Indication added -28(-28) --> DrugBank --> Orofacial Pain (95290) Indication added -28(-28) --> DrugBank --> Throat Pain (94191) Indication added -28(-28) --> DrugBank --> Mild Pain (94117) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Acid-Base Imbalance (95494) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Acidosis (15841) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Dehydration (16584) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Diarrhea (93527) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Drug Poisoning (95495) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Electrolyte imbalance (18402) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Hypophosphatemia (95496) Indication added 7469(7469) --> DrugBank --> Minor burns (94234) Indication already there - updated type and reference 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Ascites (16586) Indication already there - updated type and reference 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) (94129) Indication already there - updated type and reference 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Edema (94130) Indication already there - updated type and reference 970(970) --> DrugBank --> Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion (17510) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (93622) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Osteolytic lesion (18040) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Paget''s Disease (95142) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2658(2658) --> DrugBank --> Osteolytic Bone metastases (95143) Indication already there - updated type and reference 2383(2383) --> DrugBank --> Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias (ALL) (93687)